The Dec 27 Nuke Story
Observer | 22.12.2004 10:24 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
December 27 ... Expect "something big" - This is it, folks.
{ The following reproduces information received in the Godlike Productions open discussion forum - - see also The Truth Seeker - - independent news site }
{ The following reproduces information received in the Godlike Productions open discussion forum -
>> data begins
From a former Bundesnachrichtendienst member
Anyone else able to pick up CIA and other US government "chatter". I can, and I have.
December 27 is the day that´s freaking out the minions at the alphabet agencies (but not the controllers at the good ol´ al-CIAda network).
It sounds as if it´ll make 911 look like rather a fun day. How do I know?
I´m a former employee for the German foreign intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst.
There are still large number of mission-critical US bases in this country. I know what they have for breakfast each morning, even the colour of their underwear.
How do the CIA tap into "al Qaeda" chatter? They use the same methodology I employ.
I can also tell you that the US military expect to lose the war against the resistance movements in Iraq. I also know about Iran´s contingency plans for a surprise American or Israeli attack.
President Bush is deliberately destroying your military.
Much of the chatter speaks about nuclear detonations in your country and attacks on shipping.
I also know that the Americans are *hoping* proactively for a "terrorist" attack in Europe (especially Germany) to get European sentiment behind the Bush policy.
However, it won´t work as many journalists (and the BND) are aware of the CIA and some Mossad people who were behind the bombings in Madrid.
If the CIA goes ahead with this plan, they will be found out and the rage against America will intensify. It would mean the end of diplomatic relations between my country and yours.
Thank you for your many comments, some of which are extremely intelligent with good observations and others which are quite funny.
I must drive to meet some people in Frankfurt today and meet with a friend who still works at the American Consulate in the Siesmayerstrasse. (I was once a very good friend of Douglas Kramer, a Clinton appointee who was Vice Consul in 1997.)
I will get back to you later today and add some more about the CIA plans for Europe.
It is very important that readers, whether they are ordinary American citizens or members of the US intelligence services, realize that it would be extremely foolhardy to plan staged "terrorist" attacks against European centres of population.
Yes, there is of course a lot of collaboration between the British and American services that gives rise to concern.
Firstly, it is important to draw a distinction between the ordinary and dedicated employees of the agencies at the lower and middle levels, and those in senior positions who are not really interested in national security, but long-term power politics.
The British invest heavily in power politics because they have an agenda that cannot be supported by their military. Instead, they use the American military to achieve these goals.
In fact, if the truth was known, many Americans would be horrified to learn that the American military serves the interests of the British and Israelis first and American interests last.
Tony Blair is not really a prime minister in the democratic sense. He is a rubber-stamped (by the people) Crown place-man who is really the prime minister of the City of London, which is the centre of the Anglo-Saxon financial and political empire.
I don´t think the German people would tolerate a desire to take back former colonies as we are very opposed to such discredited imperial politics. You must also remember that Germans are mostly pacifists, having suffered two horrendous wars that were organized by their enemies in London.
This is one reason why your President is so unpopular in Germany. He reminds a lot of people of Adolph Hitler.
Dml, I´m not familiar with the prophet of whom you speak but I have read about other prophecies made many years ago that have come to nothing.
At the moment in Germany we have severe economic problems and this is likely to last for some years to come. In fact, there is so little money in the public purse that the government is thinking of abolishing compulsory military service (young people may also opt for civil service if they are pacifists).
We have a very small standing army and cuts are to be made here too. There are also constitutional factors which would prevent an aggressive foreign policy. No political party that I know of (not even the far right) supports the idea of imperialism. People are too concerned with unemployment and cuts in social spending.
Yes, the cities that are mentioned most as sites for nuclear detonation are Houston, Dallas and Atlanta. In Europe, we have computed multiple references to Frankfurt, Paris, Munich and Berlin (Frankfurt is at the top of the CIA/Mossad "hit list").
A lot of this chatter can be accessed by intercepting the Echelon system, the raw information output of which is processed by the NSA in America and the Royal Signals in Britain (as a sidepoint, the Echelon system is no longer reliable or efficient because it doesn´t use intelligent algorithms).
What I rely on is good old-fashioned telephony interception, but on a software platform that unencrypts communications between the various US military installations and CIA stations dotted around Europe. Also, the best intelligence you have is another long-forgotten system called "human contact"! Yes, taking briefings from the intelligence community direct (on an informal off-duty basis, of course).
The Israelis are very good at selling software-based intelligence systems but I have never had much faith in their objectivity (on the human side). The Russians are progressing rapidly in this area and many agency people I know are extremely impressed with their communication robots (they are like software vacuum cleaners that suck up information from electronic communications, but are in Russia much more advanced than the "dumb" Echelon system. Echelon produces too many false positives).
These are interesting questions. If I only have time to answer one before I travel to Frankfurt, I shall try to address the others when I return.
To 9-11. I personally (and many within the German intelligence services) believe that 9-11 was an internal operation planned and executed by an extreme pro-Israel faction within the American government and intelligence services. The technicalities evident in both planning, timing and precision flying point to the use of technologies not available to so-called terrorist groups.
We believe that the relationship between the so-called al-Qaeda group (really the Muslim Brotherhood which is financed by the British) and the Israeli intelligence services is very complicated, but there is an alliance of convenience. We ran a personality profile on some of the alleged hijackers, analyzed handwriting and applied linguistic methodologies, and thus believe that Atta was a Mossad asset.
There is also an enabling aspect on the part of the Pakistani intelligence services, which is a clone of the CIA. Yesterday Musharraf told your media that he had done everything possible to destroy the Taliban enclave in the border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is a lie. Neither the Americans nor the Pakistanis have any intention of breaking the Afghan rebel forces, as they will need them to become more extreme and regain the coüntry at a future date.
I think it would be very interesting to see Osama bin Laden and Mr. Wolfowitz in a room together privately, for I am sure they would kiss each other on the cheeks as brothers under the skin with roughly the same general project, though sharply divergent goals.
I have often heard my American friends remark with surprise that Germans are not "controlled", as they thought.
By NWO I think you are referring to the "new world order" system Bush Senior spoke of during the first Gulf War.
Firstly: in Germany it is illegal for government agencies to share information about citizens they deal with on an ordinary basis. There is no central computer that links all of the various departments. (It is a different matter if you are seen as a threat to the constitution, and that matter is dealt with by your local state and not by the federal authorities.)
As yet we do not have a biometric ID system, although that may happen in the future following approval from the European Parliament. This has been forced on us by the American government. Nobody in Germany is enthusiastic about this development, but if you travel to America regularly, you will not get entry permission after October 2005 without biometric data in your passport.
I have not heard about Satan appearing on any ID card. You can however see such things by folding various international paper currency in a certain way, so I think it has more to do with imagined demons than any deliberate symbolism.
If there is a continuing move to a world order of concentrated power, then this would rely first on the destruction of the American people and the American system of government. This is already happening in the United States and the biggest culprits are to be found in the American government itself.
It seems that a grouping of international corporate entities and financial institutions have decided that America at this late stage is only good for projecting military force, and so it will use up American resources to advance its own agenda until there is not much left of American power and credibility.
At the geopolitical level there are only two main beneficiaries: Israel and the City of London (Israel will then be destroyed by the CoL and international corporate power groups). At the financial-imperial level, the major corporations and institutions involved in the bleeding away of American military power have little to lose, since all of them have sufficient assets outside of US territories and would survive the collapse of the United States as a global power.
So if this is what you mean by a world order, then you are correct. It will not be a global system of control connived by nation states, but rather by corporate and financial entities (who already enjoy enormous power and influence at all levels in all countries).
I shall have to answer other questions when I return later today.
Paul Wolfowitz will authorize the detonation of a nuclear payload in the Houston area on December 27, 2004. The Hidden Hand network (Mossad/al-Qaeda/SAS) of which he is the nominal controller has verified in advance every aspect of operational integrity - a failsafe job with zero chance of discovery.
Houston has been primed for months via deliberate mismanagement, incompetence, corruption and embezzlement at its FEMA-independent Emergency Center. The police and fire services have been deliberately and systematically sabotaged and thrown into administrative chaos so as to ensure maximum fatalities in the aftermath of the detonation. However, the existence of the center will provide the Bush administration with a "we did everything we could" excuse.
We believe the Hidden Hand envisages the following scenario:
1. Detonation on Dec 27 (could be delayed, but all our intercepts point to this date)
2. The State Department blames "al-Qaeda", whose leaders are allegedly hiding in Iran
3. Iran (truthfully) denies giving refuge to said leaders
4. Bush issues Iran with a cowboy-style deadline for delivery of alleged leaders
5. Iran fails to comply because it cannot
6. UN convenes in emergency session - no agreement (Watch Ariel Sharon quietly flee to his private estate in Greece)
7. Other foreign intelligence agencies dispute the State Department version
8. Happily for Wolfowitz, Osama bin Laden releases a videotape claiming responsibility, warning America not to attack his "brave warriors" in Iran
9. American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases
We know that the Wolfowitz network has concealed a remote-controlled nuclear payload in the Houston area. None of our intercepts give us exact coordinates. We have also heard the same code system used in regard to Atlanta and Dallas, although not with the same frequency. We believe that Mara Salvatruchas, the CIA-run Salvadora syndicate, is peripherally involved with the Wolfowitz network in protecting and running cover for a rogue ex-SAS British assassin who is perhaps the world´s leading logistics and reconnaissance expert.
Last known as either Frank Riley or Terence Lawley, we believe that he was responsible for the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen on June 29. Mullen was approached by a Hidden Hand contact man posing as a CIA agent at the behest of Wolfowitz on February 12, 2003, and was asked to provide the "CIA" with an hypothetical schematic of a remote-controlled, trunk-sized nuclear device with a payload "several times greater than ´Fat Man´" (in the interests of nationally security). Mullen was told that the hypothetical impact area would be "a city the size of Houston". Mullen complied with this request but grew suspicious toward the end of 2003 and abruptly ended his cooperation.
At the beginning of June, Mr. Mullen decided to contact the staff of former National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, with a view to discussing his CIA work with him. At the time Berger was too busy too see him immediately owing to his work as foreign policy adviser to John Kerry. We believe that this is what sealed the fate of Mr. Mullen, as Sandy Berger does indeed have informal links to the Wolfowitz network and it is conceivable that Berger warned Hidden Hand. Incidentally, three weeks later Berger was charged by the FBI with the theft of critical documents from the National Archive relating to evidence that he had helped Wolfowitz facilitate the 9-11 attacks.
Wolfowitz is also running a Mossad agent in the Houston area called Avner Meir, whose present status is unknown, but we believe he is currently holding a visitor´s visa. His job is to facilitate the smuggling of Muslims (any Muslims will do) across the Mexican border and provide them with accommodation and distress funds under the auspices of a fake charitable organization. We suspect that Meir, also a master forger, will provide the unwitting Muslims with forged US passports and driving licenses, plenty of Muslim literature, commendations and enough money to be "seen and remembered".
This was the basis of my discussions with American diplomatic personnel in Frankfurt yesterday, both of whom have been locked in secret discussions with the German government over, among many other things, their application for political refugee status in the event of making this known to the media.
The far side of the CIA and Mossad have been ordered to drop any plans they may have had for bombing the financial district of Frankfurt, including the European Central Bank. The Wolfowitz Network has decided that the Houston detonation must take priority over everything else.
All of our intercepts, field information and disclosures from former (and not so former!) US diplomatic personnel, tell us that the American people are being set up for another, but even more devastating, 9-11 tragedy in which a tiny group of people will gain enormously at the expense of the rest of the world.
Please allow me to clarify something important. When the Bundesnachrichtendienst seeks to warn other nations about possible covert activity, it is standard procedure to transmit this information only to its opposite number. In the United States this is the CIA, which is then mandated to relay that intelligence to the government. The BND performed this function twice in 2001 prior to the 9-11 attacks, warning very explicitly with detailed information about exactly (and I mean "exactly") what the Wolfowitz network was doing. Twice, the BND was ignored.
Although we are former BND operatives and analysts (plus my technical partner), who also work internationally in conjunction with "The Library", we would still be expected to follow standard procedure. However, we no longer trust the CIA establishment as an impartial mediator of critical information. Nor do we have much faith in the Bush executive, from within which the Wolfowitz network of the Hidden Hand was spawned.
We therefore made an unprecedented decision to communicate these findings directly to the FBI. To date, we have seen no indication that any action has been taken, which is disheartening to say the least, if only because we may very well see history repeating itself.
The sad truth is that almost every major state-based intelligence organization is heavily compromised in the performance of its duties. As a Canadian operative ("John Doe") himself testified earlier in this discussion, even the BND is subject to arbitrary, politically inspired stand-down orders when it comes to breaking up Mossad subversion of sovereign nations. We know that American public service agencies (and to a lesser degree the British intelligence community) have been infiltrated top to bottom with Mossad and Hidden Hand assets and sympathizers, and that the American media deliberately fails to report this type of subversion.
Why is that? We know that newspaper and media owners themselves are already wealthy and well-disposed toward the Hidden Hand. Well, you need to ask yourselves about the vast sums of cash siphoned off from defense procurement contracts in various budgets that are not properly audited by your Congress, such that said sums of money are given the designation "slush and hush" funds, managed by unaccountable financiers in the City of London. Editors and journalists often enjoy a lifestyle far in excess of their normal salary - just for turning a blind eye.
Please allow me to dispel a few myths. The internal and external communications of CIA stations and military installations in Germany are not only insecure, they are laughably easy to crack.
I think many Americans go to see Hollywood films and come away with the impression that these people have all this whiz-bang technology and gadgets. So it would come as a shock to you to learn that many are still equipped with old Windows 95 machines :-). And they shouldn´t be using Windows at all, even the latest rubbish.
Up until recently, US military bases in Germany all used Compaq A900 printer/fax combos (yes, in the age of the internet!). These were all supplied by a bulk retailer in Germany. We rewired every Compaq A900 printer/fax before the bulk supplier shipped them. We knew that the machines were never swept for bugs, and even if they were they would never have registered any. For almost eight years nothing written on those machines escaped our attention!
Here´s the oldest info-leak in the book: wives and girlfriends. While agents and senior military personnel use encrypted communications (landlines and mobile/satellite), girlfriends and wives often use a standard E-plus, 02, D1 and D2 Telekom handy. (And don´t forget: Mr Bush will not pay the expense of encrypting the mobile of a mistress/whore.)
Now, in my time we were all forbidden from telling our wives or girlfriends about any aspect of our work. What we discovered over the years is that American personnel just cannot stop talking about how they are saving (or ruining) the world. Superheroes. Every detail. And how wives and girlfriends then tell their best friends about their charming "secret agent" American lovers!
It´s easy to set up a CIA agent with a new "girlfriend". They just can´t say no, married or not, especially in cold cities such as Munich or Berlin during the winter months.
Here´s another myth: you cannot hack bluetooth from a distance of more than 40 metres. Not true. My technical partner Felix can crack it at over half a kilometre. Which is why he enjoys driving around so much in areas where we know British, American, Israeli or Russian ops are living or working. The great thing about many German cities is that most affordable residences are within metres of the street anyway.
Myth: the standard for wireless encryption is difficult to unencrypt. Reality: It´s child´s play.
Myth: only resourced intelligence agencies can run complex e-mail scanning bots and web bots with advanced pattern-recognition algorithms. Reality: The basic software technology is ubiquitous and deployment costs are minimal. The trick lies in the quality of human linguistic knowledge, so it´s always a good idea to have an excellent university on hand with plenty of native language professors and students. The software is only as good as the human brains behind it. (No offence to people on this forum, but the quality of education in America does not look good for your future intelligence capabilities.)
Israel develops good web bots (check the Mossad relationship to Google and you´ll never use it again) but the best linguists are the French. After 9-11, both the French and German governments offered to help the CIA and FBI with their poor quality of foreign language skills and services. Once again, America turned down that offer.
The British and Israelis are the world´s best actors. MI6 gets a lot of young people who would otherwise make excellent stage or film actors. (I was stationed in England for a number of years, so I know from experience.) MI6 is first-class in establishing paper companies (fake fronts) ... But the BND excels at burning them to the ground :-) Politely, of course.
It´s now 01.10 CET and I´m ready to sleep. I shall post again with some more information at around 22.00 hrs CET.
German guy
12/18/2004 3:20 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks
My apologies for posting to you much later than anticipated. We have had a very busy schedule over the last twelve hours, negotiating with a possible spokesman to present our findings on ZDF, which is Germany´s second largest television public service channel. Naturally, we cannot ourselves make a public appearance, for that is the name of the game when you commit your life to serving to protect democracy from criminal elements, no matter how powerful and wealthy those criminals may be.
I also hear that my old boss at the BND is not very happy, as he has been bombarded by questions from the outside; and junior staff at the Außenministerium (German Foreign Ministry) are running around in a panic. The truth hurts sometimes. But what can I do about it?
I shall only post sporadically this evening and tomorrow evening because Felix is working on the Japanese media at the moment and I need him to check my Ps and Qs, as the British say. Although I have already posted some of the most important questions to be investigated by your FBI and Congress - and this should be done immediately so that the Wolfowitz network is apprehended before December 27 - there are still a number of less urgent but equally important questions and matters that deserve our attention, such as the relationship between Mr Cheney and his Energy Commission and the Nuclear Weapons Council.
Here, there are not only some interesting tie-ins to the terrorist actions of Mr Wolfowitz (who was primarily responsible for the murder of 2,000 people on September 11, 2001), but also a number of pointers as to the largesse afforded to key multinational corporations that are actively working to destroy America economically, making that country nothing more than a heavily militarised Spartan nation that serves only to produce vast numbers of servile warriors for the Israel and the Hidden Hand.
It is 21.22 CET. I shall post again shortly.
12/18/2004 10:55 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks
I would now very much like to provide you with some information about "The Library", and this I shall do more extensively in an another post at a happier time.
However, for those of you who have struggled for years to understand and disseminate the truth, from the origins of the First World War to Pearl Harbour, from the Hidden Hand assassination of President Kennedy to that of Dr David Kelly, from the deliberate bankrupting of western industrial nations to the attacks of September 11, let me assure you that you have an ally in "The Library" and that your long years of anguish and confusion are almost over.
If one thing is guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of those who belong to the Hidden Hand and the Wolfowitz Network, whose globalist nightmare they wish to impose on all of us, it is the mention of "The Library". It may come as a huge surprise to many ordinary citizens to learn that intelligence services the world over unknowingly and unwittingly employ men and women of good character who care about the truth and who envisage a world free of the Hidden Hand that cares only for its own material wealth, power, pleasures and survival.
"The Library" is both an informal, non-hierarchical fraternity of currently employed, retired, disillusioned and "officially deceased" operatives, analysts and technicians and a very real, hidden and secured repository of classified and "destroyed" inside information that tells the true history of the last 100 years. The eldest member of "The Library" is 85 years old; the youngest is 24.
Many who are retired from active service, such as myself in Germany, continue to work the intelligence world in a strictly unpaid, anonymous and private fashion. Others, such as my younger friend and technical partner "Felix", who is still a quasi-employee of the BND, work both sides of the fence, seeing through the good work of recording every misdeed, every suppression of the truth, every lie, every deceit, every detail that is deserving of a place in "The Library". Felix is joined in numbers by his counterparts in the CIA, FBI, MI6, Mossad, Shin Bet, NSA, US Naval Intelligence, DGSE, FSB, DIA, ASIS, CNI, DST, ADIV, CSIS, CESID, PSIA, DISI and many more. All nationalities, all cultures, all faiths.
We shall always remain anonymous, the shadow watching the shadow. Sometimes we leak "classified" information at critical moments (and we all know and accept the risks involved), and at other moments we work stealthily behind the scenes to apply pressure where we feel such pressure can help avert major crimes against humanity, gently correcting the course pursued by the madmen who rule this world. It is not our intention to make a big noise or grab the limelight, for that is the path of power politics and the glamour of the all-consuming ego. Instead, we practise diligence, patience and careful strategic thinking.
We all have children or grandchildren, or wish to live long enough to bring them into a world of free and independent nation states, each sovereign and inviolable in its own right. The information I have provided you in the course of my communications is but nothing in comparison with what "The Library" holds; and I hope we live long enough to open the door and let the reader hold an open book on the truth he has been denied.
Yet the clock is ticking and time is no longer on our side. They are devising new ways to track us and stamp us with their identifying tags, so that none may live in this world free from their constant gaze. There will be no place to hide from their evil eye.
The next seven days potentially represent the most dangerous since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. We have followed the progress made by Mr Wolfowitz and his ilk in their long march through the institutions. We observed how he planned and authorised the 9-11 attacks on the American people and the world, and we warned but were thwarted in all our attempts to stop this horrific crime. Now he has set his sights on destroying another American city, this time with nuclear weaponry, to purchase with the blood of innocent Americans yet another fake war waged in the name of corporate global control and at the dictates of the nefarious Hidden Hand.
In the days that we have left to us, we shall continue to scrutinise every intercept and question all-comers, whether diplomatic and intelligence staff here in Germany or others sympathetic to "The Library" elsewhere. We shall do our part. I ask only that you do yours.
It is 04.57 CET, and I am very tired.
12/19/2004 12:20 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks
This is my last message to you. If anyone posts anything on this forum or elsewhere under the mantle "German guy", please be advised that it does not come from me or any of my colleagues. As stated before, the moderators of this site are quite welcome to verify our IP address location and check the ISP registry to be confirmed in the knowledge that our ISP does not under any circumstances release any of their IPs to proxy servers.
Things are happening, and they are happening very quickly. Many of you wouldn´t know it by reading your newspapers and watching the television news, but the world came closer to nuclear destruction this year than at any time since 1962, and the level of danger remains so high that a single ill-advised word is all that it would take to bring everything we know and love to a sudden end. This is not a message anyone wants to hear, particularly at this time of year, but I am not here to play party games and send out fancy little presents that look good and taste delicious. You are perhaps of no mind to hear the "fear-mongers" or the "prophets of doom" because, after all, you have a choice and it´s easier to pick up the only remote-control with which they trust you and switch over to a different version of reality that has all the assurances of a superficial soap opera with a predictably cosy storyline.
I have also had a chance to review some of the messages submitted by certain others in this forum, and my wife has examined some of the fallout elsewhere on the internet, most of which is positive and having a dramatic effect in places where tough decisions will have to be made by those who respect and enforce just and equitable law. There are many who still just don´t "get it" because the facts I have presented do not sing the same song as their own deeply ingrained belief systems. They say we represent a sophisticated disinformation campaign or have a partisan geopolitical partisan. Yet everything I have said correlates exactly with the truth, if only you will look.
Many of you are aware of forces at work in your societies that are now way beyond the democratic controls you and even your own governments once enjoyed. You know these entities by different names and ascribe to them fantastical powers that are so omnipotent you feel exhausted, defeated, resigned and paralyzed with an overriding sense of helplessness. Though you who come to such sites as this (and who have turned your backs on the corporate and government-controlled media) already have a head start on your fellows who believe everything handed down to them from above, you still entertain notions that have been deliberately planted in your minds so that by night, and in your dreams, the reds are at war with the blues, evil is good and good is evil and one God is stronger than another God because he told you so in your own language and you have neither the time nor the curiosity to interpret ancient scripture with the wisdom with which you are all endowed, if only you would use it and stop listening to lies.
As I have stated before, there are at the moment only a few significant power centres that are worthy of your urgent attention: the Wolfowitz Network, the Hidden Hand, the City of London and a powerful elite of anti-Jewish fanatics who only pretend to be Jews and are protected twenty-four hours around the clock by an elite within Mossad and a vast army of other "Israeli" front groups. Sometimes they do indeed compete within and among themselves for the highest rewards and honours, and such internal competition can also take on a ruthless and non-fraternal face. However, they are generally united in terms of the world they envisage for you and me - and believe me when I tell you that you do not want to go there.
You are not powerless. You can bring their games to an end overnight without one shot being fired. How do I know this? After many long years of service for the Bundesnachrichtendienst - a record of employment that took me around the world and placed me on several occasions deep within the belly of the beast - I can honestly tell you that these people are yet still vulnerable and are prone to costly, self-damaging mistakes. In the questions to the FBI below (and further text with English spelling corrections), which I urgently re-post in the hope that Wolfowitz is publicly forced to answer every single charge before it is too late, I have outlined just a few examples of the way in which these people expose themselves to investigation and prosecution. Yes, it helps when you have the right tools with which to intercept communications, but you can often get the same results by remaining aware, attentive and absolutely focused - and then driving home the kill with dedicated persistence.
There are some reading these words who know exactly what needs to be done, and yet discouragement is still the friend of those who care too much for their careers and personal comforts. You are perhaps a Librarian and know what it´s like to read in the dark: remember the assurances and our pledge of assistance. If you are not, but have already received our communications, then you will know that we shall stand by you in your hour of need.
How many more people must die in America and the Middle East? Fifty thousand? Half a million? Six million? The choice is yours.
Seize the day
It is CET and my work here is at an end.
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Why has the FBI failed to investigate the role played by Mr Wolfowitz in illegally helping Kamran Akhtar (a.k.a. Kamran Shaikh) with cover and technical support immediately after the CIA-backed Mara Salvatruchas had brought him safely across the Mexican border and shortly before the arrest of Akhtar by Charlotte City police on July 20?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz ask Avner Meir to provide Kamran Akhtar with video equipment and explicit instructions to film public buildings and vital civilian infrastructure in Houston, Atlanta and Dallas?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz order the assassination of an undercover CIA operative, Kamel Derwish, who had worked so faithfully for him by recruiting and importing Mossad-trained al-Qaeda agents under the codename "Operation Haeremai"? Was it because Kamel Derwish was under investigation by dedicated FBI agents and thus exposed Wolfowitz to charges of treason and material conspiracy in planning acts of terrorism against the American people?
Why has Mr Wolfowitz provided Mossad super-spy Rafi Eytan with a free pass into the United States, despite a long-standing prohibition?
Why does Rafi Eytan regularly send Mr Wolfowitz highly irreverent childlike poems written in the Hebrew language and interlaced with Kabbalistic references in alternating 3-7-3 and 12-4-12 sequences? Why does Rafi Eytan periodically phone Mr Wolfowitz at his private residence and speak to him in the voice of a little girl?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz authorise a 120,000 dollar transfer to Frank Riley (also known as Terence Lawley) via the CIA-backed Mara Salvatruchas syndicate on April 14, 2004?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz pressure John Ashcroft to order an FBI closure of the investigation of the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen, who, as we already know, had been briefed by a network contact man to provide an hypothetical schematic of a remote-controlled nuclear device to be detonated in an "hypothetical" city "the size of Houston"?
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Paul Wolfowitz will authorise the detonation of a nuclear payload in the Houston area on December 27, 2004. The Hidden Hand network (Mossad/al-Qaeda/SAS) of which he is the nominal controller has verified in advance every aspect of operational integrity - a failsafe job with zero chance of discovery.
Houston has been primed for months via deliberate mismanagement, incompetence, corruption and embezzlement at its FEMA-independent Emergency Center. The police and fire services have been deliberately and systematically sabotaged and thrown into administrative chaos so as to ensure maximum fatalities in the aftermath of the detonation. However, the existence of the center will provide the Bush administration with a "we did everything we could" excuse.
We believe the Hidden Hand envisages the following scenario:
1. Detonation on Dec 27 (could be delayed, but all our intercepts point to this date)
2. The State Department blames "al-Qaeda", whose leaders are allegedly hiding in Iran
3. Iran (truthfully) denies giving refuge to said leaders
4. Bush issues Iran with a cowboy-style deadline for delivery of alleged leaders
5. Iran fails to comply because it cannot
6. UN convenes in emergency session - no agreement (Watch Ariel Sharon quietly flee to his private estate in Greece)
7. Other foreign intelligence agencies dispute the State Department version
8. Right on cue, Osama bin Laden releases a videotape claiming responsibility, warning America not to attack his "brave warriors" in Iran
9. American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases
We know that the Wolfowitz network has concealed a remote-controlled nuclear payload in the Houston area. None of our intercepts give us exact coordinates. We have also heard the same code system used in regard to Atlanta and Dallas, although not with the same frequency. We believe that Mara Salvatruchas, the CIA-run Salvadora syndicate, is peripherally involved with the Wolfowitz network in protecting and running cover for a rogue ex-SAS British assassin who is perhaps the world´s leading logistics and reconnaisance expert.
Last known as either Frank Riley or Terence Lawley, we believe that he was responsible for the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen on June 29. Mullen was approached by a Hidden Hand contact man posing as a CIA agent at the behest of Wolfowitz on February 12, 2003, and was asked to provide the "CIA" with an hypothetical schematic of a remote-controlled, trunk-sized nuclear device with a payload "several times greater than ´Fat Man´" (in the interests of national security). Mullen was told that the hypothetical impact area would be "a city the size of Houston". Mullen complied with this request but grew suspicious toward the end of 2003 and abruptly ended his cooperation.
At the beginning of June, Mr Mullen decided to contact the staff of former National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, with a view to discussing his CIA work with him. At the time Berger was too busy too see him immediately owing to his work as foreign policy adviser to John Kerry. We believe that this is what sealed the fate of Mr Mullen, as Sandy Berger does indeed have informal links to the Wolfowitz network and it is conceivable that Berger warned Hidden Hand. Incidentally, three weeks later Berger was charged by the FBI with the theft of critical documents from the National Archive relating to evidence that he had helped Wolfowitz facilitate the 9-11 attacks.
Wolfowitz is also running a Mossad agent in the Houston area called Avner Meir, whose present status is unknown, but we believe he is currently holding a visitor´s visa. His job is to facilitate the smuggling of Muslims (any Muslims will do) across the Mexican border and provide them with accommodation and distress funds under the auspices of a fake charitable organisation. We suspect that Meir, also a master forger, will provide the unwitting Muslims with forged US passports and driving licences, plenty of Muslim literature, commendations and enough money to be "seen and remembered".
This was the basis of my discussions with American diplomatic personnel in Frankfurt yesterday, both of whom have been locked in secret discussions with the German government over, among many other things, their application for political refugee status in the event of making this known to the media.
The far side of the CIA and Mossad have been ordered to drop any plans they may have had for bombing the financial district of Frankfurt, including the European Central Bank. The Wolfowitz Network has decided that the Houston detonation must take priority over everything else.
All of our intercepts, field information and disclosures from former (and not so former!) US diplomatic personnel, tell us that the American people are being set up for another, but even more devastating, 9-11 tragedy in which a tiny group of people will gain enormously at the expense of the rest of the world.
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<< data ends
see also The Truth Seeker - - independent news site
From a former Bundesnachrichtendienst member
Anyone else able to pick up CIA and other US government "chatter". I can, and I have.
December 27 is the day that´s freaking out the minions at the alphabet agencies (but not the controllers at the good ol´ al-CIAda network).
It sounds as if it´ll make 911 look like rather a fun day. How do I know?
I´m a former employee for the German foreign intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst.
There are still large number of mission-critical US bases in this country. I know what they have for breakfast each morning, even the colour of their underwear.
How do the CIA tap into "al Qaeda" chatter? They use the same methodology I employ.
I can also tell you that the US military expect to lose the war against the resistance movements in Iraq. I also know about Iran´s contingency plans for a surprise American or Israeli attack.
President Bush is deliberately destroying your military.
Much of the chatter speaks about nuclear detonations in your country and attacks on shipping.
I also know that the Americans are *hoping* proactively for a "terrorist" attack in Europe (especially Germany) to get European sentiment behind the Bush policy.
However, it won´t work as many journalists (and the BND) are aware of the CIA and some Mossad people who were behind the bombings in Madrid.
If the CIA goes ahead with this plan, they will be found out and the rage against America will intensify. It would mean the end of diplomatic relations between my country and yours.
Thank you for your many comments, some of which are extremely intelligent with good observations and others which are quite funny.
I must drive to meet some people in Frankfurt today and meet with a friend who still works at the American Consulate in the Siesmayerstrasse. (I was once a very good friend of Douglas Kramer, a Clinton appointee who was Vice Consul in 1997.)
I will get back to you later today and add some more about the CIA plans for Europe.
It is very important that readers, whether they are ordinary American citizens or members of the US intelligence services, realize that it would be extremely foolhardy to plan staged "terrorist" attacks against European centres of population.
Yes, there is of course a lot of collaboration between the British and American services that gives rise to concern.
Firstly, it is important to draw a distinction between the ordinary and dedicated employees of the agencies at the lower and middle levels, and those in senior positions who are not really interested in national security, but long-term power politics.
The British invest heavily in power politics because they have an agenda that cannot be supported by their military. Instead, they use the American military to achieve these goals.
In fact, if the truth was known, many Americans would be horrified to learn that the American military serves the interests of the British and Israelis first and American interests last.
Tony Blair is not really a prime minister in the democratic sense. He is a rubber-stamped (by the people) Crown place-man who is really the prime minister of the City of London, which is the centre of the Anglo-Saxon financial and political empire.
I don´t think the German people would tolerate a desire to take back former colonies as we are very opposed to such discredited imperial politics. You must also remember that Germans are mostly pacifists, having suffered two horrendous wars that were organized by their enemies in London.
This is one reason why your President is so unpopular in Germany. He reminds a lot of people of Adolph Hitler.
Dml, I´m not familiar with the prophet of whom you speak but I have read about other prophecies made many years ago that have come to nothing.
At the moment in Germany we have severe economic problems and this is likely to last for some years to come. In fact, there is so little money in the public purse that the government is thinking of abolishing compulsory military service (young people may also opt for civil service if they are pacifists).
We have a very small standing army and cuts are to be made here too. There are also constitutional factors which would prevent an aggressive foreign policy. No political party that I know of (not even the far right) supports the idea of imperialism. People are too concerned with unemployment and cuts in social spending.
Yes, the cities that are mentioned most as sites for nuclear detonation are Houston, Dallas and Atlanta. In Europe, we have computed multiple references to Frankfurt, Paris, Munich and Berlin (Frankfurt is at the top of the CIA/Mossad "hit list").
A lot of this chatter can be accessed by intercepting the Echelon system, the raw information output of which is processed by the NSA in America and the Royal Signals in Britain (as a sidepoint, the Echelon system is no longer reliable or efficient because it doesn´t use intelligent algorithms).
What I rely on is good old-fashioned telephony interception, but on a software platform that unencrypts communications between the various US military installations and CIA stations dotted around Europe. Also, the best intelligence you have is another long-forgotten system called "human contact"! Yes, taking briefings from the intelligence community direct (on an informal off-duty basis, of course).
The Israelis are very good at selling software-based intelligence systems but I have never had much faith in their objectivity (on the human side). The Russians are progressing rapidly in this area and many agency people I know are extremely impressed with their communication robots (they are like software vacuum cleaners that suck up information from electronic communications, but are in Russia much more advanced than the "dumb" Echelon system. Echelon produces too many false positives).
These are interesting questions. If I only have time to answer one before I travel to Frankfurt, I shall try to address the others when I return.
To 9-11. I personally (and many within the German intelligence services) believe that 9-11 was an internal operation planned and executed by an extreme pro-Israel faction within the American government and intelligence services. The technicalities evident in both planning, timing and precision flying point to the use of technologies not available to so-called terrorist groups.
We believe that the relationship between the so-called al-Qaeda group (really the Muslim Brotherhood which is financed by the British) and the Israeli intelligence services is very complicated, but there is an alliance of convenience. We ran a personality profile on some of the alleged hijackers, analyzed handwriting and applied linguistic methodologies, and thus believe that Atta was a Mossad asset.
There is also an enabling aspect on the part of the Pakistani intelligence services, which is a clone of the CIA. Yesterday Musharraf told your media that he had done everything possible to destroy the Taliban enclave in the border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is a lie. Neither the Americans nor the Pakistanis have any intention of breaking the Afghan rebel forces, as they will need them to become more extreme and regain the coüntry at a future date.
I think it would be very interesting to see Osama bin Laden and Mr. Wolfowitz in a room together privately, for I am sure they would kiss each other on the cheeks as brothers under the skin with roughly the same general project, though sharply divergent goals.
I have often heard my American friends remark with surprise that Germans are not "controlled", as they thought.
By NWO I think you are referring to the "new world order" system Bush Senior spoke of during the first Gulf War.
Firstly: in Germany it is illegal for government agencies to share information about citizens they deal with on an ordinary basis. There is no central computer that links all of the various departments. (It is a different matter if you are seen as a threat to the constitution, and that matter is dealt with by your local state and not by the federal authorities.)
As yet we do not have a biometric ID system, although that may happen in the future following approval from the European Parliament. This has been forced on us by the American government. Nobody in Germany is enthusiastic about this development, but if you travel to America regularly, you will not get entry permission after October 2005 without biometric data in your passport.
I have not heard about Satan appearing on any ID card. You can however see such things by folding various international paper currency in a certain way, so I think it has more to do with imagined demons than any deliberate symbolism.
If there is a continuing move to a world order of concentrated power, then this would rely first on the destruction of the American people and the American system of government. This is already happening in the United States and the biggest culprits are to be found in the American government itself.
It seems that a grouping of international corporate entities and financial institutions have decided that America at this late stage is only good for projecting military force, and so it will use up American resources to advance its own agenda until there is not much left of American power and credibility.
At the geopolitical level there are only two main beneficiaries: Israel and the City of London (Israel will then be destroyed by the CoL and international corporate power groups). At the financial-imperial level, the major corporations and institutions involved in the bleeding away of American military power have little to lose, since all of them have sufficient assets outside of US territories and would survive the collapse of the United States as a global power.
So if this is what you mean by a world order, then you are correct. It will not be a global system of control connived by nation states, but rather by corporate and financial entities (who already enjoy enormous power and influence at all levels in all countries).
I shall have to answer other questions when I return later today.
Paul Wolfowitz will authorize the detonation of a nuclear payload in the Houston area on December 27, 2004. The Hidden Hand network (Mossad/al-Qaeda/SAS) of which he is the nominal controller has verified in advance every aspect of operational integrity - a failsafe job with zero chance of discovery.
Houston has been primed for months via deliberate mismanagement, incompetence, corruption and embezzlement at its FEMA-independent Emergency Center. The police and fire services have been deliberately and systematically sabotaged and thrown into administrative chaos so as to ensure maximum fatalities in the aftermath of the detonation. However, the existence of the center will provide the Bush administration with a "we did everything we could" excuse.
We believe the Hidden Hand envisages the following scenario:
1. Detonation on Dec 27 (could be delayed, but all our intercepts point to this date)
2. The State Department blames "al-Qaeda", whose leaders are allegedly hiding in Iran
3. Iran (truthfully) denies giving refuge to said leaders
4. Bush issues Iran with a cowboy-style deadline for delivery of alleged leaders
5. Iran fails to comply because it cannot
6. UN convenes in emergency session - no agreement (Watch Ariel Sharon quietly flee to his private estate in Greece)
7. Other foreign intelligence agencies dispute the State Department version
8. Happily for Wolfowitz, Osama bin Laden releases a videotape claiming responsibility, warning America not to attack his "brave warriors" in Iran
9. American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases
We know that the Wolfowitz network has concealed a remote-controlled nuclear payload in the Houston area. None of our intercepts give us exact coordinates. We have also heard the same code system used in regard to Atlanta and Dallas, although not with the same frequency. We believe that Mara Salvatruchas, the CIA-run Salvadora syndicate, is peripherally involved with the Wolfowitz network in protecting and running cover for a rogue ex-SAS British assassin who is perhaps the world´s leading logistics and reconnaissance expert.
Last known as either Frank Riley or Terence Lawley, we believe that he was responsible for the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen on June 29. Mullen was approached by a Hidden Hand contact man posing as a CIA agent at the behest of Wolfowitz on February 12, 2003, and was asked to provide the "CIA" with an hypothetical schematic of a remote-controlled, trunk-sized nuclear device with a payload "several times greater than ´Fat Man´" (in the interests of nationally security). Mullen was told that the hypothetical impact area would be "a city the size of Houston". Mullen complied with this request but grew suspicious toward the end of 2003 and abruptly ended his cooperation.
At the beginning of June, Mr. Mullen decided to contact the staff of former National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, with a view to discussing his CIA work with him. At the time Berger was too busy too see him immediately owing to his work as foreign policy adviser to John Kerry. We believe that this is what sealed the fate of Mr. Mullen, as Sandy Berger does indeed have informal links to the Wolfowitz network and it is conceivable that Berger warned Hidden Hand. Incidentally, three weeks later Berger was charged by the FBI with the theft of critical documents from the National Archive relating to evidence that he had helped Wolfowitz facilitate the 9-11 attacks.
Wolfowitz is also running a Mossad agent in the Houston area called Avner Meir, whose present status is unknown, but we believe he is currently holding a visitor´s visa. His job is to facilitate the smuggling of Muslims (any Muslims will do) across the Mexican border and provide them with accommodation and distress funds under the auspices of a fake charitable organization. We suspect that Meir, also a master forger, will provide the unwitting Muslims with forged US passports and driving licenses, plenty of Muslim literature, commendations and enough money to be "seen and remembered".
This was the basis of my discussions with American diplomatic personnel in Frankfurt yesterday, both of whom have been locked in secret discussions with the German government over, among many other things, their application for political refugee status in the event of making this known to the media.
The far side of the CIA and Mossad have been ordered to drop any plans they may have had for bombing the financial district of Frankfurt, including the European Central Bank. The Wolfowitz Network has decided that the Houston detonation must take priority over everything else.
All of our intercepts, field information and disclosures from former (and not so former!) US diplomatic personnel, tell us that the American people are being set up for another, but even more devastating, 9-11 tragedy in which a tiny group of people will gain enormously at the expense of the rest of the world.
Please allow me to clarify something important. When the Bundesnachrichtendienst seeks to warn other nations about possible covert activity, it is standard procedure to transmit this information only to its opposite number. In the United States this is the CIA, which is then mandated to relay that intelligence to the government. The BND performed this function twice in 2001 prior to the 9-11 attacks, warning very explicitly with detailed information about exactly (and I mean "exactly") what the Wolfowitz network was doing. Twice, the BND was ignored.
Although we are former BND operatives and analysts (plus my technical partner), who also work internationally in conjunction with "The Library", we would still be expected to follow standard procedure. However, we no longer trust the CIA establishment as an impartial mediator of critical information. Nor do we have much faith in the Bush executive, from within which the Wolfowitz network of the Hidden Hand was spawned.
We therefore made an unprecedented decision to communicate these findings directly to the FBI. To date, we have seen no indication that any action has been taken, which is disheartening to say the least, if only because we may very well see history repeating itself.
The sad truth is that almost every major state-based intelligence organization is heavily compromised in the performance of its duties. As a Canadian operative ("John Doe") himself testified earlier in this discussion, even the BND is subject to arbitrary, politically inspired stand-down orders when it comes to breaking up Mossad subversion of sovereign nations. We know that American public service agencies (and to a lesser degree the British intelligence community) have been infiltrated top to bottom with Mossad and Hidden Hand assets and sympathizers, and that the American media deliberately fails to report this type of subversion.
Why is that? We know that newspaper and media owners themselves are already wealthy and well-disposed toward the Hidden Hand. Well, you need to ask yourselves about the vast sums of cash siphoned off from defense procurement contracts in various budgets that are not properly audited by your Congress, such that said sums of money are given the designation "slush and hush" funds, managed by unaccountable financiers in the City of London. Editors and journalists often enjoy a lifestyle far in excess of their normal salary - just for turning a blind eye.
Please allow me to dispel a few myths. The internal and external communications of CIA stations and military installations in Germany are not only insecure, they are laughably easy to crack.
I think many Americans go to see Hollywood films and come away with the impression that these people have all this whiz-bang technology and gadgets. So it would come as a shock to you to learn that many are still equipped with old Windows 95 machines :-). And they shouldn´t be using Windows at all, even the latest rubbish.
Up until recently, US military bases in Germany all used Compaq A900 printer/fax combos (yes, in the age of the internet!). These were all supplied by a bulk retailer in Germany. We rewired every Compaq A900 printer/fax before the bulk supplier shipped them. We knew that the machines were never swept for bugs, and even if they were they would never have registered any. For almost eight years nothing written on those machines escaped our attention!
Here´s the oldest info-leak in the book: wives and girlfriends. While agents and senior military personnel use encrypted communications (landlines and mobile/satellite), girlfriends and wives often use a standard E-plus, 02, D1 and D2 Telekom handy. (And don´t forget: Mr Bush will not pay the expense of encrypting the mobile of a mistress/whore.)
Now, in my time we were all forbidden from telling our wives or girlfriends about any aspect of our work. What we discovered over the years is that American personnel just cannot stop talking about how they are saving (or ruining) the world. Superheroes. Every detail. And how wives and girlfriends then tell their best friends about their charming "secret agent" American lovers!
It´s easy to set up a CIA agent with a new "girlfriend". They just can´t say no, married or not, especially in cold cities such as Munich or Berlin during the winter months.
Here´s another myth: you cannot hack bluetooth from a distance of more than 40 metres. Not true. My technical partner Felix can crack it at over half a kilometre. Which is why he enjoys driving around so much in areas where we know British, American, Israeli or Russian ops are living or working. The great thing about many German cities is that most affordable residences are within metres of the street anyway.
Myth: the standard for wireless encryption is difficult to unencrypt. Reality: It´s child´s play.
Myth: only resourced intelligence agencies can run complex e-mail scanning bots and web bots with advanced pattern-recognition algorithms. Reality: The basic software technology is ubiquitous and deployment costs are minimal. The trick lies in the quality of human linguistic knowledge, so it´s always a good idea to have an excellent university on hand with plenty of native language professors and students. The software is only as good as the human brains behind it. (No offence to people on this forum, but the quality of education in America does not look good for your future intelligence capabilities.)
Israel develops good web bots (check the Mossad relationship to Google and you´ll never use it again) but the best linguists are the French. After 9-11, both the French and German governments offered to help the CIA and FBI with their poor quality of foreign language skills and services. Once again, America turned down that offer.
The British and Israelis are the world´s best actors. MI6 gets a lot of young people who would otherwise make excellent stage or film actors. (I was stationed in England for a number of years, so I know from experience.) MI6 is first-class in establishing paper companies (fake fronts) ... But the BND excels at burning them to the ground :-) Politely, of course.
It´s now 01.10 CET and I´m ready to sleep. I shall post again with some more information at around 22.00 hrs CET.
German guy
12/18/2004 3:20 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks
My apologies for posting to you much later than anticipated. We have had a very busy schedule over the last twelve hours, negotiating with a possible spokesman to present our findings on ZDF, which is Germany´s second largest television public service channel. Naturally, we cannot ourselves make a public appearance, for that is the name of the game when you commit your life to serving to protect democracy from criminal elements, no matter how powerful and wealthy those criminals may be.
I also hear that my old boss at the BND is not very happy, as he has been bombarded by questions from the outside; and junior staff at the Außenministerium (German Foreign Ministry) are running around in a panic. The truth hurts sometimes. But what can I do about it?
I shall only post sporadically this evening and tomorrow evening because Felix is working on the Japanese media at the moment and I need him to check my Ps and Qs, as the British say. Although I have already posted some of the most important questions to be investigated by your FBI and Congress - and this should be done immediately so that the Wolfowitz network is apprehended before December 27 - there are still a number of less urgent but equally important questions and matters that deserve our attention, such as the relationship between Mr Cheney and his Energy Commission and the Nuclear Weapons Council.
Here, there are not only some interesting tie-ins to the terrorist actions of Mr Wolfowitz (who was primarily responsible for the murder of 2,000 people on September 11, 2001), but also a number of pointers as to the largesse afforded to key multinational corporations that are actively working to destroy America economically, making that country nothing more than a heavily militarised Spartan nation that serves only to produce vast numbers of servile warriors for the Israel and the Hidden Hand.
It is 21.22 CET. I shall post again shortly.
12/18/2004 10:55 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks
I would now very much like to provide you with some information about "The Library", and this I shall do more extensively in an another post at a happier time.
However, for those of you who have struggled for years to understand and disseminate the truth, from the origins of the First World War to Pearl Harbour, from the Hidden Hand assassination of President Kennedy to that of Dr David Kelly, from the deliberate bankrupting of western industrial nations to the attacks of September 11, let me assure you that you have an ally in "The Library" and that your long years of anguish and confusion are almost over.
If one thing is guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of those who belong to the Hidden Hand and the Wolfowitz Network, whose globalist nightmare they wish to impose on all of us, it is the mention of "The Library". It may come as a huge surprise to many ordinary citizens to learn that intelligence services the world over unknowingly and unwittingly employ men and women of good character who care about the truth and who envisage a world free of the Hidden Hand that cares only for its own material wealth, power, pleasures and survival.
"The Library" is both an informal, non-hierarchical fraternity of currently employed, retired, disillusioned and "officially deceased" operatives, analysts and technicians and a very real, hidden and secured repository of classified and "destroyed" inside information that tells the true history of the last 100 years. The eldest member of "The Library" is 85 years old; the youngest is 24.
Many who are retired from active service, such as myself in Germany, continue to work the intelligence world in a strictly unpaid, anonymous and private fashion. Others, such as my younger friend and technical partner "Felix", who is still a quasi-employee of the BND, work both sides of the fence, seeing through the good work of recording every misdeed, every suppression of the truth, every lie, every deceit, every detail that is deserving of a place in "The Library". Felix is joined in numbers by his counterparts in the CIA, FBI, MI6, Mossad, Shin Bet, NSA, US Naval Intelligence, DGSE, FSB, DIA, ASIS, CNI, DST, ADIV, CSIS, CESID, PSIA, DISI and many more. All nationalities, all cultures, all faiths.
We shall always remain anonymous, the shadow watching the shadow. Sometimes we leak "classified" information at critical moments (and we all know and accept the risks involved), and at other moments we work stealthily behind the scenes to apply pressure where we feel such pressure can help avert major crimes against humanity, gently correcting the course pursued by the madmen who rule this world. It is not our intention to make a big noise or grab the limelight, for that is the path of power politics and the glamour of the all-consuming ego. Instead, we practise diligence, patience and careful strategic thinking.
We all have children or grandchildren, or wish to live long enough to bring them into a world of free and independent nation states, each sovereign and inviolable in its own right. The information I have provided you in the course of my communications is but nothing in comparison with what "The Library" holds; and I hope we live long enough to open the door and let the reader hold an open book on the truth he has been denied.
Yet the clock is ticking and time is no longer on our side. They are devising new ways to track us and stamp us with their identifying tags, so that none may live in this world free from their constant gaze. There will be no place to hide from their evil eye.
The next seven days potentially represent the most dangerous since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. We have followed the progress made by Mr Wolfowitz and his ilk in their long march through the institutions. We observed how he planned and authorised the 9-11 attacks on the American people and the world, and we warned but were thwarted in all our attempts to stop this horrific crime. Now he has set his sights on destroying another American city, this time with nuclear weaponry, to purchase with the blood of innocent Americans yet another fake war waged in the name of corporate global control and at the dictates of the nefarious Hidden Hand.
In the days that we have left to us, we shall continue to scrutinise every intercept and question all-comers, whether diplomatic and intelligence staff here in Germany or others sympathetic to "The Library" elsewhere. We shall do our part. I ask only that you do yours.
It is 04.57 CET, and I am very tired.
12/19/2004 12:20 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks
This is my last message to you. If anyone posts anything on this forum or elsewhere under the mantle "German guy", please be advised that it does not come from me or any of my colleagues. As stated before, the moderators of this site are quite welcome to verify our IP address location and check the ISP registry to be confirmed in the knowledge that our ISP does not under any circumstances release any of their IPs to proxy servers.
Things are happening, and they are happening very quickly. Many of you wouldn´t know it by reading your newspapers and watching the television news, but the world came closer to nuclear destruction this year than at any time since 1962, and the level of danger remains so high that a single ill-advised word is all that it would take to bring everything we know and love to a sudden end. This is not a message anyone wants to hear, particularly at this time of year, but I am not here to play party games and send out fancy little presents that look good and taste delicious. You are perhaps of no mind to hear the "fear-mongers" or the "prophets of doom" because, after all, you have a choice and it´s easier to pick up the only remote-control with which they trust you and switch over to a different version of reality that has all the assurances of a superficial soap opera with a predictably cosy storyline.
I have also had a chance to review some of the messages submitted by certain others in this forum, and my wife has examined some of the fallout elsewhere on the internet, most of which is positive and having a dramatic effect in places where tough decisions will have to be made by those who respect and enforce just and equitable law. There are many who still just don´t "get it" because the facts I have presented do not sing the same song as their own deeply ingrained belief systems. They say we represent a sophisticated disinformation campaign or have a partisan geopolitical partisan. Yet everything I have said correlates exactly with the truth, if only you will look.
Many of you are aware of forces at work in your societies that are now way beyond the democratic controls you and even your own governments once enjoyed. You know these entities by different names and ascribe to them fantastical powers that are so omnipotent you feel exhausted, defeated, resigned and paralyzed with an overriding sense of helplessness. Though you who come to such sites as this (and who have turned your backs on the corporate and government-controlled media) already have a head start on your fellows who believe everything handed down to them from above, you still entertain notions that have been deliberately planted in your minds so that by night, and in your dreams, the reds are at war with the blues, evil is good and good is evil and one God is stronger than another God because he told you so in your own language and you have neither the time nor the curiosity to interpret ancient scripture with the wisdom with which you are all endowed, if only you would use it and stop listening to lies.
As I have stated before, there are at the moment only a few significant power centres that are worthy of your urgent attention: the Wolfowitz Network, the Hidden Hand, the City of London and a powerful elite of anti-Jewish fanatics who only pretend to be Jews and are protected twenty-four hours around the clock by an elite within Mossad and a vast army of other "Israeli" front groups. Sometimes they do indeed compete within and among themselves for the highest rewards and honours, and such internal competition can also take on a ruthless and non-fraternal face. However, they are generally united in terms of the world they envisage for you and me - and believe me when I tell you that you do not want to go there.
You are not powerless. You can bring their games to an end overnight without one shot being fired. How do I know this? After many long years of service for the Bundesnachrichtendienst - a record of employment that took me around the world and placed me on several occasions deep within the belly of the beast - I can honestly tell you that these people are yet still vulnerable and are prone to costly, self-damaging mistakes. In the questions to the FBI below (and further text with English spelling corrections), which I urgently re-post in the hope that Wolfowitz is publicly forced to answer every single charge before it is too late, I have outlined just a few examples of the way in which these people expose themselves to investigation and prosecution. Yes, it helps when you have the right tools with which to intercept communications, but you can often get the same results by remaining aware, attentive and absolutely focused - and then driving home the kill with dedicated persistence.
There are some reading these words who know exactly what needs to be done, and yet discouragement is still the friend of those who care too much for their careers and personal comforts. You are perhaps a Librarian and know what it´s like to read in the dark: remember the assurances and our pledge of assistance. If you are not, but have already received our communications, then you will know that we shall stand by you in your hour of need.
How many more people must die in America and the Middle East? Fifty thousand? Half a million? Six million? The choice is yours.
Seize the day
It is CET and my work here is at an end.
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Why has the FBI failed to investigate the role played by Mr Wolfowitz in illegally helping Kamran Akhtar (a.k.a. Kamran Shaikh) with cover and technical support immediately after the CIA-backed Mara Salvatruchas had brought him safely across the Mexican border and shortly before the arrest of Akhtar by Charlotte City police on July 20?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz ask Avner Meir to provide Kamran Akhtar with video equipment and explicit instructions to film public buildings and vital civilian infrastructure in Houston, Atlanta and Dallas?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz order the assassination of an undercover CIA operative, Kamel Derwish, who had worked so faithfully for him by recruiting and importing Mossad-trained al-Qaeda agents under the codename "Operation Haeremai"? Was it because Kamel Derwish was under investigation by dedicated FBI agents and thus exposed Wolfowitz to charges of treason and material conspiracy in planning acts of terrorism against the American people?
Why has Mr Wolfowitz provided Mossad super-spy Rafi Eytan with a free pass into the United States, despite a long-standing prohibition?
Why does Rafi Eytan regularly send Mr Wolfowitz highly irreverent childlike poems written in the Hebrew language and interlaced with Kabbalistic references in alternating 3-7-3 and 12-4-12 sequences? Why does Rafi Eytan periodically phone Mr Wolfowitz at his private residence and speak to him in the voice of a little girl?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz authorise a 120,000 dollar transfer to Frank Riley (also known as Terence Lawley) via the CIA-backed Mara Salvatruchas syndicate on April 14, 2004?
Why did Mr Wolfowitz pressure John Ashcroft to order an FBI closure of the investigation of the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen, who, as we already know, had been briefed by a network contact man to provide an hypothetical schematic of a remote-controlled nuclear device to be detonated in an "hypothetical" city "the size of Houston"?
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Paul Wolfowitz will authorise the detonation of a nuclear payload in the Houston area on December 27, 2004. The Hidden Hand network (Mossad/al-Qaeda/SAS) of which he is the nominal controller has verified in advance every aspect of operational integrity - a failsafe job with zero chance of discovery.
Houston has been primed for months via deliberate mismanagement, incompetence, corruption and embezzlement at its FEMA-independent Emergency Center. The police and fire services have been deliberately and systematically sabotaged and thrown into administrative chaos so as to ensure maximum fatalities in the aftermath of the detonation. However, the existence of the center will provide the Bush administration with a "we did everything we could" excuse.
We believe the Hidden Hand envisages the following scenario:
1. Detonation on Dec 27 (could be delayed, but all our intercepts point to this date)
2. The State Department blames "al-Qaeda", whose leaders are allegedly hiding in Iran
3. Iran (truthfully) denies giving refuge to said leaders
4. Bush issues Iran with a cowboy-style deadline for delivery of alleged leaders
5. Iran fails to comply because it cannot
6. UN convenes in emergency session - no agreement (Watch Ariel Sharon quietly flee to his private estate in Greece)
7. Other foreign intelligence agencies dispute the State Department version
8. Right on cue, Osama bin Laden releases a videotape claiming responsibility, warning America not to attack his "brave warriors" in Iran
9. American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases
We know that the Wolfowitz network has concealed a remote-controlled nuclear payload in the Houston area. None of our intercepts give us exact coordinates. We have also heard the same code system used in regard to Atlanta and Dallas, although not with the same frequency. We believe that Mara Salvatruchas, the CIA-run Salvadora syndicate, is peripherally involved with the Wolfowitz network in protecting and running cover for a rogue ex-SAS British assassin who is perhaps the world´s leading logistics and reconnaisance expert.
Last known as either Frank Riley or Terence Lawley, we believe that he was responsible for the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen on June 29. Mullen was approached by a Hidden Hand contact man posing as a CIA agent at the behest of Wolfowitz on February 12, 2003, and was asked to provide the "CIA" with an hypothetical schematic of a remote-controlled, trunk-sized nuclear device with a payload "several times greater than ´Fat Man´" (in the interests of national security). Mullen was told that the hypothetical impact area would be "a city the size of Houston". Mullen complied with this request but grew suspicious toward the end of 2003 and abruptly ended his cooperation.
At the beginning of June, Mr Mullen decided to contact the staff of former National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, with a view to discussing his CIA work with him. At the time Berger was too busy too see him immediately owing to his work as foreign policy adviser to John Kerry. We believe that this is what sealed the fate of Mr Mullen, as Sandy Berger does indeed have informal links to the Wolfowitz network and it is conceivable that Berger warned Hidden Hand. Incidentally, three weeks later Berger was charged by the FBI with the theft of critical documents from the National Archive relating to evidence that he had helped Wolfowitz facilitate the 9-11 attacks.
Wolfowitz is also running a Mossad agent in the Houston area called Avner Meir, whose present status is unknown, but we believe he is currently holding a visitor´s visa. His job is to facilitate the smuggling of Muslims (any Muslims will do) across the Mexican border and provide them with accommodation and distress funds under the auspices of a fake charitable organisation. We suspect that Meir, also a master forger, will provide the unwitting Muslims with forged US passports and driving licences, plenty of Muslim literature, commendations and enough money to be "seen and remembered".
This was the basis of my discussions with American diplomatic personnel in Frankfurt yesterday, both of whom have been locked in secret discussions with the German government over, among many other things, their application for political refugee status in the event of making this known to the media.
The far side of the CIA and Mossad have been ordered to drop any plans they may have had for bombing the financial district of Frankfurt, including the European Central Bank. The Wolfowitz Network has decided that the Houston detonation must take priority over everything else.
All of our intercepts, field information and disclosures from former (and not so former!) US diplomatic personnel, tell us that the American people are being set up for another, but even more devastating, 9-11 tragedy in which a tiny group of people will gain enormously at the expense of the rest of the world.
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see also The Truth Seeker -