Maelstrom – The Story So Far…
a maelstromer | 11.11.2004 15:17
This short article has been written from the perspective of a lone individual involved with Maelstrom, and therefore is not meant to represent anyone nor be some mythical collective statement of intent or desire.
Maelstrom – The Story So Far…
Maelstrom is an info-squat based in Leeds. We are entering our fourth week in occupation of the building, which we have made our home and collective project. In an attempt to launch discussion, criticism and action against surveillance, new technologies of control, prisons and the panopticon society, we have hosted over the past three weeks talks and discussions on the theme of what we call the ‘Surveillance’ or ‘control’ society. Subjects covered have included nanotechnology, biometrics, new repressive laws, security culture, CCTV, ID Cards, the draft mental health bill, the prison society and prisoner support.
We consider it very important at moments such as this to create a space where we can confront, analyse and develop new strategies of action against the projects of the System, and to extend and deepen criticism of the control-society and those who are its architects. This process seems especially necessary to us in the contemporary context.
We have also had workshops on subvertiseing, squat electrics and a squat skill-share, also pirate bingo and an ongoing café run on a donations basis, as well as acting as a space where others can hold there meetings.
We are now opening for weekly events, such as a reading group on Tues nights, café with film or discussion on Weds nights and subvertiseing on Thurs nights. In addition we will have irregular events on other days and evenings. We suggest you keep an eye out on Leeds Indymedia or the posters on the front of the building for more info on these.
In these paralysed times, lacking attack, the State has taken advantage to strengthen their acts of vengeance and death against rebels, and to repress any chance of offence, subversion and freedom. This project hopes to make a small contribution to reversing this situation, through opening up a space without negotiation where all aspects of this oppressive system can be analysed, criticised and attacked.
So we hope you will help to support this project in any way you can. Some suggestions are placed below, but do not feel limited by them.
> Finding out what we need from our wishlists, which we will place in the building and on Leeds Indymedia.
> Coming to the events that interest you and coming down to help cook for the café when we are open.
> Bringing us any Infoshop materials you think appropriate (i.e radical/anarchist books, zines etc. you no longer need so we can build up a library).
Maelstrom is located in the Old Post Office, Hyde Park Corner, Leeds, LS6 (opp Piana’s Pizzas).
Maelstrom is an info-squat based in Leeds. We are entering our fourth week in occupation of the building, which we have made our home and collective project. In an attempt to launch discussion, criticism and action against surveillance, new technologies of control, prisons and the panopticon society, we have hosted over the past three weeks talks and discussions on the theme of what we call the ‘Surveillance’ or ‘control’ society. Subjects covered have included nanotechnology, biometrics, new repressive laws, security culture, CCTV, ID Cards, the draft mental health bill, the prison society and prisoner support.
We consider it very important at moments such as this to create a space where we can confront, analyse and develop new strategies of action against the projects of the System, and to extend and deepen criticism of the control-society and those who are its architects. This process seems especially necessary to us in the contemporary context.
We have also had workshops on subvertiseing, squat electrics and a squat skill-share, also pirate bingo and an ongoing café run on a donations basis, as well as acting as a space where others can hold there meetings.
We are now opening for weekly events, such as a reading group on Tues nights, café with film or discussion on Weds nights and subvertiseing on Thurs nights. In addition we will have irregular events on other days and evenings. We suggest you keep an eye out on Leeds Indymedia or the posters on the front of the building for more info on these.
In these paralysed times, lacking attack, the State has taken advantage to strengthen their acts of vengeance and death against rebels, and to repress any chance of offence, subversion and freedom. This project hopes to make a small contribution to reversing this situation, through opening up a space without negotiation where all aspects of this oppressive system can be analysed, criticised and attacked.
So we hope you will help to support this project in any way you can. Some suggestions are placed below, but do not feel limited by them.
> Finding out what we need from our wishlists, which we will place in the building and on Leeds Indymedia.
> Coming to the events that interest you and coming down to help cook for the café when we are open.
> Bringing us any Infoshop materials you think appropriate (i.e radical/anarchist books, zines etc. you no longer need so we can build up a library).
Maelstrom is located in the Old Post Office, Hyde Park Corner, Leeds, LS6 (opp Piana’s Pizzas).
a maelstromer
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Eeee, I remember
11.11.2004 15:50
Maelstrom sounds great, good luck to you all.
old hippie
15.11.2004 21:11