New Email Address for Internationals Wanting to Contact Dissent!
ghfgh | 10.12.2004 19:33 | Social Struggles
> The email address, advertised at the European
> Conference in Belgrade, at the ESF and surrounding events, and on
> Dissent! propaganda distributed internationally over the last year
> been shut down.

> Conference in Belgrade, at the ESF and surrounding events, and on
> Dissent! propaganda distributed internationally over the last year
> been shut down.
It is unclear whether this is merely due to a
> technical problem, is the result of pressure being put on Yahoo! or
> the email account having been hacked. Whatever the cause, the email
> address is out of action and cant be re-opened by Yahoo!
> If you are based outside of the UK and want to contact Dissent!,
> email:

> for international planning and co-ordination of the resistance to the
> 2005 G8 Summit and the Global Day of Action on the opening day of the
> Summit, 6th July 2005, send an email to:

> If you contacted Dissent! via the old Yahoo! account, your details
> have now been lost. Please get in contact again.
> Please help to forward this information.
> For more information about Dissent! see: