Straw welcomes UN plan for strikes on rogue states...
Foreign Press Foundation | 07.12.2004 06:53 | Social Struggles | World
Trying to cover his tracks, the British foreign secretary Jack Straw now urges a change in the Charter of the United Nations, in a shameless effort to get himself and all other war criminals of the hook.
British foreign secretary Straw welcomes UN plan for strikes on rogue states...
More war crimes planned
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - the Netherlands - 0612-2004 - US-led invasion of Iraq was AN ILLEGAL ACT that contravened the UN charter.* Thus punishable by law and conventions.
This does imply that the United States and it's allies is guilty of crimes against humanity on a grand scale. It also means that those responsible for the awful massacres, must be arrested, prosecuted and taken to court.
They must be punished for advocating and starting genocide, amongst others the ongoing slaughter in Iraq which is some kind of permanent Guernica by America.
Trying to cover his tracks as a war criminal, the British foreign secretary Jack Straw now urges a change in the Charter of the United Nations, in a shameless effort to get himself and all other war criminals of the hook.
They want changes in the Charter of the United Nations, which the US, the UK and the other rogue states and criminal allies in the 'Coalition of the Killing' are in breach of. Not to mention their secret killing squads, breeding terrorism everywhere in the world.* Cruel, illegal, and punishable by international law.
In an interview in the british paper 'the Independent', by Colin Brown, the british foreign secretary Straw "welcomes UN plan for strikes on rogue states", as if he and his hoodlums had not done damage enough to the world with their crimes against humanity.
Bringing misery to millions of people which will hate them for centuries to come, if man survives their global plunder and wars and doesn't perish earlier in a nuclear Holocaust, brought upon us by the survivors of the other Holocaust and their american mercenaries.
Straw has the guts to say that: "Changes to the UN charter would make it easier for Britain and the US to go to war with Security Council backing against rogue states."
According to the Independent article "under the proposed changes, in a report by 16 experts, the UN's 15-member Security Council would be enlarged to 24 nations, and the UN stance on emerging threats would be tightened, because the world had a "responsibility to
protect" people threatened with genocide, mass killings or ethnic cleansing.
Nowhere in the article it says how we in the rest of the world - apart from Israel - should or can protect ourselves against the American terror: genocide, torture, jailing and kidnappings.*
It's nauseating: "Mr. Straw said the proposed charter would prevent other members of the enlarged Security Council using the veto to block preventive action to protect people from genocide."
Free fire
What this british criminal is suggesting is a free hand for the murderous gangs defending the multinationals, whether in uniform or not, uninformed and brainwashed soldier, or degenerated mercenaries which kill for money. It's not a matter - as Straw suggests - of ''protecting people against genocide'': it's a matter of committing genocide and not be
punished for it, using the United Nations for the umpteenth time as a fig leaf for criminal US/Israeli warfare. Raping laws and conventions in their sick greed and reconfiguring of the world's energy sources.
UK: no written Constitution
What this murderous maniac Straw means, is quite clear: if we want to attack, we'll attack, whatever the others say. Straw is a mentally derailed moron who must be jailed as soon as is possible. And all the people - especially lawyers and judges, plus journalists - not protesting Straw and his stance - are cowards. Get them in court, they are criminals according to all international law! The fact that the United Kingdom not even has a written Constitution after so many centuries, is a bad omen, but also a bad excuse not to get british war criminals in court.
Another Straw quote: "The Foreign Secretary emphasized his belief that the threat of preventive action by the UN, would in future force dictators and rogue states to bow to international pressure."
This maybe correct, if Straw means that it is necessary to force Bush, Blair, Balkenende (NL) and leaders of other rogue states like Israel, and for instance also the warsupporting managers of the Netherlands, to bow to international pressure and stop their genocides.
Globally lawyers and judges witth a consience have started war crimes tribunals which already are busy with the United States, Israel and the other bribed and bullied servile fellow travelers, so they'll all end up here, like the dutch government's war criminals:

[And end] - Monday interview, page 29 - Url.:

* Annan/BBC - ''Iraq war is illegal'' - Url.:

* Secret US/CIA killing squads - Url.:


Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

The Dutch author has this far worked abroad for 4 decades for international media, as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East.
Help the troops come home ! We need them badly to fight our 'governments':

Foreign Press Foundation