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59 Million People Like Me

john stanton | 10.11.2004 19:05 | Anti-racism

New American National Anthem

59 Million People Like Me
Good old American red blooded hate
Gotta kill me an Arab before it's too late.

Get back home to fly the Confederate flag,
So no one around will think I'm a fag.

Early Sunday morning off to church,
I feel God's power in my starched white shirt.
Toss a few bucks in the basket goes 'round,
So I'm ready for anything that might come down.

Whether civil rights workers or minority clowns,
Or tree hugging liberals with their California sounds,
I'll take care of 'em all with some well-placed

Killin' the evil doers is part of God's plan,
Just like my membership in the Ku Klux Klan.
And polluting the country is a God-given right,
but keep that waste dump outta my sight.

I believe a marriage is between a woman and a man,
Just like I believe in old Uncle Sam.
Women think too much, you know that is true,
They should be at home working and serving up brew.
I whip my kids with a belt when they talk back,
And make 'em read the bible for what they lack.

59 million people like me,
Fighting to keep God's America free.

In the White House, the church, the courts and the
At beaches, in boardrooms and community pools,
59 million people like me make the rules.

Good old American red-blooded hate,
People like me control America's fate.
Better join us now before it's too late.
59 million people like me, Now ain't that great?

john stanton
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innocent soldier(?)

11.11.2004 11:21

here he is in a war he does not believe in,
taking others lives though he thinks it is a sin,
his sargeant sent him out to stand on the front line,
to uphold the laws of leaders, far away and drinking wine,

he hopes to make it home but not in a body bag,
but as the bombs fall round him his hope begins to sag,
he wonders where the freedom is and why this blood must spill,
but when the guns are aimed at him all he can do is kill,


What are you, some kind of moron?

22.12.2004 13:32

Only someone who knows nothing about the United States of America could write a complete and utter piece of drivel such as this "song".

Ku Klux Klan?

Confederate Flag Flying?

Please. You've obviously never set foot in the southern United States.
