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protestors blockade israeli company

PSC | 11.11.2004 17:01 | Repression | London | Oxford

Activists protesting against the illegal wall cutting off Palestinians from their work, schools and hospitals, today blockaded the Israeli company Agrexco UK which imports Carmel produce. The aim was to hightlight the continued existence of this illegal structure and to draw attention to the plight of Palestinian farmers in the occupied territories.

Blockade of Israeli Company by anti-wall protestors:

This morning, a group of activists have set up a blockade outside the
premises of Agrexco-UK. (Carmel House, Swallowfield Way, Hayes, Middlesex
UB3 1DQ - Tel: 020-8848 7788 ).

Agrexco Ltd. is Israels largest exporter of fresh agricultural produce.
Exporting under the premium CARMEL label, Agrexco markets over 300,000 tons
of fresh produce per year, of which 20% are fruits, 10% citrus, 30%
vegetables, 30% flowers, 4% general products and processed food, and 6%
plants and propagation materials. The companys annual turnover for 2003
totaled E500 million. Agrexco is a partnership between the Israeli
(50%), Israeli growers represented by the countrys production and marketing
boards (25%), and the Tnuva cooperative (25%).

The protest forms part of the 2nd International Week against the Apartheid
Wall, which has been called by the Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign

This years call for mobilization to tear down the Apartheid Wall and end
Israeli Occupation is part of the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and
Palestinian demand for immediate and concrete action on all levels
divestment and sanctions against Israeli Apartheid to bring an end to
Israeli Apartheid and Occupation.

Many of the activists taking part have been to Palestine and have witnessed
the misery that is caused by the construction of the euphemistically
named separation barrier, which has resulted in the de facto confiscation
of thousands of dunams of agricultural land, and further severe restrictions
on the freedom of movement of the communities nearest to the structure.

The structure was declared illegal under international law, in a ruling by
the International Court of Justice in the Hague, on July 9th, 2004.
( )

The ruling stated that:

The construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power, in
the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem,
and its associated rigime, are contrary to international law;

and that:

Israel is under an obligation to terminate its breaches of international
law; it is under an obligation to cease forthwith the works of construction
of the wall being built in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in
and around East Jerusalem, to dismantle forthwith the structure therein
situated, and to repeal or render ineffective forthwith all legislative and
regulatory acts relating thereto, in accordance with paragraph 151 of this

Since the ruling was made, Israel has continued to build the structure on
illegally occupied Palestinian land, and if anything has speeded up the
construction. Whilst declaring that it intends to unilaterally disengage
from Occupied Gaza, Israel has continued to confiscate and destroy
agricultural land in Gaza and the west Bank, and is currently constructing
more residential units in both areas.

The disengagement plan would leave Gaza under continued occupation, with
Israel controlling its economy, borders, sea and air. Israel has also
retained the right to attack Gaza whenever it cares to.

Despite the fact that the ICJ ruled that:

All States are under an obligation not to recognize the illegal situation
resulting from the construction of the wall and not to render aid or
assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction; all
States parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of
Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949 have in addition the
obligation, while respecting the United Nations Charter and international
law, to ensure compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law as
embodied in that Convention;

the UK continues to offer Israel favourable trading conditions under the
Israel-EU Association Agreement.

The activists are calling on Israel and the rest of the world to honour
obligations under International law, and on the British people and
to end the Israel-EU Association Agreement and to boycott Israeli Goods
such time as Israel honours its obligations.

For a PDF of the leaflet being handed out by protestors, go to



Hide the following 6 comments

Anti-Terror Wall

11.11.2004 19:37

plz remove this antisemitic bullshit



12.11.2004 00:54

Nazi hunter, you don't get much more anti-semitic than continuing to allow the Jewish people to be associated with such a violent, racist project as the zionist project. In history, we can see many great Jews have spoken up against the violence of fascism and nationalism. Even during biblical times, Elijah criticised the violent King of Israel and was criticised as being 'a Hater of Israel'. Was Elijah antisemitic? Or was the king abusing the temporal power he held?

Can't you see the zionist project leads the jewish people down a very dark and terrible path?



12.11.2004 08:07

This action, which i attended, had nothing to do with anti-semitism, and everything to do with anti-zionism. There is a difference. If you want to argue over it, at least get a grasp of this very basic concept.

Consider: hating the British government's attack on Iraq doesn't make you anti-British. Hating Bush doesn't make you anti-American.

Are you accusing the Israeli refusnik movement (amongst other Israeli solidarity groups) of being anti-semitic too?

In solidarity

yes yes

12.11.2004 16:37

yes, yes, but the point is another: what should israel do to stop being boycotted? will it be enough to knock down this wall? or will people start saying that they have to "comply with UN resolutions" and allow all the refugees to come back to israel, thus self-destroying as a country?
because if that is the ticket, that would be as vile as the embargo on iraq, making the israelis suffer because they refuse to comply with an impossible demand

the voice of common sense

Common sense ??? !!!

12.11.2004 18:56

So, why don't we leave Israel to illegally occupy land, demolish Palestinian homes, build illegal Jewish ones and dispossess communities with the illegal wall on Palestinian land??

You're actually the voice of an apologist ........

Now, what exactly is the problem with a secular democracy for all, including the dispossessed indigenous people of the land?

You don't expplain why it's "impossible", do you?


where is this article?

13.11.2004 18:38

hi, this is my first post on Indy. Was on this action, have atrial in march, could add more but won't. my question is this: where is this post? i had to seacrh Indymedia uk to find it, how would i have found it otherwise?

there are some real genius people on this website btw.

antisemitic activist apparently