TURKEY: Conscientious objector Halil Savda arrested / fear or torture
War Resisters' International | 16.12.2004 16:22 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
16 December 2004
TURKEY: Conscientious objector Halil Savda arrested / fear or torture
War Resisters' International learned today that conscientious objector Halil Savda is presently held at the military unit in Corlu-Tekirdag for "insisting on disobedience". War Resisters' International fears for his wellbeing, and believes that he is in danger of illtreatment and torture.
Halil Savda was born in Sirnak/Cizre in 1974, and graduated from primary school. In 1993, he was arrested and held for 1 month in Sirnak/Cizre, during which time he was tortured repeatedly. The State Security Court then charged him with "supporting an illegal organisation (the PKK - Kurdish Workers Party)". He was then sent to prison, and released in 1996.
Upon release from prison, he was called up for military service. He first went to his military unit for basic training, but he did not report to "his" unit after his transfer at the end of basic training.
In 1997, he was again arrested, and the State Security Court charged him with "membership in an illegal organisation (PKK)". The Adana State Security Court sentenced him to 15 years in prison.
Following a change in the Turkish Penal Code, he was released from prison on 18 November 2004, and was sent handcuffed from prison to Antep Gendarmerie Station because of his desertion from military service. The he was held for six days in a cell without a bed, only with a few blankets. The Army Officers did not allow him to see his family, and he was held in isolation for the six days.
On 25 November, he was transferred to "his" military unit in Corlu-Tekirdag. There he declared that because of the torture he had to endure in 1993, he cannot serve as a soldier. In a letter to the Commander he declared himself a conscientious objector, and demands that Turkey finally recognises the right to conscientious objection.
On 16 December, he was questioned at the Corlu Military Court. He was then formally arrested for "insisting on disobedience" and transferred from the military unit to Corlu Military Prison.
War Resisters' International believes that he is in acute danger of being mistreated or tortured. War Resisters' International therefore calls for protest phone calls to Corlu Military Prison (+90-282-6611781), pointing to the prohibition of torture and the right to conscientious objection.
In addition War Resisters' International calls for protest emails to the General Staff, email
gnkur@tsk.mil.tr . A protest email can be sent at
http://wri-irg.org/co/alerts/20041216c.html .
War Resisters' International also calls for letters of support to Halil Savda.
Halil Savda
5. Kolordu
2. Askeri Cezaevi Bölügü
War Resisters' International calls for the immediate release of Halil Savda and all other imprisoned conscientious objectors.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
16 December 2004
TURKEY: Conscientious objector Halil Savda arrested / fear or torture
War Resisters' International learned today that conscientious objector Halil Savda is presently held at the military unit in Corlu-Tekirdag for "insisting on disobedience". War Resisters' International fears for his wellbeing, and believes that he is in danger of illtreatment and torture.
Halil Savda was born in Sirnak/Cizre in 1974, and graduated from primary school. In 1993, he was arrested and held for 1 month in Sirnak/Cizre, during which time he was tortured repeatedly. The State Security Court then charged him with "supporting an illegal organisation (the PKK - Kurdish Workers Party)". He was then sent to prison, and released in 1996.
Upon release from prison, he was called up for military service. He first went to his military unit for basic training, but he did not report to "his" unit after his transfer at the end of basic training.
In 1997, he was again arrested, and the State Security Court charged him with "membership in an illegal organisation (PKK)". The Adana State Security Court sentenced him to 15 years in prison.
Following a change in the Turkish Penal Code, he was released from prison on 18 November 2004, and was sent handcuffed from prison to Antep Gendarmerie Station because of his desertion from military service. The he was held for six days in a cell without a bed, only with a few blankets. The Army Officers did not allow him to see his family, and he was held in isolation for the six days.
On 25 November, he was transferred to "his" military unit in Corlu-Tekirdag. There he declared that because of the torture he had to endure in 1993, he cannot serve as a soldier. In a letter to the Commander he declared himself a conscientious objector, and demands that Turkey finally recognises the right to conscientious objection.
On 16 December, he was questioned at the Corlu Military Court. He was then formally arrested for "insisting on disobedience" and transferred from the military unit to Corlu Military Prison.
War Resisters' International believes that he is in acute danger of being mistreated or tortured. War Resisters' International therefore calls for protest phone calls to Corlu Military Prison (+90-282-6611781), pointing to the prohibition of torture and the right to conscientious objection.
In addition War Resisters' International calls for protest emails to the General Staff, email

War Resisters' International also calls for letters of support to Halil Savda.
Halil Savda
5. Kolordu
2. Askeri Cezaevi Bölügü
War Resisters' International calls for the immediate release of Halil Savda and all other imprisoned conscientious objectors.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
War Resisters' International
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