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The Revolution will not be yanquiized

Simply Red | 15.12.2004 08:15 | London

A poem for the workers. please copy, distribute and post.

The revolution will not be yanquiized
It will not believe God blessed America
It will not be on a crusade to rid the world of evil
It will not wave the bloody flag of US imperialism
It will not compete with the fascists over who is more patriotic
It will not be patriotic

The revolution will not be yanquiized
It will not support the US troops who obey illegal orders
It will not regard them as victims
It will not regard them as working class brothers and sisters
It will not mourn their deaths
It will not flash pictures of them at peace rallies
It will not grant them impunity from their war crimes
It will not lobby Congress to get better armor, pay and conditions for them

The revolution will not be yanquiized
It will not seek grant money from the government or big biz
It will not be misled by poverty pimps, uncle toms, labor lords
Democratic Party hacks or rich liberal opportunist scum
It will not avoid debate
It will not accept undemocratic methods
It will not bow to prominent liberals and fake leftist intellectuals who tell us to vote for
wealthy, skull and bones, opportunist, “Bush Lite”, imperialist war hawks.

The revolution will not be yanquiized
It will not depend on the Internet
It will not refuse to march in working class neighborhoods, especially those where people of color live
It will not meet with the police in secrecy

The revolution will not be yanquiized
It will not avoid uniting with working people around the world to overthrow the rich pigs and destroy their rotten system of exploitation, which creates misery for the vast majority of the human race and ruins the environment.
It will not avoid confiscating the property that the rich pigs stole from Working people and redistributing it according to the needs of society instead of the greed of the rich pigs.
It will not avoid taking over industry and controlling it in the interest of working people.
It will not avoid using technology to build a sustainable society that respects the environment and the earth’s inhabitants.
It will guarantee a home, a job, medical care, a secure retirement and decent living for all the world’s workers.

The revolution will not be yanquiized!

Simply Red