O12 (Venezuela) prisoners free!
pachamerikan | 07.12.2004 00:20 | Venezuela | London
As of December 6th, the three prisoners being held for the toppling of the statue of Columbus in Plaza Venezuela in Caracas were released from prison, but one of them, the most vocal of the group, Freddy Tabarquino, is still set to stand trial inliberty. There is, however, a good possibility that other individuals who have stepped forward to declare responsibility will face trial and/or imprisonment, but there has yet to be a response to the request for a collective trial for all 200 who have declared responsibility for the action.
In honor of the release of the prisoners and all of the revolutionary prisoners of the continent, there will be a “Gran Paranda Pachamerikana” held in various locations (Mexico DF, Caracas, Bogota, Quebec, and more to come) throughout Pachamerika on December 17th,18th, and 19th. These festivals will be community based cultural events celebrating cultural resistance and the power of grassroots movements in theglobal struggle. All of the festivals will have a live-feed broadcast via the internet (the details for the broadcast will be sent out soon). If you or an organization is interested in organizing a Pachamerikan Festival in your neighborhood, or would like more information, contact
katrina@calleymedia.org or subscribe to the English list by writing to
