Police, please activate your minds now (Tyranny 101).
Eric James Rainbowlt | 10.11.2004 22:03 | Globalisation | Liverpool | London
When is the great many of us going to wake up to the dreaded fact WE ALL have been duped out of our lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness by corrupt politicians and a hidden monarchy of international banking elite who want the whole world to themselves?
Here is a great book for police to read worldwide. Get on the radios!
- application/pdf 1015K
Please see the following graphics:
The billboard graphic was created in December 2001, 3 years later most people still haven't a clue that they should be informing all others of this / printing this information out in mass! The world is controlled "covertly" or deceptively".
If you don't know what I mean, then please investigate what I and others have been trying to say to people! Think of it as an internet "firewall" if that helps! Controlling families rule like a giant monarchy from behind the scenes. It is easier if you forget everything you have been told through the television! Forget labeling yourself as a party member just so you don't feel associated with the other one who is more evil in your eyes - THEY ARE BOTH EVIL LYING PARTIES OF SNAKES COVERING FOR THE GLOBAL REGIME CALLED THE NEW WORLD ORDER (LEADING TO TOTALITIARIAN RULE BY THE UNITED NATIONS)! You can't rent this one at blockbuster yet - but you can check out the films by Alex Jones at
http://www.infowars.com Government power is gained through bluffing and deception and staged terror and lies! This is now the essense of their rule! Hitler had a nazi congress - and so do we!
I, Eric Rainbowlt, wrote a 222 page online book, the UNtruth of the world, on 911exposed.com in 2003 and I will post another excellent one written by another author here. Can YOU - coutryman/woman - bring this information to others, and so on and so on and so on? That is the question! This one guy has strained his resourses to the bitter end to keep bringing this up to the rest of the members of the freedom loving tribe. I guarantee you no other topic in the whole world is more important to understand and overcome that the New World Order Conpsiracy. Resist tyranny and obey Our Father!
Police - arrest the criminals - not the protestors! Who are you supposed to be working for? What kind of world do you want you children to live in? Stop working for the executioners! People protesting the rigged election are not the ones you should be arresting! Please turn the light bulb on again upstairs! Get on the radio - the truckers will help too! Secure your states, help other policemen in other states help take back theirs too - for the PEOPLE! Resist government mind control!
The billboard graphic was created in December 2001, 3 years later most people still haven't a clue that they should be informing all others of this / printing this information out in mass! The world is controlled "covertly" or deceptively".
If you don't know what I mean, then please investigate what I and others have been trying to say to people! Think of it as an internet "firewall" if that helps! Controlling families rule like a giant monarchy from behind the scenes. It is easier if you forget everything you have been told through the television! Forget labeling yourself as a party member just so you don't feel associated with the other one who is more evil in your eyes - THEY ARE BOTH EVIL LYING PARTIES OF SNAKES COVERING FOR THE GLOBAL REGIME CALLED THE NEW WORLD ORDER (LEADING TO TOTALITIARIAN RULE BY THE UNITED NATIONS)! You can't rent this one at blockbuster yet - but you can check out the films by Alex Jones at

I, Eric Rainbowlt, wrote a 222 page online book, the UNtruth of the world, on 911exposed.com in 2003 and I will post another excellent one written by another author here. Can YOU - coutryman/woman - bring this information to others, and so on and so on and so on? That is the question! This one guy has strained his resourses to the bitter end to keep bringing this up to the rest of the members of the freedom loving tribe. I guarantee you no other topic in the whole world is more important to understand and overcome that the New World Order Conpsiracy. Resist tyranny and obey Our Father!
Police - arrest the criminals - not the protestors! Who are you supposed to be working for? What kind of world do you want you children to live in? Stop working for the executioners! People protesting the rigged election are not the ones you should be arresting! Please turn the light bulb on again upstairs! Get on the radio - the truckers will help too! Secure your states, help other policemen in other states help take back theirs too - for the PEOPLE! Resist government mind control!
Eric James Rainbowlt