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SSF Meetings: Workshops (contents)

sheffielder | 03.12.2004 22:05 | Sheffield

Workshops being organized for tomorrow Saturday and Sunday SSF meetings.
More detailed information available at the

2. Morning Workshops

* Workshop 1: Towards ESF 2006. Learning and reflections from this year's ESF. Coming up with a statement, if possible, about the ESF in relation to the extraordinary Paris meeting on 18/19 December. Not 'the LSFs' say this; but perhaps a short statement of impressions of the ESF in terms of its impact, outcomes, process, democracy and purpose. There will be a debate in Paris at the future of the ESF process. A major issue is the process of putting them on. (Stuart H)

* Workshop 2: Organising local social forums - How do people organise, open space or action group or both. How do you decide on campaigns. Charter or no charter. Voting, consensus, or go your own way. Involvement of political groups. Involvement of NGO's/charities. How do you relate local and global. Can the LSF back something, or is it purely a meeting space. How does action come out of it. What are you trying to acheive.

Present back and discussion

Democracy cafe style, or maybe creative gubbins, games, poetry, food fights:)
Afternoon Workshops

Workshop 1(continued if needed/wanted): Towards ESF 2006

Workshop 3: Building a UK network - webs, survey, co-ordination of campaigns, communication, Building the university social forum network. Relation between Uni SF's and LSF's

Workshop 4: Building local social forums - tips, tricks and tactics. Publicity - flyposting, stencils, distribution, media work. Funding and finances. What spreads the message and what doesn't. How do you get people along, what sort of event do you organise. What about socials, creative events. Making clear what an lsf is, distiguishing the idea from being 'just another group'. What is your focus, who are you trying to involve.

3G Mast Campaigns - I'd like to include a brief summary of the issues and activity of the various campaign groups in Sheffield if this can be squeezed in. (Danny)

Workshop 5(?): Organizing a Time Bank. Brief introduction to Time Banks in Great Britain. About 4pm, half and hour. So plenty of time to attend other simultaneous workshop. Thank you. (last minute addition by @mparo).

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07.12.2004 01:15

Was unable to make it to the local Social Forums week-end. Hope all went well enough.
Would be very interested to read of/see what ideas and thoughts went INTO workshop 4 and just what ideas/thoughts CAME out of it.
Regards and best.

Smiley Steve