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DarkerCloud | 28.11.2004 23:27

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Housing wealth and inequality in Great Britain 1980–2003 and beyond
A Shelter summary of research carried out by Bethan Thomas and Danny Dorling, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield.
The full report is available from Shelter’s website.
© November 2004 Shelter. All rights reserved. This document is only for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, post, distribute, transmit or modify it in any way.



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US suffers too

30.11.2004 18:30

US people suffer too -
"Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004 (working links)

#1: Wealth Inequality in 21st Century Threatens Economy and Democracy

Wealth inequality increased dramatically in the United States in the late 1990s. The top 5% is now capturing an increasingly greater portion of the pie while the bottom 95% is clearly losing ground, resulting in the rapidly vanishing middle class. This trend is the product of legislative policies carefully crafted and lobbied for by corporations and the ultra-wealthy over the past 25 years. America's economic trends have a global footprint. Today, the top 400 income earners in the U.S. make as much in a year as the entire population of the 20 poorest countries in Africa. A series of reports released in 2003 by the UN warn that further increases in the imbalance in wealth throughout the world will have catastrophic effects if left unchecked, such as the collapse of the entire global economy."

It becomes clear that only Lucy Parsons had a relevant answer.

ex indyc