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Upcoming Countryside Alliance demos

Tarsin | 13.12.2004 21:53 | Indymedia | Social Struggles | World

Calling all Toffbusters!

Here are dates taken from the Countryside Alliance website.

Anyone in the area might like to get down and tell the CA where to stick it!

14 Dec– 10.00hrs – Blenheim - Ben Bradshaw
Date 14 Dec
Time to get there: 10.00
Minister: Ben Bradshaw, DEFRA Minister
Location: Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire

Occasion: Opening meeting of the Chilterns Conservation Board
Contact: Tracy Casstles, 0787 6652007
Directions: Click here

16 Dec – 19.00hrs – North Wales – Peter Hain
Date: Thursday 16th December
Time: 19.00hrs
Minister: Peter Hain, Leader of the House and Secretary of State for Wales
Location: Rhyl Town Hall, North Wales
Occasion: A private meeting with Peter Hain

Contact: Barry Henderson: 01824 704047



Display the following 14 comments

  1. Interesting — Civil Right Supporter
  2. Dont be silly. — Huntsab
  3. Wrong date... — Tarsin
  4. To the so called 'civil rights supporter' — Andrew
  5. Lust a thought.. — silent bob
  6. Yes. but — Gordon Rogers
  7. Context — Vountary Slave
  8. Better targets — Vegan Ritchie
  9. Dont disclose — Mum
  10. and another But — Gordon Rogers
  11. country-city — not sure
  12. Big Con of foxhunting - feeding prejudice of the new Right — Leveller
  13. Oh (&$*&^%^$*!!!! — Bantum Leveller Basher
  14. Bantum Leveller Basher is in denial and is a empty-jesturing twat — Leveller