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Invitation to Sheffield Social Forum meeting

Sheffielder | 13.12.2004 21:31 | Sheffield

Letter of invitation to Sheffield and Beyond, to attend our next social meeting.


Dear Sheffielders & campaigners,

We're writing with a warm invitation to come to Sheffield for this Thursday or our next Social Forum Meeting,

The date is *Thursday 16th December*, 7.30 - 9.30pm.
Sharrow Community Hall, John Street (off Bramall Lane, and opposite Baron Street. You don't need to see this map:

You may also visit the Wiki for more details:


This is an open invitation
Please pass it on to anyone else you think will be interested.

(Other Local Social Forums you may contact)
Please visit

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Sheffield ID concern?

15.12.2004 13:07

Seeing as the ID Card Bill is headed for its second reading in Parliament this coming monday (20th dec), does Sheffield Social Forum have any planned activities for that day?

I am planning a trip to the Houses of Parliament on that Monday in order to try and hand out copies of the bill to MPs entering the building.
The copies will have some of the more outrageous sections of it highlighted for ease of reading, which is important since they will be debating it that afternoon.

If anyone thinks this, or some other idea you may have, has merit and can join me in this small act of what democracy we have left, then please reply here or by email.

I am Sheffield based and looking to join up with others who are bothered about the ID card, so any feedback is VERY welcome!

james mannell
mail e-mail:

Feedback on comment

15.12.2004 16:14

Is there a reason why you can't bring your ideas and enthusiam to the advertised meeting James?



15.12.2004 19:53

No reason other than not finding out about it or the existance of the Forum itself untill this morning :-D

I might be able to attend, but Thursday evenings are busy for me, hence me raising the idea in my post above.

Are you one of the organisers of the Forum yourself?

Do you think the idea is worthwhile, or could it be changed in some way to more effective?

Do you know if there is anything planned for the Monday by this group or any other?



Reply to Comment

15.12.2004 22:42

I don't know if an anti ID campaign has yet been started in Sheffield, itself, but here is a link to a national campaign:

I do think social forum are a good idea - suggestions for improvement will always be welcome.

This site is a newswire, so if you want to discuss issues around social forum, ID cards, or anything else that takes your fancy, I would suggest a site like engager.

Try and make the meeting JJ, if you are free. As well, we can have a theortetical discussion on engager - use the name jimjym.


Angelina Gabrielle