Anti - G8 roadshow comes to liverpool
rsk | 14.12.2004 21:45 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Liverpool
On friday 10th December the anti - G8 TRAPESE roadshow came to liverpool as part of the Felt the Strain night at the Hevn 'n' Hell
TRAPESE (Taking Radical Action – Popular Education and Sustainable Everything) are a popular education collective who aim to provoke debate and inspire positive social change through interactive workshops and social events. They have been touring since October and plan to continue through the spring. Their current focus is informing and mobilising around the G8 (group of 8 most industrialised nations ie: global elite) who are holding their next annual meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland in July 2005.
In Liverpool this took the form of a sometimes chaotic mix of cabaret, bingo, pub quiz, karaoke and powerpoint presentation (but no trapese). The audience started off bemused but warmed to it as the evening went on, finishing in a rousing rendition of an anti-capitalist version of the bandaid 20 song (
TRAPESE are part of the DISSENT! network (, a network of grassroots resistance against the G8, facilitating networking and radical action. There is a an international call to converge on scotland to disrupt the summit.
In Liverpool this took the form of a sometimes chaotic mix of cabaret, bingo, pub quiz, karaoke and powerpoint presentation (but no trapese). The audience started off bemused but warmed to it as the evening went on, finishing in a rousing rendition of an anti-capitalist version of the bandaid 20 song (
TRAPESE are part of the DISSENT! network (, a network of grassroots resistance against the G8, facilitating networking and radical action. There is a an international call to converge on scotland to disrupt the summit.
Hide the following 19 comments
Was it a secret meeting?
14.12.2004 23:40
15.12.2004 00:43
I agree with the above comment. Ive organised loads of public meetings/workshops etc over the years and Ive been to many many more and its always the same story.
I think activists have got stuck into thinking that 10 people at a meeting is acceptable and that you cant get more cos no-ones interested blah blah whine whine. ITS BOLLOX! The only reason no-one comes is cos no-one knows. Like the poster above says, its not much use advertising on Indy AFTER the meeting is it?
When we've put on meetings we have allways tried to leaflet and flypost etc for at LEAST 5 weeks before the meeting. If you do that, every weekend in the high street and other days posting through letter boxes, gettin shops to put up posters, and flyposting you will get a fuckin good attendence.
If not you wont! Simple.
Recently, for a public meeting, we distributed 5000 leaflets for 5 weeks before the date and advertised in local media and put posters in shops, and as a result we got an attendence of well-over 200 people, leading to a decent popular support base for our campaign.
In contrast, for another meeting, we didnt bother and just put some leaflets in the local university and we only got 15 people. It only takes a bit of work people!! I think some of us believe revolution is an easy task or an impossible one - so dont bother eh?!
This is not a slur on the roadshow lot though, they are working hard and doing well (if a little soft and liberal for my tastes, I think activists also have a tendancy to underestimate the radical nature of most 'normal' people, and we tone down our message in the hope they will join us more, when in fact we just end up looking like utopian hippies. Theyd b more likely to get involved if we were upfront and truely radical!!!)
"if a little soft and liberal for my tastes" ? ? ?
15.12.2004 10:57
And Mr. NE1: Maybe you should be a little more careful with your comments.
“It only takes a bit of work people!! I think some of us believe revolution is an easy task or an impossible one - so dont bother eh?!”
The Trapese Collective is working very very hard and is doing more things than you can imagine. They have been working with many different groups all over the country. They have been very successful in getting issues such as G8, climate change and Africa’s debt across to more “non-activisty” people at events in universities, community centre’s, churches, squat’s, café’s and bar’s since September.
“if a little soft and liberal for my tastes”
Check it out:
Mr. Holmes
15.12.2004 12:18
As someone who now lives in a rural part of the country removed from activist circles I don't see any mobilisation against DSEi. The Docklands arm fair could be toppled with one big push like last time. Newham Council have already expressed their dislike of it and the bill stated that they weren't prepared to pay what it cost to guard the delegates.
As someone who has attended actions around 3 G8 meetings post Genoa the emphasis has shifted from stopping it to disrupting it. Compared to DSEi which could be booted out of London (as it was from Belgium)what are the chances of even delaying the meetings for so long that the disrupt proccedings anyway? We all know they are going to waffle shite and come out with a statement about helping the 3rd world. Whilst the real business is done anonymously with the corporations, either there or in other locations.
What do other people think?
You read it properly then...?
15.12.2004 13:05
Firstly, I really do wish people could calm down on Indymedia. Not everyone is some 'orrible troll needing a stern telling off. Some of us are in good faith and good humour. Maybe you didnt get that my comment was lighthearted and overly exaggerated. Fine. Many activists do work their arses off, and do fantastic things, and the fact that Im even here is testiment to that.
It is a serious point though, Im not from Liverpool so Im not being specific about this meeting, the post just caught my eye. But, I do get the impression that some activists just dont advertise stuff and think that 15 people is a good turnout. Its not a generalisation, but a constructive critism. If you think that ALL activists do LOADS of advertising EVERY time, then why not pick me up on that, instead of rebuking stuff that I didnt say about the Roadshow group?
“It only takes a bit of work people!! I think some of us believe revolution is an easy task or an impossible one - so dont bother eh?!”
This was intended as a bit of a joke, I wish people would stop taking everything so seriously on here, Indymedia feels like the houses of parliament or a courtroom, no-one can be light hearted. Sorry if you didnt get that, but that doesnt explain why you used that quote to illustrate that I was somehow giving shit to Trapese, when in fact I said:
"This is not a slur on the Roadshow lot, they are working very hard..."
Ive worked with them and think they are doing fantastic, so dont put words in my mouth ok?
And, yes I do find it to be a little simplified, fluffy etc. Im not havin a go at 'em, maybe Im wrong, but its just my opinion. It was good, but I did think maybe a little patronising to the general public y'know? Overall good though.
Anyway, just lighten up pal, or youll end up in hospital next to some corporate CEO after having a heart attack. Stress is not good for you. :)
P.S, what exactly was the photo supposed to signify?
G8= international neo-liberalism+war
15.12.2004 13:09
the whole world be watching how we in britain will respond to the G8 summit. we must remember that we are part of the international movement against neo-liberalism, and given that the capitalists are coming to our country we have a duty to disrupt the bastards as much as possible.
if the G8 goes without any resistance from us then it can be seen as a minor victory for the G8 members and their supporters and demoralise the world movement.
the biggest problem we have is that we in the movement is split, with petty arguing, (as seen in the ESF) and therefore not co-ordinating our forces effectively against the G8 effectively.
the various fractions all have something to offer,theres alot of talent out there.
i believe if that if all the differing fractions got their act together and put their differences aside for a moment , not only would we be able to have an effective opposition to the G8 , we would have the potential to stop this meeting.
red letter
Working together
15.12.2004 14:05
Is it not true that certain 'other sections of the movement' are intending to protest the G8 by holding a big music concert miles and miles away, whilst the dissent type sections of the movement want to confront/disrupt the meeting, do decentralised actions on related capitalist infrastructures, and also do positive stuff in local communities. There doesn't seem to be muhc of a tactical overlap for cooperation does there? And as the concert is going to be funded, as I understand, from the security budget for the meeting, could it not be said to be part of the attempt to distract and minimise protests? Unless you can facilitate dragging a concert crowd to the meeting protests, there's not likely to be much working together...
music concert sounds good to me
15.12.2004 15:41
the concert will if anything attract and mobilise more people to the G8 summit and will hopely be a good places to relax , have fun and talk with other people.
what we got to do (as i see it) is start of in our communities, hold co-ordinated anti-G8 meetings in every town and city, inform people about the nature of the G8 summit, arguing with people why they should protest, book transport and see what we come up with.
we should start on the basis that we can mobilise 1000,s upon 1,000s of people, we have had no previous contact with. if in 1998 ,jubilee 2000 could maobilise 50,000 people to birmingham then with joint action we could mobilise 500,000.
p.s why do otherwise intelligent people have a tendency to believe in such far fetched stories (concert being funded by the G8). these stories only help the divisions in the movement, use your head.
red letter
The concert did attempt to get its funding from the G8
15.12.2004 17:30
As to wether the festival will be a good thing. A fenced off area with a ticket (Albeit it free) event where the police can monitor all coming and going, Hmmm! work it out for yourself.
We are not mobalising against the G8 with the intention of doing nothing else, large numbers of people involved with the Dissent! network are involved in doing other actions, its just that this is the biggest political event to take place within the UK for years and lots of people are going to want to go. If dissent! wasn't trying to pull together a radical mobalisation then it would be G8 alternatives doing it. Dissent! also wants to continue as a radical anticapitalist network after the G8, so if you want DESI to be the next target, come to the gatherings and make your case, I'm sure you will find al ot of support for it.
Concerned Tunbridge Wells
15.12.2004 17:53
Through Scottish Socialist Party and Green Members of the Scottish Parliaments, "G8 Alternatives" are proposing to ask for 0.5 per cent of the £150 million the Scottish Executive have been given by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to pay for security arrangements at the G8...
This has been openly discussed and openly proposed at "G8 Alternatives" meetings
0.5 per cent of £150 million = £750,000
It has been proposed that some of that money would be spent on a festival organised by the promoters of the 'T in the Park' festival.
But I reckon some might just leak out to pay for Respect...
What a nasty rumour...
I h8 the g8
NOT a secret meeting
15.12.2004 19:21
See you there next time
15.12.2004 20:17
15.12.2004 20:50
This helped mobilse a lot of local people and gave the chance for the foreign activists and local youth to get to meet each other (which came in handy over the next couple of days)
A Concert is neither here nor there.
16.12.2004 07:40
A big loud concert is froth really, and is not the place to meet people. There was one at the Evian g8 on the site of the main convergence centre and two of the large self-organised villiages. This massive site was well protected because of its geographical layout and the massive numbers present, and the support of the local community, including the Mayor.
The french rossers kept well away. In fact, if rossers turned up nearby in large numbers many went out to shoe them off. The story was different, of course, at other convergence centres on the Swiss side which were more vulnerable and had fewer people at them. One was brutally raided.
British cops are not so hands off, and will use any excuse to get in there close to the protesters, to control and intimidate them. A big gig would be a prime opportunity.
Folks can bring bongos, and other assorted instruments, and sing: "Mary had a baby, yes Lord. Mary had a baby, yes my lord. The people keep a comin' and the train dun gone.' and do 'The Birdy Song' , and the like, around camp fires, and get to know each other that way.
advertising meetings
16.12.2004 16:21
Response to Red Letter
16.12.2004 21:46
The not very up for it Canadian did very little that I know of when they visited the Rockies in 2002. Similarly the Japanese in 2000. So that's a quarter of the G8 accounted for then.
I can see your point about forming a 'network' for the future. I don't want to piss on your parade but there was that big mobilisation of DSEi 2003, but I can't see that happening this time around. I'm in the north and I'd love to come down to London if it is anything like last time, but it it likely to happen post G8 when all are jaded? Is this likely when people are now touring the country trying to mobilise for G8? And these networks historically set up for and dissolve after one big action anyway.
It's gonna take thousands of up for it types to come close to closing down or even seriously disrupting G8, I don't think those numbers are achievable, and I believe DSEi is a golden opportunity discarded.
Good luck anyway.
Concerned (still)
17.12.2004 17:52
If you wish to help with equipment (Not new stuff plz.),, stewarding and stuff like that. Then Please Please contact
People are reminded it's is "early" days and help is badly needed. This is not a corporate arrangment so don't expect it to be served to you on a platter.
It's going to take a lot of work and bearing in mind the safely issue.
Any help or you know people how have done this kind of thing before then get in touch. with
17.12.2004 18:03
This way with a larger number of volunteers helping out hopefully in the future people will have a chance to attend.
It is wise to touch base with for the latest info.
response from someone in Trapese
18.12.2004 13:41
There are several things that stand out about these emails. Firstly TRAPESE is being criticised a lot- for being to reformist, liveral, soft, being mobile etc. All of these criticisms are probably valid but the sad thing is we are only findning out about them from firends who over hear things.
I would really hope that people would' help ' this intiaitve . We have never proclaimned to be experts, it is an open group that people are welcome to get involved in. More than anything we need and value feedback and criticism.
I think criticism is best delviered construvtively- saying why you didn't like something and what you would do to improve it is really useful for us and is generally much more constructive than having a slanging match over indymedia
Also tell us- don't talk about it in your small groups - our phone number is all over the fucking place-please tell us.
Lastly however- ok so our meetings have not always been rammed and we are chaotic etc but its been truly brilliant- we have met loads of people , seen numerous local groups set up, felt that there is an energy of resistance away from the normal activist ghetto and generally feel inspired and invigorated and that surely can only be a good thing
cheers kim