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Galloway wins libel action.

Guido | 02.12.2004 17:35 | London | World

The Torygraph loses its case shelling out over 1,000,000 in costs and damages to anti war MP.


His supporters
His supporters

Today George Galloway MP won his libel action against the conservative party's favourite newspaper the Daily Telegragh in spectacular style. Not only did the judge uphold every aspect of Galloway's complaint but he also denied the Telegraph an appeal (a decision that they have vowed to appeal against). The Telegragh's claim that Galloway was on Saddam Hussain's payrole has turned out to be a rather expensive lie. The paper have had to pay him £150,000 damages and cough up around £1,000,000 in legal costs.

Whatever you may think of Galloway and his politics, credit is due for his determination in seeing this through. He risked everything including his seat in parliament and financial ruin to bring this case to court. He also kept his dignity on winning. Most people would have been tempted to gloat or at least look a little smug. Instead he used the occasion to demand that Tony Blair is brought to account for helping America commit mass murder in Iraq. Nice one George.



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Good on you George

02.12.2004 18:22

I wish the government had not recently imposed a cap on liable damages. Otherwise he might have got a lot more. Anyway this is still sweet!!!! I might open a bottle of red tonight and celebrate. Suck it Telegraph. You lying SCUM you mess wid us you pay!


What about the money?

03.12.2004 10:52

I wonder what he will do with the cash? It would be nice if he donated to The Red Cross or another relief agency which helps people in Iraq.

Mercury Kev