Final week of FennerFest!
Slough4Peace | 22.11.2004 12:16 | London
1 week of storming events already gone - 1 more to go! Don't miss, Slough's the place to be, and we're 20 minutes from Paddington (each way :-)
Everyone’s talking about the FennerFest events that
have happened so far. Make sure you don’t miss out on
this week's line up – here’s the summary, lots more
information on
Monday 22 November 8 pm: Fair Trade – simple steps
towards a fairer world. Oxfam talk about trade
justice, the implications of Slough becoming ‘fair
trade town’, and how to make the world a fairer place.
(Quakers Meeting House, Ragstone Rd). Free
entry/donations welcome
Tuesday 23 November 8pm: Local Band Night and Yap.
Best local music talent Adjust, Jecano and Offswitch,
plus a rare spoken word performance from rap-metal
legend Yap (previously lead singer with One Minute’s
Silence). (Club Vision – behind Village Shopping
Centre, Slough High St.) Entry £3, all drinks £2 till
Wednesday 24 November 8pm: SAIN: alternatives to
incineration. Slough Anti Incinerator Network show
how you can vastly reduce the amount of waste you
throw away every day, the only sure way to get rid of
incinerators (Quakers, Ragstone Rd)
Free entry/donations welcome
Thursday 25 November 8pm: an evening with
controversial ex-minister Michael Meacher MP - on the
future for the West and the Muslim world with Bush
back in power. Highly critical of the UK government
for its subservience to the US over foreign and
defence policy, Meacher is known for his outspoken
views. With his previous experience at the heart of
the Blair government, this promises to be a
fascinating and provocative evening. (St Mary’s
church, Church St) Free entry/donations welcome
Saturday 27 November 8pm: closing party. That’s your
lot! If you’ve missed it now there’s no going back…..
(venue to be announced)
Everyone’s talking about the FennerFest events that
have happened so far. Make sure you don’t miss out on
this week's line up – here’s the summary, lots more
information on
Monday 22 November 8 pm: Fair Trade – simple steps
towards a fairer world. Oxfam talk about trade
justice, the implications of Slough becoming ‘fair
trade town’, and how to make the world a fairer place.
(Quakers Meeting House, Ragstone Rd). Free
entry/donations welcome
Tuesday 23 November 8pm: Local Band Night and Yap.
Best local music talent Adjust, Jecano and Offswitch,
plus a rare spoken word performance from rap-metal
legend Yap (previously lead singer with One Minute’s
Silence). (Club Vision – behind Village Shopping
Centre, Slough High St.) Entry £3, all drinks £2 till
Wednesday 24 November 8pm: SAIN: alternatives to
incineration. Slough Anti Incinerator Network show
how you can vastly reduce the amount of waste you
throw away every day, the only sure way to get rid of
incinerators (Quakers, Ragstone Rd)
Free entry/donations welcome
Thursday 25 November 8pm: an evening with
controversial ex-minister Michael Meacher MP - on the
future for the West and the Muslim world with Bush
back in power. Highly critical of the UK government
for its subservience to the US over foreign and
defence policy, Meacher is known for his outspoken
views. With his previous experience at the heart of
the Blair government, this promises to be a
fascinating and provocative evening. (St Mary’s
church, Church St) Free entry/donations welcome
Saturday 27 November 8pm: closing party. That’s your
lot! If you’ve missed it now there’s no going back…..
(venue to be announced)
