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Undercurrents talk at Oxford Brookes Uni

reposted by John | 29.11.2004 15:54 | Analysis | Culture | Globalisation | Oxford

Zoe Broughton of Undercurrents will be giving a talk and video screening on "The News You Don't See on The News" at Oxford Brookes University this Thursday at 6pm.

It will be held in Room SG03 on the Gipsy Lane Campus.

Room SG03 is on Gipsy Lane, in the Sinclair Building, Ground Floor, next to the Student Union shop.
If you come in by the main reception at Gipsy Lane, go left at the front desk, follow the corridor around past the Waterstone's bookshop. Make the first right up a few stairs, and walk past the SU shop on your right: the room numbers are posted by the doors.

All are welcome.

reposted by John
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much thanks for directions

30.11.2004 22:04

thanks for the extra location info - which is a big help for people unfamiliar with the venue.

for the incurably disorganised, a notice in main reception can be as simple as a bit of paper, a fat pen and some sticky tape
