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APPEAL « A Caravan for Palestine - a Caravan for Human Rights - 2005 »

CARAVANE FOR PALESTINE | 26.11.2004 23:26 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | World

We, women and men drawn from different cultural and social backgrounds, conscious that we all belong to one human race, are appealing for international action in support of human rights and dignity .
In relation to Palestine this dignity and these rights have been flouted with the complicity of governments world-wide.The resistance of the Palestinian population calls for the support of internationl civil society.
A caravan with Palestine as its destination seems to us to be an initiative which can mobilise enough energy to effectively consolidate this international solidarity.

APPEAL « A Caravan for Palestine - a Caravan for Human Rights - 2005 »
Printable version + charter + member card

We, women and men drawn from different cultural and social backgrounds, conscious that we all belong to one human race, are appealing for international action in support of human rights and dignity .
In relation to Palestine this dignity and these rights have been flouted with the complicity of governments world-wide.The resistance of the Palestinian population calls for the support of internationl civil society.
A caravan with Palestine as its destination seems to us to be an initiative which can mobilise enough energy to effectively consolidate this international solidarity.


1) Demand the respect for and application of international law ( among others U.N. Security Council resolutions 194-1948, 242 - 1967, 338 - 1973, and 1397 - 2002) concerning :
- The ending of settlement and the dismantling of all the settlements
established since the war of 1967
-The ending of the Israeli military presence in Palestine.
- A fair settlement of the refugee question who must have the right to choose between an adequate compensation and a right of return.
-The dismantling of the wall erected by the Israelis in Palestine
(International Hague Tribunal).
- The protection of the civilian population and the rights of Palestinian prisoners according to the Geneva convention.
-The dispatch of an international peacekeeping force for the protection of the population and the application of the UN resolutions particularly in order to evacuate the settlements and deal with recalcitrant settlers, is absolutely essential. (as proposed by the UN Secretary General in 2002)

2) Demand the right of free movement (in the spirit of UN Resolution 194)
-For the caravan
-For any citizen of the world (often sent back from both Israeli and
Palestinian borders, illegally controlled by Israeli forces.)
- For all the Palestinian people, both in the interior of the country
recognised by the international community (suppression of check- points and other fixed or mobile barriers in the towns , on the outskirts and on the Palestinian roads) and at its frontiers.. The special roads constructed for the settlers in Palestine should become the property of the Palestinians to use as they will.


1) Information - The caravan will make people aware of the actual situation
in Palestine by presenting true information in place of the general
- By crossing as many countries as possible and meeting the local
- By contacting the media and local and international associations and networks.
-In creating or strengthening solidarity networks- In organising meetings, leaflets,discussions, interviews, offical contacts calling on elected representatives and governments etc;
-In organising events, both cultural, (such as a mobile bus exhibition) political, international and festive (concerts etc.)
-In organising some spectacular events during the journey..
In general the object will be to attract the maximum attention of the media at local, national and international level. with the object of encouraging practical support for the Palestinians and to oblige the governments of the world to take action in the interests of Palestine in response to public opinion.

2) The Caravan will aim to create a united international movement
- by gathering together a group of people of varying nationalities and viewpoints for a common action with a common ambition; at least one vehicle from each department of France as well as delegations from other countries.
- by meeting during the jourrney, people of different viewpoints and
nationalities and increasing their awareness so that they will either join in with us or develop their own activities in solidarity with the
Palestinians, particularly by putting pressure on their own governments.
- by making links, whenever possible, with other initiatives and movements of solidarity.

3) Inside Palestine : the Caravan, like all outside presence in this
nation-prison is in itself a strong act of resistance to the Israeli
- By making a link between occupied Palestine and the rest of the world, Palestine isolated and betrayed by the international community, or to be precise by its representatives.
-By meeting and supporting Israeli individuals and groups who are
struggling against the illegal Israeli occupation
-By adressing a message of peace to the Israeli population, a rejection of fear and hatred
-By encouraging meetings between the 2 populations
-By witnessing to international solidarity of citizens throughout the world

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