poland: police illegally attack Częstochowa squat
alternative, pro-freedom movement | 13.12.2004 01:37 | Repression
On Saturday morning (11/12/2004) police attacked the Częstochowa squat,
forcing everybody outside of the building, beating people, arresting
people, alleging drug charges, spreading reports about drug charges
in the media. The real reason for the attack on the centre is presumed
to be its cultural and political and Food Not Bombs activities.
forcing everybody outside of the building, beating people, arresting
people, alleging drug charges, spreading reports about drug charges
in the media. The real reason for the attack on the centre is presumed
to be its cultural and political and Food Not Bombs activities.

Testimony by the alternative, pro-freedom movement in Częstochowa
On Saturday morning (11/12/2004) during a music party, with the presence
of artists from France, Germany and Poland, at the squat in Częstochowa
on Warszawska Street there was a police intrusion. The police, without showing
any warrant nor following legal procedure, chased everybody outside. During the
search, some people were beaten. Everyone was chased outside - residents
were not permitted to enter their residences. The police stole about 2000 złoty
(500 euros) from the cashbox.
The Częstochowa squat has been running for three years, during this time
there have been many cultural events, concerts, talks and lectures there.
For two years the people at and around this place have been providing meals to
the needy from autumn (fall) through to spring.
Both squat residents and their friends judge the behaviour of the police to
be that of occupants in a subjugated country, and the attempt by the police
to pacify independent social and cultural action is a sign of a police state.
The report by the police alleging large quantities of narcotics is considered
by us to be laughable and unfounded. We wish to stress that the police
evicted everyone from the building - during a long period of time the police
were alone in the building. The claim about finding narcotics in the building
is judged by us to be an amateurish attempt to justify this illegal action.

There were initial reports that about 80 people were detained.

Now it seems that 12 people remain detained. In addition to stealing 2000 złoty
(500 euros), it seems that the police also stole 3 computers and 100 bottles of beer.
Reports that the police carried out the attack in violation of the law continue
to be made.
Please make polite but firm appeals, protests to:
* police stations (several were involved)
Komisariat IV Policji w Częstochowie
Częstochowa, ul. Strażacka 8/12
Tel. +48-34-368-18-08, +48-34-369-17-11
Komisariat V Policji w Częstochowie
Częstochowa, ul. Czecha 15
Tel. +48-34-364-25-45, +48-34-369-15-01
Komenda Miejska Policji w Częstochowie
42-217 Częstochowa, ul. ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki 5
tel. centrali +48-34 3691900
fax +48-34 3249652
* chief prosecutor in Częstochowa
Prokuratura Okręgowa w Częstochowie
42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Dąbrowskiego 23/35
tel.: +48-34 324-05-71, 48-34 324-66-68
fax: 48-34 324-11-69
or start an action in front of your local Polish Embassy.
alternative, pro-freedom movement