International Policy Network report on climate change jammed
Jam IPN | 30.11.2004 01:40 | Ecology | Globalisation | London
A report by Neo-Con front group the International Policy Network was jammed this evening by a group of activists.
The IPN, who recieved $50,000 from ExxonMobil / Esso since 2002, and their sister company, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), who recieved $1,000,000 from ExxonMobil / Esso, had their little press conference disrupted by 6 Earth First! activists, who let the press and public know that the group had funding links to Big Oil; that they were using discredited scientists, including Nils-Axel Morner, who claims to represent the INQUA commission on sea level change despite the organisation's leader stating that the views of Mr. Morner are "diametrically opposed" to those of the INQUA; that climate change is real and that no matter where they run, climate "skeptics" can no longer hide.
The International Policy Network, whose U.S. branch shares a fax number (and used to share a postal address) with the CEI, is headed by Julian Morris, a pro-market campaigner linked to the CEI and Institute of Econmic Affairs. He is an avidly pro-GM campaigner, and ex-Living Marxism (LM) contributor. It is linked to (a.k.a. Bureaucrash), who were in attendance, with frontperson Ms. Kendra Okonski and others present. The IPN espouses free-market libertarian views, which conveniently seem to corespond with those of ExxonMobil and other sponsors.
4 of the activists read out pre-prepared statements, whilst being physically ejected from the room, the IPN using a variety of threats, from knocking the glasses off one protestor (in an attempt to halt his reading from script) to shoving and worse (Ms. Okonski threatening physical violence at one point). The last 2 waited until the end to ask poignant questions and challenged both Mr. Morner (to deny the accusations that he deliberately inflates his position at the INQUA) and Mr. Morris (to refute the funding allegations). All in all, the protest demonstrated that the pro-environment lobby will not allow these kind of fraudulent organisations to publicise lies and dubious science any more.
The 6 activists, working under the Earth First! umbrella, left the building without arrest, although at least 3 of the IPN staff committed acts of assault upon them. Their IPN name badges were, regretfully, removed by force, which caused much distress in the pub.
For comments, information and to register anti-skeptic opinion, please contact Ms. Kendra Okonski, Sustainable Development Project Director, at, or +44 20 7836 0759 / 7836 0750 (phone) +44 7795 844 685 (mobile). The IPN can be found at The Piazza, Covent Garden, Bedford Chambers, 3rd Floor, WC2E 8HA (next to Rock Garden), or on the net at Bureaucrash are
To find out about more about ExxonMobil / Esso funded groups, visit, or
The International Policy Network, whose U.S. branch shares a fax number (and used to share a postal address) with the CEI, is headed by Julian Morris, a pro-market campaigner linked to the CEI and Institute of Econmic Affairs. He is an avidly pro-GM campaigner, and ex-Living Marxism (LM) contributor. It is linked to

4 of the activists read out pre-prepared statements, whilst being physically ejected from the room, the IPN using a variety of threats, from knocking the glasses off one protestor (in an attempt to halt his reading from script) to shoving and worse (Ms. Okonski threatening physical violence at one point). The last 2 waited until the end to ask poignant questions and challenged both Mr. Morner (to deny the accusations that he deliberately inflates his position at the INQUA) and Mr. Morris (to refute the funding allegations). All in all, the protest demonstrated that the pro-environment lobby will not allow these kind of fraudulent organisations to publicise lies and dubious science any more.
The 6 activists, working under the Earth First! umbrella, left the building without arrest, although at least 3 of the IPN staff committed acts of assault upon them. Their IPN name badges were, regretfully, removed by force, which caused much distress in the pub.
For comments, information and to register anti-skeptic opinion, please contact Ms. Kendra Okonski, Sustainable Development Project Director, at

To find out about more about ExxonMobil / Esso funded groups, visit

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