the value of learning
- - | 22.11.2004 14:20
Earlier this month, Diana Green, Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, addressed a conference on "The Role of the University in the Community" at which she reportedly commented that,
"Whilst the economic impact [of a university] is clearly important, there are numerous other ways in which having a university situated in the community enriches the local quality of life. Not least of these is the value of learning for learning's sake, and many universities now have extensive continuing education programmes."
By sad contradiction, Green only seems interested in this philosophy insofar as it “extends the profile of the University". "Universities” she enthused, “have a vital contribution to make to the cultural life of cities and communities, and are often key partners in local theatre productions, concerts, art and museum exhibitions and a host of other cultural events and activities. This contribution can often be overlooked and is something which should be celebrated."
Her exclusive interest in ‘culture’ as a source of ‘learning for learning’s sake’ reflects the growing trend which confidently claims there is something inherently virtuous in the arts. Behind the bland feelgood rhetoric however lies the simple fact that the arts is big business and that it generates the same miserable social conditions as any other big business.
If universities were genuinely intersted in enriching community life through unadulterated education, they might start by looking closer to home. Here, for example, is one small piece of learning for learning’s sake:
In 2002, the seven biggest UK-based arms manufacturing companies made weapons sales of over $20bn. These companies, responsible through their exports for tens of thousands of civilian deaths and injuries, are supported by many UK universities which are profiting from investment in their shares.
The Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT - has compiled a list of university investors in the arms trade – last updated April 2004 – and a summary appears below.
Hear the screams – you don’t need to be persuaded why disinvestment in these companies is a requirement. While universities underpin this cold-blooded trade they can make no claim to ‘value’ ‘quality of life’.
++ Educational Organisations and share holdings in the arms trade ++
There are 3 categories in the following list:
1. universities known to hold shares in arms companies
2. universities not disclosing if shares are held or where the information is just not known (NK)
3. universities with no shares in the arms trade
If your university (or other educational organisation named here) is a shareholder in the arms trade, begin the protest and demand disinvestment. Report on it for the student paper, set up a society, picket honorary degree ceremonies, work through your union, more…
If it is ‘not known’ whether a university holds shares, then it is still possible shares +are+ owned in these companies but the information is not yet available. Try to find out if shares are owned and send any info to CAAT.
++ The list ++
1. Universities owning shares in the arms trade
Birmingham University Pension Fund
BAe Systems
Rolls Royce
Smiths Group
Dundee University Pension Fund
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Edinburgh University Pension Fund
Rolls Royce
Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Smiths Group
Glasgow University Endowment Fund
BAe Systems
Rolls Royce
VT Group
Greig Educational Trustees Inc.
BAe Systems
Guildhall School of Music and Drama Trust Ltd.
BAe Systems
Hertfordshire University - Higher Education Corporation
BAe Systems
Imperial College of Science, London University
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Lancaster University
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Leeds University Pension Fund
Smiths Group
Liverpool University - Endowment Funds
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
VT Group
London University Superannuation Arrangements (SAUL)
Rolls Royce
Manchester Metropolitan University
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Manchester University Superannuation Scheme
Rolls Royce
Smiths Group
Mid-career College Ltd.
Rolls Royce
New Hall College, Cambridge
Rolls Royce
North West Training Council
BAe Systems
Nottingham University
Rolls Royce
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
Somerville College, Oxford
Rolls Royce
Southampton University
BAe Systems
St. Hilda's College, Oxford
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
St. John the Evangelist College, Cambridge
Rolls Royce
Smiths Group
Surrey University
Rolls Royce
Trinity Hall, Cambridge
Smiths Group
Universities' Superannuation Scheme
BAe Systems
Rolls Royce
VT Group
Smiths Group
University College, London University
2. Universities not disclosing share investments or where information is just Not Known (NK)
Aberdeen University
Abertay Dundee University
All Souls College, Oxford
Anglia Polytechnic University
Aston University
Balliol College, Oxford
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Bath University - Endowment Fund
Bath University Pension Fund
Birmingham University Pension Fund
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Blackfriars Hall, Oxford
Brasenose College, Oxford
Brighton University
Bristol University Endowment funds
Bristol University Pension Fund
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Cambridge University
Campion Hall, Oxford
Christ's College, Cambridge
Churchill College, Cambridge
Clare Hall, Cambridge
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Courtauld Institute of Art, London University
Coventry University
Cranfield University
Darwin College, Cambridge
De Montfort University
Downing College, Cambridge
Dundee University Pension Fund
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Durham University
East London University
Edinburgh University
Edinburgh University Pension Fund
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Essex University
Exeter College, Oxford
Exeter University
Federated Pension Scheme for Non-academic Staff, Cambridge
Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Smiths Group - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Girton College, Cambridge
Glamorgan University
Glasgow University Endowment Fund
Cobham - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Goldsmiths College, London University
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
Green College, Oxford
Greenwich University
Greig Educational Trustees Inc.
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Guildhall School of Music and Drama Trust Ltd.
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Harris Manchester College, Oxford
Heriot-Watt University
Hertford College, Oxford
Hertfordshire University
Hertfordshire University - Higher Education Corporation
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Homerton College, Cambridge
Huddersfield University
Hughes Hall, Cambridge
Hull University Pension Fund
Imperial College of Science, London University
Rolls Royce - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Jesus College, Cambridge,
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Jesus College, Oxford
Keble College, Oxford
Kellogg College, Oxford
King's College, Cambridge
Kings College, London University
Kingston University
Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
Lancaster University
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Leeds University Pension Fund
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Leicester University
Linacre College, Oxford
Lincoln College, Oxford
Lincolnshire and Humberside University
Liverpool University - Endowment Funds
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
Alvis - NK
London Guildhall University
London School of Economics and Political Science
London University Superannuation Arrangements (SAUL)
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Loughborough University
Lucy Cavendish College
Luton University
Magdalen College, Oxford
Magdalene College, Cambridge,
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Manchester Metropolitan University
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Manchester University
Manchester University Superannuation Scheme
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Mansfield College, Oxford
Merton College, Oxford
Mid-career College Ltd.
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
National Union of Teachers (NUT) HQ - Pension Fund
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
New College, Oxford
Newcastle upon Tyne University
Newnham College, Cambridge
North London University
New Hall College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
North West Training Council
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham University
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group -NK
Nuffield College, Oxford
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Open University Pension Fund
Oriel College, Oxford
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford University Endowment Funds
Oxford University Staff Pension Fund
Paisley University
Pembroke College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Pembroke College, Oxford
Portsmouth University
Queen Mary and Westfield College, London University
Queen's College, Cambridge
Queens University in Belfast - Pension Fund
Reading University
Royal Holloway College, London University
Royal Veterinary College, London University
Salford University
School of Oriental and African Studies, London University
School of Pharmacy, London University
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield University
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Somerville College, Oxford
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
South Bank University
Southampton University Pension Fund
St. Andrews University
St. Anne's College, Oxford
St. Antony's College, Oxford Main Fund
St. Catherine's College, Oxford
St. Edmund Hall, Oxford
St. Edmund's College, Cambridge
St. George's Hospital Medical School, London University
St. Hilda's College, Oxford
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
St. Hugh's College, Oxford
St. John the Evangelist College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
St. John's College, Oxford,
St. Peter's College, Oxford
Stirling University Pension fund
Strathclyde University
Sunderland University
Teesside University
Thames Valley University
The Queen's College, Oxford
The Robert Gordon University
Trinity College, Cambridge
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Trinity College, Oxford
Trinity Hall, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Ulster University
Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology
University College Oxford
University College, London University
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
University of Central England
University of Central Lancashire
University of the West of England
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
University of Wales, Bangor
University of Wales, Cardiff
University of Wales, Lampeter
University of Wales, Swansea
Warwick University
Wolfson College, Cambridge
Wolfson College, Oxford
Wolverhampton University
York University
3. Universities with no shares in the arms trade
Bournemouth University
Bradford University - Endowment Funds
Brunel University
Buckingham University
Christ Church, Oxford
City University
Clare College, Cambridge
Derby University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Greyfriars Hall, Oxford
Hull University Endowment Funds
Kent University - Endowment Funds
Leeds Metropolitan University
Leeds University Endowment Fund
Liverpool John Moores University
Middlesex University
Napier University
Northumbria at Newastle University
Peterhouse, Cambridge
Plymouth University
Regent's Park College, Oxford
Robinson College, Cambridge
Ruskin College , Oxford
St. Benet's Hall, Oxford
St. Catharine's College, Cambridge
St. Cross College, Oxford
Staffordshire University
Sussex University
Templeton College, Oxford
University of East Anglia
University of Wales, College of Medicine
Wadham College, Oxford
Westminster University
Worcester College, Oxford
++ notes ++
These are the seven leading arms-trade companies quoted above:
ALVIS, Military sales: $362m*
Perhaps most notorious for its long-standing relationship with the Indonesian military, having supplied it with a number of vehicles including Stormer armoured vehicles and Scorpion light tanks.
BAE SYSTEMS, Military sales: $15bn
BAE Systems sells weapons across the world. It has received an angry reaction to the use of its Hawks in Aceh (in Northern Indonesia), to the sale of head-up displays for US-built F16s destined for Israel, and to the marketing of arms to India in the midst of conflict over Kashmir.
COBHAM, Military sales: $582m
Cobham produces a wide range of military equipment including missile components, weapons carriage and release systems, communication systems, radar and electronic warfare products.
GKN, Military sales: $2.1bn
Through AgustaWestland, GKN has produced and delivered over 7,000 helicopters to more than 80 countries. 400 Lynx helicopters have been sold to the armed forces of 11 countries, with the latest Lynx variant, the Super Lynx 300, having been purchased by Oman, Thailand and South Africa.
ROLLS-ROYCE, Military sales: $2.2bn
Rolls-Royce is the world's second largest military aero engine manufacturer. Rolls-Royce anticipate steady growth in the military market, not least because of 'increasing regional tensions in many parts of the world'
SMITHS GROUP, Military sales: $1.1bn
Smiths has a wide range of activities, including a large aerospace business which is becoming increasingly military in nature. Missile trigger systems made by Smiths Group were used in US-made Apache attack helicopters supplied to Israel.
VT GROUP, Military sales: $709m
VT believes that the UK's involvement in the Iraq conflict has boosted its chances of receiving new contracts in the Middle East. As a result of the poor order book of the 1990s, the then Vosper Thornycroft acquired companies to bolster its support services portfolio, including military training, and these now account for the bulk of VT sales.
(* sales figures are for 2002)
+ the above shares list is an edited version of documents produced by the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) as part of their 'Clean Investment Campaign'. Their information, which also comes with ‘Important Notes’ about sources of information, can be found here:
+ Green article here:
By sad contradiction, Green only seems interested in this philosophy insofar as it “extends the profile of the University". "Universities” she enthused, “have a vital contribution to make to the cultural life of cities and communities, and are often key partners in local theatre productions, concerts, art and museum exhibitions and a host of other cultural events and activities. This contribution can often be overlooked and is something which should be celebrated."
Her exclusive interest in ‘culture’ as a source of ‘learning for learning’s sake’ reflects the growing trend which confidently claims there is something inherently virtuous in the arts. Behind the bland feelgood rhetoric however lies the simple fact that the arts is big business and that it generates the same miserable social conditions as any other big business.
If universities were genuinely intersted in enriching community life through unadulterated education, they might start by looking closer to home. Here, for example, is one small piece of learning for learning’s sake:
In 2002, the seven biggest UK-based arms manufacturing companies made weapons sales of over $20bn. These companies, responsible through their exports for tens of thousands of civilian deaths and injuries, are supported by many UK universities which are profiting from investment in their shares.
The Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT -

Hear the screams – you don’t need to be persuaded why disinvestment in these companies is a requirement. While universities underpin this cold-blooded trade they can make no claim to ‘value’ ‘quality of life’.
++ Educational Organisations and share holdings in the arms trade ++
There are 3 categories in the following list:
1. universities known to hold shares in arms companies
2. universities not disclosing if shares are held or where the information is just not known (NK)
3. universities with no shares in the arms trade
If your university (or other educational organisation named here) is a shareholder in the arms trade, begin the protest and demand disinvestment. Report on it for the student paper, set up a society, picket honorary degree ceremonies, work through your union, more…
If it is ‘not known’ whether a university holds shares, then it is still possible shares +are+ owned in these companies but the information is not yet available. Try to find out if shares are owned and send any info to CAAT.
++ The list ++
1. Universities owning shares in the arms trade
Birmingham University Pension Fund
BAe Systems
Rolls Royce
Smiths Group
Dundee University Pension Fund
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Edinburgh University Pension Fund
Rolls Royce
Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Smiths Group
Glasgow University Endowment Fund
BAe Systems
Rolls Royce
VT Group
Greig Educational Trustees Inc.
BAe Systems
Guildhall School of Music and Drama Trust Ltd.
BAe Systems
Hertfordshire University - Higher Education Corporation
BAe Systems
Imperial College of Science, London University
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Lancaster University
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Leeds University Pension Fund
Smiths Group
Liverpool University - Endowment Funds
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
VT Group
London University Superannuation Arrangements (SAUL)
Rolls Royce
Manchester Metropolitan University
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
Manchester University Superannuation Scheme
Rolls Royce
Smiths Group
Mid-career College Ltd.
Rolls Royce
New Hall College, Cambridge
Rolls Royce
North West Training Council
BAe Systems
Nottingham University
Rolls Royce
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
Somerville College, Oxford
Rolls Royce
Southampton University
BAe Systems
St. Hilda's College, Oxford
BAe Systems
Smiths Group
St. John the Evangelist College, Cambridge
Rolls Royce
Smiths Group
Surrey University
Rolls Royce
Trinity Hall, Cambridge
Smiths Group
Universities' Superannuation Scheme
BAe Systems
Rolls Royce
VT Group
Smiths Group
University College, London University
2. Universities not disclosing share investments or where information is just Not Known (NK)
Aberdeen University
Abertay Dundee University
All Souls College, Oxford
Anglia Polytechnic University
Aston University
Balliol College, Oxford
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Bath University - Endowment Fund
Bath University Pension Fund
Birmingham University Pension Fund
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Blackfriars Hall, Oxford
Brasenose College, Oxford
Brighton University
Bristol University Endowment funds
Bristol University Pension Fund
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Cambridge University
Campion Hall, Oxford
Christ's College, Cambridge
Churchill College, Cambridge
Clare Hall, Cambridge
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Courtauld Institute of Art, London University
Coventry University
Cranfield University
Darwin College, Cambridge
De Montfort University
Downing College, Cambridge
Dundee University Pension Fund
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Durham University
East London University
Edinburgh University
Edinburgh University Pension Fund
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Essex University
Exeter College, Oxford
Exeter University
Federated Pension Scheme for Non-academic Staff, Cambridge
Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Smiths Group - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Girton College, Cambridge
Glamorgan University
Glasgow University Endowment Fund
Cobham - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Goldsmiths College, London University
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
Green College, Oxford
Greenwich University
Greig Educational Trustees Inc.
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Guildhall School of Music and Drama Trust Ltd.
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Harris Manchester College, Oxford
Heriot-Watt University
Hertford College, Oxford
Hertfordshire University
Hertfordshire University - Higher Education Corporation
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Homerton College, Cambridge
Huddersfield University
Hughes Hall, Cambridge
Hull University Pension Fund
Imperial College of Science, London University
Rolls Royce - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Jesus College, Cambridge,
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Jesus College, Oxford
Keble College, Oxford
Kellogg College, Oxford
King's College, Cambridge
Kings College, London University
Kingston University
Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
Lancaster University
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Leeds University Pension Fund
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Leicester University
Linacre College, Oxford
Lincoln College, Oxford
Lincolnshire and Humberside University
Liverpool University - Endowment Funds
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
Alvis - NK
London Guildhall University
London School of Economics and Political Science
London University Superannuation Arrangements (SAUL)
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Loughborough University
Lucy Cavendish College
Luton University
Magdalen College, Oxford
Magdalene College, Cambridge,
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Manchester Metropolitan University
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Manchester University
Manchester University Superannuation Scheme
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Mansfield College, Oxford
Merton College, Oxford
Mid-career College Ltd.
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
National Union of Teachers (NUT) HQ - Pension Fund
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
New College, Oxford
Newcastle upon Tyne University
Newnham College, Cambridge
North London University
New Hall College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
North West Training Council
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham University
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group -NK
Nuffield College, Oxford
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Open University Pension Fund
Oriel College, Oxford
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford University Endowment Funds
Oxford University Staff Pension Fund
Paisley University
Pembroke College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Pembroke College, Oxford
Portsmouth University
Queen Mary and Westfield College, London University
Queen's College, Cambridge
Queens University in Belfast - Pension Fund
Reading University
Royal Holloway College, London University
Royal Veterinary College, London University
Salford University
School of Oriental and African Studies, London University
School of Pharmacy, London University
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield University
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Somerville College, Oxford
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
South Bank University
Southampton University Pension Fund
St. Andrews University
St. Anne's College, Oxford
St. Antony's College, Oxford Main Fund
St. Catherine's College, Oxford
St. Edmund Hall, Oxford
St. Edmund's College, Cambridge
St. George's Hospital Medical School, London University
St. Hilda's College, Oxford
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
St. Hugh's College, Oxford
St. John the Evangelist College, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
St. John's College, Oxford,
St. Peter's College, Oxford
Stirling University Pension fund
Strathclyde University
Sunderland University
Teesside University
Thames Valley University
The Queen's College, Oxford
The Robert Gordon University
Trinity College, Cambridge
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
Trinity College, Oxford
Trinity Hall, Cambridge
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
Cobham - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Ulster University
Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology
University College Oxford
University College, London University
BAe Systems - NK
Rolls Royce - NK
VT Group - NK
Alvis - NK
Smiths Group - NK
University of Central England
University of Central Lancashire
University of the West of England
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
University of Wales, Bangor
University of Wales, Cardiff
University of Wales, Lampeter
University of Wales, Swansea
Warwick University
Wolfson College, Cambridge
Wolfson College, Oxford
Wolverhampton University
York University
3. Universities with no shares in the arms trade
Bournemouth University
Bradford University - Endowment Funds
Brunel University
Buckingham University
Christ Church, Oxford
City University
Clare College, Cambridge
Derby University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Greyfriars Hall, Oxford
Hull University Endowment Funds
Kent University - Endowment Funds
Leeds Metropolitan University
Leeds University Endowment Fund
Liverpool John Moores University
Middlesex University
Napier University
Northumbria at Newastle University
Peterhouse, Cambridge
Plymouth University
Regent's Park College, Oxford
Robinson College, Cambridge
Ruskin College , Oxford
St. Benet's Hall, Oxford
St. Catharine's College, Cambridge
St. Cross College, Oxford
Staffordshire University
Sussex University
Templeton College, Oxford
University of East Anglia
University of Wales, College of Medicine
Wadham College, Oxford
Westminster University
Worcester College, Oxford
++ notes ++
These are the seven leading arms-trade companies quoted above:
ALVIS, Military sales: $362m*
Perhaps most notorious for its long-standing relationship with the Indonesian military, having supplied it with a number of vehicles including Stormer armoured vehicles and Scorpion light tanks.
BAE SYSTEMS, Military sales: $15bn
BAE Systems sells weapons across the world. It has received an angry reaction to the use of its Hawks in Aceh (in Northern Indonesia), to the sale of head-up displays for US-built F16s destined for Israel, and to the marketing of arms to India in the midst of conflict over Kashmir.
COBHAM, Military sales: $582m
Cobham produces a wide range of military equipment including missile components, weapons carriage and release systems, communication systems, radar and electronic warfare products.
GKN, Military sales: $2.1bn
Through AgustaWestland, GKN has produced and delivered over 7,000 helicopters to more than 80 countries. 400 Lynx helicopters have been sold to the armed forces of 11 countries, with the latest Lynx variant, the Super Lynx 300, having been purchased by Oman, Thailand and South Africa.
ROLLS-ROYCE, Military sales: $2.2bn
Rolls-Royce is the world's second largest military aero engine manufacturer. Rolls-Royce anticipate steady growth in the military market, not least because of 'increasing regional tensions in many parts of the world'
SMITHS GROUP, Military sales: $1.1bn
Smiths has a wide range of activities, including a large aerospace business which is becoming increasingly military in nature. Missile trigger systems made by Smiths Group were used in US-made Apache attack helicopters supplied to Israel.
VT GROUP, Military sales: $709m
VT believes that the UK's involvement in the Iraq conflict has boosted its chances of receiving new contracts in the Middle East. As a result of the poor order book of the 1990s, the then Vosper Thornycroft acquired companies to bolster its support services portfolio, including military training, and these now account for the bulk of VT sales.
(* sales figures are for 2002)
+ the above shares list is an edited version of documents produced by the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) as part of their 'Clean Investment Campaign'. Their information, which also comes with ‘Important Notes’ about sources of information, can be found here:

+ Green article here:

- -
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