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Anarchists at G8 - preparing for destruction?!

Agent Provocateur | 14.12.2004 15:32

While the Dissent! G8 organising list is still moving slowly forward and yet to make clear decisions the corporate media has already moved into the disinformation stage.

It seems that some JEREMY WATSON knows stuff that no one else knows about. Who is this guy?

Mr. Jeremy Watson appears to be in the know, he claims a whole range of things and quotes security experts and what not. Read the full article and comments here:

And perhaps, as good readers, drop Mr. Watson a line or two asking him for his sources.

I for one would like to know where and when the destruction training takes place - I want to participate! :-)

Agent Provocateur


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14.12.2004 19:00

Are you familiar with the story of The Wind In The Willows, when they storm Toad Hall to reclaim from the weasles and stoats who have occupied it. Mole (I think it was Mole) spreads rumours that there are going to be thousands of moles and rats and badgers storming the place (when in reality there's only going to be ONE of each). At first his allies are angry with him for telling the enemy that they're about to be attacked but he points out that they're going to be EXTRA-SCARED because of believing this enormous exaggeration and it turns out that this fear-factor helps them win!

Moral: If the press wants to make out that anti-globalisation protesters are more spikey than we really are then maybe that's a good thing because it makes the establishment scared.

OK, we'd probably actually be the weasles and stoats in this story, trying to occupy the premises of the rich irresponsible toad (tony blair?)! But you get the general idea.

We should still contact this bloke though and point out that he just makes stuff up.
