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'Sitefinder' Mobile Phone Base Station Database

mister tomato pants | 15.11.2004 19:19 | Technology | Sheffield

...Or "Watching Them Watching Us Watching You"...

There's been a lot of protest around the siting of mobile phone masts and base stations - well here's a handy site to find the nearest to any UK locality with a postcode.

The 'Sitefinder' Mobile Phone Base Station Database is a national database of mobile phone base stations and their emissions. The database is managed by the Office Of Communications. Ofcom have produced an information sheet providing background information on the Sitefinder database and how to use the resource.

Ofcom is not responsible for planning or health issues relating to mobile phone base stations and masts. For details of the appropriate contacts within Government for general enquiries relating to these issues go to the related sites area.

All efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided on the database is as accurate as possible. However, Ofcom cannot accept liability for inaccuracies in the data or map information provided.

mister tomato pants


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New TETRA police masts even more dangerous

16.11.2004 15:55

if anyone comes by the location of a 'Tetra' base station on this site - mark it down - this is the next generation of masts, being introduced over 2004/5, for more reliable police radios. There aren't many of them because they're so powerful (about 3200 will cover the UK). They 'pulse' signals at a frequency (17Hz) which can induce epileptic seizures, so they're not to popular with people living near by.

All in all, prime targets for getting torn down.

Maybe that'ss why the government has made sure that the helpful freedom of information type website above does not let you search for them by type, so you can only find them by chance.

If you do manage to find 'em by chance, post the details right here on good ol' indy, folks,


Where are they ?

18.11.2004 10:52

Dunno if its just me but I can't see any base stations on that map anywhere. They're supposed to be marked by little blue triangles but none showed up.

Base Hunter

Sitefinder base station icons

16.04.2005 09:38

The blue triangles that indicate the position of
a base station will appear at the lowest zoom
setting only.
Click on the blue triangle and details of all
base sataions will appear.
It looks like this has been done to make it
difficult to find all the base stations in a town
for instance, there should be a button allowing
base station icon hiding and display.
At the moment, to find base stations for
a larger area it is necessary to repeatedly zoom
in to each part of the larger area until the
blue triangles appear.

Paul Daly
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