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This posting has been hidden because it breaches the Indymedia UK (IMC UK) Editorial Guidelines.

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SOA - Why hide it on Indymedia?

not an anarchist anymore | 09.11.2004 23:54

Why was this article hidden?

I've seen some shit published on here. One woman and her dog on a string. Self congratulating articles calling for internet boycotts. Lots of nice healthy rosy cheeked white middle class protestors caught on film.

Don't workers matter any more?

not an anarchist anymore


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Just for a minute...

10.11.2004 00:31

Just for a minute I thought maybe this stuff about Indy censoring good articles was true. When I clicked you link and saw the SOA article I thought " Surely they cant have hidden that?"

And then I had a look and realised THEY HAVNT!!!!

Its still on the newswire right in between "Anti-capitalist Action Steyning Update!" and "Song...Deir Yassin" so check yer facts mate. lol

Unless of course your referring to the fact that earlier it was posted twice, and one has been removed because Indymedia editorial guidelines say NO repeat posting, in which case surely thats understandable?

still an anarchist

Moving indymedia

10.11.2004 09:42

I am not involved in indymedia, this is mostly guess work:

Since the indymedia server seizure, indymedia UK has moved servers. However, I assume to avoid relying on only one provider, Indymedia UK has moved to SEVERAL servers (I have seen 4), which all hold identical copies of the indymedia site, known as mirrors. Every time you access indymedia, you get directed to one those mirrors. It seems however that the mirrors are not perfectly syncronised.

So you may see an article, while connected to one of the indymedia mirrors, then refresh your browser and the article will have disapeared, because you got connected to a different mirror that hasn't got that article yet. If that happens, try to refresh your browser again (click on the 'refresh' or 'reload' button while holding down the 'shift' key). You may need to do it several times, as you can't predict which mirror you'll get connected to next time.


Public Opinion

10.11.2004 09:47

"White middle class protestors caught on film" is what's regarded by government as Public Opinion.

One picture of a granny being beaten by a cop is worth a thousand anarchist words. If he trod on her dog at the same time even the Daily Mail would take an interest.

The two things than can help put a stop to this madness are:

1) a few thousand Marines in body bags back in the USA
2) mass protests all over the country (not just London).

Articles such as detailing protests in Wrexham do a good job in encouraging that and it's vital that indymedia continues to spread that message.

mini mouse

Repeated posts hidden

10.11.2004 09:55

Actually that one that's showing on the UK wire is article number 300810:
It was posted to the London newswire, so it can also be seen on the London front page as:

But this repeated post (posted to Cambridge and Sheffield) was hidden:

...and so was this one (posted to West Country and World):

When you post to a regional newswire on Indymedia UK, the article shows up on the UK front page too. Posting it once to the UK's "World" newswire would make sense. Spamming it to Cambridge, Sheffield, London and West Country too doesn't, and we then get 5 copies of the same story cluttering the front page.

Have a read of the editorial guidelines for more info:


an IMC volunteer