Tom Paine | 07.12.2004 12:16
This one is not even nice.
He uses his disability like an Indian street beggar.
The time in which he could do that is now gone.
He took on Gordon Brown?
When a clown like this fascist thinks he can take on Gordon Brown there is a lot of delusion around.
Delusional dossiers, wars and investigations.
The first draft of Budd’s report has already been sent to Red Scarlett for editing.
It States:
As it is no part of my remit to bring down Gauliter Blunkett I find the following.
Some disposable in The Home Office took it upon himself, without the knowledge or permission of Gauliter Blunkett, to fast-track the Filipino residence permit.
No significance should be given to the fact that the file had just been ordered up by Gauliter Blunkett’s office and had been sent directly to the disposable from there.
I did not find it necessary to examine the evidence of Mrs. Quinn or anyone else as this would have cut into my long lunch time.
Now leave the poor cripple alone as Psycho Phoney needs someone to hide behind.
And now the saggers are going to destroy The BBC.

Tom Paine