All will remember your support for the thugs with their bowie knives and car bom
Mint Biscuit | 18.11.2004 02:24 | London
Of all the really stupid lies propogated by the "peace movement" and other groups struggling to re-install the Fascist Ba'athist dictatorship of Saddam Hussein was that the "resistance" is broad based and popular - despite its ceaseless killings of hundreds of Iraqi citizens.
The events in Fallujah and Mosul this week have put pay to that feeble lie, and the Ba'athists and their predominantly Sunni allies are now reeling from the defeats inflicted on them there.
The Sunni Arabs, who make up a fifth of Iraq's population, ruled the country under Saddam Hussein and have been at the heart of the increasingly lethal insurgency.
Despite what the stooges of the "peace movement" would have us think.
The Shiites, including Moktada al-Sadr, the cleric who has quieted his unruly, thousands-strong militia, appear eager now to embrace politics as a means of pursuing majority rule.
Not surprsingly.
The Kurdish minority of Northern Iraq, far from sympathising with the "resistance" have joined with Coalition and patriotic Iraqi forces in routing the recent insurrectionist putch in Mosul, inflicting another humiliating defeat on the Ba'athist Fascists.
This has left the "peace movement" and other pro-Fascist elements working to de-rail elections in Iraq gaping with shock - and growing increasingly hysterical, as shown by their increasingly inane rantings....
The "peace movement" has even been reduced even to heaping abuse on the Iraqi Communist Party and other gnuine left wing Iraqi movements who have - inconveniently for the "peace movement" - joined in the world wide expressions of revulsion at the endless stream of grotesque attrocities being inflicted up Iraqi men, women and children by the "resistance".
The more pathetic and desparate elements of the peace movement have now sunk into revenge fantasies and gloating over enemy corpses for consolation -
The final stages of their humiliation is now approaching - and soon they will deny they ever uttered their boast "We support the Iraqi Resistance."
But everyone will remember your lies and cowardly support for the thugs with the bowie knives and car bombs.
The Sunni Arabs, who make up a fifth of Iraq's population, ruled the country under Saddam Hussein and have been at the heart of the increasingly lethal insurgency.
Despite what the stooges of the "peace movement" would have us think.
The Shiites, including Moktada al-Sadr, the cleric who has quieted his unruly, thousands-strong militia, appear eager now to embrace politics as a means of pursuing majority rule.
Not surprsingly.
The Kurdish minority of Northern Iraq, far from sympathising with the "resistance" have joined with Coalition and patriotic Iraqi forces in routing the recent insurrectionist putch in Mosul, inflicting another humiliating defeat on the Ba'athist Fascists.
This has left the "peace movement" and other pro-Fascist elements working to de-rail elections in Iraq gaping with shock - and growing increasingly hysterical, as shown by their increasingly inane rantings....

The "peace movement" has even been reduced even to heaping abuse on the Iraqi Communist Party and other gnuine left wing Iraqi movements who have - inconveniently for the "peace movement" - joined in the world wide expressions of revulsion at the endless stream of grotesque attrocities being inflicted up Iraqi men, women and children by the "resistance".

The more pathetic and desparate elements of the peace movement have now sunk into revenge fantasies and gloating over enemy corpses for consolation -

The final stages of their humiliation is now approaching - and soon they will deny they ever uttered their boast "We support the Iraqi Resistance."

But everyone will remember your lies and cowardly support for the thugs with the bowie knives and car bombs.
Mint Biscuit