Evidence of USUK war crimes in Fallujah - Thank you Tony.
Dahr Jamail per Verite | 10.12.2004 02:24 | Anti-militarism | Education | Repression
Two weeks ago someone was allowed into Fallujah by the military to help
bury bodies. They were allowed to take photographs of 75 bodies, in
order to show pictures to relatives so that they might be identified
before they were buried.
These pictures are from a book of photos. They are being circulated
publicly around small villages near Fallujah where many refugees are
bury bodies. They were allowed to take photographs of 75 bodies, in
order to show pictures to relatives so that they might be identified
before they were buried.
These pictures are from a book of photos. They are being circulated
publicly around small villages near Fallujah where many refugees are
** Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches **
** http://dahrjamailiraq.com **
December 09, 2004
Fallujah Pictures
The man who took them was only allowed to take photos and bury bodies in
one small area of Fallujah. He was not allowed to visit anywhere else.
Keep in mind there are at least 1,925 other bodies that were not allowed
to be seen.
Information with some of the photos is from those identified by family
members already.
One of the family members who was looking for dead relatives, shared
these photos which were taken from that book.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, he told of what he saw in his
village during the last few weeks.
“The Americans shot every boat on the river because people were trying
to escape Fallujah by the river. They shot all the sheep, any animal
people owned was shot. Helicopters shot all the animals and anything
that moved in all the villages surrounding Fallujah during the fighting.”
He said that none of the roads into Fallujah, or around Fallujah were
passable because anyone on them was shot. “I know one family that were
all killed. There are no signs on these roads that tell people not to
use them-so people don’t know they aren’t supposed to use them. No signs
in English or Arabic!”
Here are the photos.
More writing, photos and commentary at http://dahrjamailiraq.com
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(c)2004 Dahr Jamail.
All images and text are protected by United States and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a prominent link to the DahrJamailIraq.com website. Any other use of images and text including, but not limited to, reproduction, use on another website, copying and printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel free to forward Dahr's dispatches via email.
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** http://dahrjamailiraq.com **
December 09, 2004
Fallujah Pictures
The man who took them was only allowed to take photos and bury bodies in
one small area of Fallujah. He was not allowed to visit anywhere else.
Keep in mind there are at least 1,925 other bodies that were not allowed
to be seen.
Information with some of the photos is from those identified by family
members already.
One of the family members who was looking for dead relatives, shared
these photos which were taken from that book.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, he told of what he saw in his
village during the last few weeks.
“The Americans shot every boat on the river because people were trying
to escape Fallujah by the river. They shot all the sheep, any animal
people owned was shot. Helicopters shot all the animals and anything
that moved in all the villages surrounding Fallujah during the fighting.”
He said that none of the roads into Fallujah, or around Fallujah were
passable because anyone on them was shot. “I know one family that were
all killed. There are no signs on these roads that tell people not to
use them-so people don’t know they aren’t supposed to use them. No signs
in English or Arabic!”
Here are the photos.
More writing, photos and commentary at http://dahrjamailiraq.com
You can visit http://dahrjamailiraq.com/email_list/ to subscribe or unsubscribe to the email list.
Or, you can subscribe by sending an email to iraq_dispatches-request@dahrjamailiraq.com and write subscribe in the subject or the body of the email.
(c)2004 Dahr Jamail.
All images and text are protected by United States and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a prominent link to the DahrJamailIraq.com website. Any other use of images and text including, but not limited to, reproduction, use on another website, copying and printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel free to forward Dahr's dispatches via email.
Iraq_Dispatches mailing list
Dahr Jamail per Verite
Hide the following 3 comments
UK up for business
10.12.2004 10:49
Us-army used Napalm, Phosphor and Depleted Uranium in Iraq
10.12.2004 14:10
The Us army used 3000 - 6000 tons of depleted uranium in this and the last war in Iraq. Depleted Uuranium causes heavily genetically defects; pics of victims (very graphic):
And a copy from indymedia ireland:
IRAQ: US-Army uses Napalm and Phosphor !
by x Friday, Nov 19 2004, 9:17pm
international / anti-war / news report
International media and newspaper report that the US-army uses Napalm and Phosphor bombs in Falluja.
Here is a summary (with links; some in foreign language)
Since the beginning of the US-attac on Fallujah the city is almost completely closed; which means that men between 15 and 55 are not allowed to leave the city. Helicopters and Snipers shoot on those who try to flee. The city is bombed all day, 7 days a week. US-army Sources say about 1200 "insurgents" have been killed; the number of dead civilians is not reported - and, probably: not counted. At the moment there are still about 50.000 to 100.000 people in the city. There is no medical aid for them. They have wether electricity nor water or food.
The US-army uses Napalm and Phosphor in Falluja:
(from a german newspaper report:)
- grenades with white phosphor have been fired on Falluja which created a wall of fire, burning all the time (phosphor flames can`t be stopped by water - phosphor creates fire by a chemical reaction).
- many people did melt; so enourmous is the heat
- Iraqi doctor Kamal Hadeethi told journalists of the Washington Post: »I`ve seen many people injured; the streets are full of crying people -and full of dead people: they even were melt down to the street.« Falluja residents told that all the streets are destroyed, houses are ruines, and at walls stick parts of human meat.
- white phosphor reacts simply by contact with air and creates temperatures which even make metall melt - when white phosphor burns it sets free clouds of toxic smog. therefore white phosphor can also be seen as a chemical weapon
- white phosphor was used in WW II against german cities
BBC, 6.Nov.04
A hospital has been razed to the ground in one of the heaviest US air raids in the Iraqi city of Falluja.
according to: http://www.freace.de/artikel/aug2003/napalm060803.html
- it seems that the US used in this war every weapon they had - besides nukes.
- but also grenades with low radioctive uran were fired (all in all between 1000 and 2000 tons of uran-munition; in kosovo and serbia, were the US also used this weapon, cancer rate among the population nowadays is extremely high.)
- "Daisy Cutter" bombs (BLU 82)were used; effect: a fireball with radius more than one square mile; miles around this square mile the explosion creates a vacuum: so the lungs of people implode.
- according to the San Diego Union-Tribune Napalm was used against Iraqis. The Pentagon tries to manipulate and denies the use of Napalm: they don`t call it Napalm bombs today; they call it "Mark 77 Fire Bombs", wich would have only an "quite similar effect".
Officially the US destroyed all its Napalm bombs in 2001.
The speaker of the marines, Michael Daily, said, that "Mark 77 is more environment-friendly than Napalm." (Mark 77 consists mainly of cerosin - napalm consisted mainly of benzol; cerosin burns even faster)
- US-Marine Randolph Alles, who directed some Napalm attacs himself said "the Generals love Napalm because it has a big psychological effect - due to the fire ball and its typicall smell".
links and pics:
So what Ross?
11.12.2004 14:27
RU being sarcastic?
e-mail: jackslucid@hotmail.com