EDO Tech 6 on trial 13-16th December - Come and Support
Smash EDO | 02.12.2004 15:47 | Anti-militarism
13th-16th December Trial of EDO Tech 6 Putting the arms industry on trial - Support Picket at Brighton Magistrates Court
By EDO Tech 6
In May 2004 a group of activists blockaded EDO/MBM technology on the Home Farm Industrial Estate, Mouslecoomb, Brighton. EDO/MBM is an arms factory manufacturing bomb release mechanisms for F16, Hawk Hurricane and Tornado Fighter Jets, tank diagnostic systems and the controversial Paveway IV precison guidance system used in the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The factory supplies equipment to Lockheed Martin in the USA who equip human rights abusers like Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Israel and Turkey.
Six activists erected metal fencing on the access road to the factory and chained themselves to it while a further five campaigners occupied the roof of the factory. The factory was paralysed for the day losing them £20,000.
The six activists involoved in the blockade are charged with obstructing the highway without legitimate excuse and will be on trial at Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton 13th-16th December. They will argue that their legitimate excuse was the weapons were to be used in breach of the International Criminal Court Act of 2001 to be used to commit crimes against humanity and war crimes by the US/UK in Iraq and by israel in Palestine. They will call eyewitnesses to the use of equipment like that manufactured by EDO Tech from Iraq and Palestine. They will emphasise that to supply such weapons for use in these conflicts is not only illegal under UK law but also immoral.
They are asking for people from around the country to join them on the 13 - 16th December to demonstrate outside the court and at EDO-Tech.
Accomodation will be provided in Brighton. There is a demonstration and support march organised by Web Sussex Action for Peace on the 16th December outside Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street.
Interested people should telephone 07891405923 or Email
smashedo@hotmail.com. For more details about the campaign see smashedo.bpec.org
By EDO Tech 6
In May 2004 a group of activists blockaded EDO/MBM technology on the Home Farm Industrial Estate, Mouslecoomb, Brighton. EDO/MBM is an arms factory manufacturing bomb release mechanisms for F16, Hawk Hurricane and Tornado Fighter Jets, tank diagnostic systems and the controversial Paveway IV precison guidance system used in the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The factory supplies equipment to Lockheed Martin in the USA who equip human rights abusers like Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Israel and Turkey.
Six activists erected metal fencing on the access road to the factory and chained themselves to it while a further five campaigners occupied the roof of the factory. The factory was paralysed for the day losing them £20,000.
The six activists involoved in the blockade are charged with obstructing the highway without legitimate excuse and will be on trial at Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton 13th-16th December. They will argue that their legitimate excuse was the weapons were to be used in breach of the International Criminal Court Act of 2001 to be used to commit crimes against humanity and war crimes by the US/UK in Iraq and by israel in Palestine. They will call eyewitnesses to the use of equipment like that manufactured by EDO Tech from Iraq and Palestine. They will emphasise that to supply such weapons for use in these conflicts is not only illegal under UK law but also immoral.
They are asking for people from around the country to join them on the 13 - 16th December to demonstrate outside the court and at EDO-Tech.
Accomodation will be provided in Brighton. There is a demonstration and support march organised by Web Sussex Action for Peace on the 16th December outside Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street.
Interested people should telephone 07891405923 or Email

Smash EDO