Blair's Patriot Act
Angry Manc | 24.11.2004 21:25
Blair plans to take more of your rights and freedoms away under the banner of "anti-terrorism". Can we expect a staged bomb to make sure we comply with this lying war criminal and eliminator of scientist civil servants?
Tony Blair and his cronies are planning to impose "Patriot Act"-like restrictions on the British people. Everyone on IndyMedia knows that this "war on terrorism" is a fraud and designed to make the masses submit through fear. While Tony has increased the the threat to the UK from nut-cases who think that they can solve the injustices of our foreign (and domestic) policies by bombing our cities, the answer is not the proposed "Terrorism" laws. These "laws" will only ensure that more injustices occur.
"The proposals include special anti-terror courts without juries and the use of phone-tap evidence in trials."
ie. Blair and his cronies and puppets like Hutton et al can make more decisions without scrutiny. They can "spin" anything you say (eg. on IndyMedia) and use it against you.
"U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair plans to introduce identity cards and measures to curb animal-rights extremists in a legislative program aimed at quelling the threat of terrorism, Queen Elizabeth II said."
More ID Card links here:
Oppose this errosion of your rights. What happened to "freedom" (you know, what we are apparently dying for in Iraq)?
"The proposals include special anti-terror courts without juries and the use of phone-tap evidence in trials."

ie. Blair and his cronies and puppets like Hutton et al can make more decisions without scrutiny. They can "spin" anything you say (eg. on IndyMedia) and use it against you.
"U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair plans to introduce identity cards and measures to curb animal-rights extremists in a legislative program aimed at quelling the threat of terrorism, Queen Elizabeth II said."

More ID Card links here:

Oppose this errosion of your rights. What happened to "freedom" (you know, what we are apparently dying for in Iraq)?
Angry Manc