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Matt S | 03.12.2004 11:49 | Oxford

Just received word that Aznar has cancelled his visit to Oxford tonight - so the demo is off, too.

Many apologies for the short notice.

Dear all,

Just received word that Aznar has cancelled his visit to Oxford tonight - so the demo is off, too.

Many apologies for the short notice. I will be there at 7 pm to tell anyone who turns up anyway.


Matt S


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03.12.2004 14:23

Surely it's not because of us. That would be terrible! Where else is he going, where he might get a bit of a welcome........?


Poor old Jose

06.12.2004 11:49

I think the White House is the only place left... so he'll just have to grin and bear it...! ;-)

Mike Rowley
mail e-mail:

Whats your style?

06.12.2004 17:47

Two of the most important Spanish Newspapers (El Pais and El Mundo) have said that
Aznar's visit to Oxford was cancelled because Aznar did not want to face the
demostration that was being organised to protest for his visit and because of his
engagement in the War. This is why, although he spent a few days in London, he did
not come to "visit" us.

Thus, although we could not finally show our anger against him (some of us will have
many more opportunities of doing so), I think that we must be happy. I think that it
was a very successful final for all our plans.

Thank you to all those who participated in any way in this success.

See you around.

All best wishes

the art of protesting without protesting!