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new black watch rcruiting poster

sassenach | 09.11.2004 23:45

a very powerful anti-war poster to make working class potential recriuts think twice.

new recruitment poster, (large)



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How True

10.11.2004 09:26

The Scots have been press-ganged by the English Parliament for centuries to fight and die in their colonial wars. The Black Watch were originally founded in 1729 to police the rebellious Highlanders and decommission Jacobite weapons, a ‘UN peacekeeping force’ of its day, in the service of the British Empire. Some things never change!


too bad

11.11.2004 00:38

I wont be shedding any tears for British soldiers dying in iraq, its a drag for their families and for them but noone in 2004 joins the british army thinking that youre not going to end up doing the dirty work of london and washington. When you get a serious veteran anti war movement going perhaps, or when they start shooting their officers. Remember what these assholes are doing in Iraq, they are a bunch of criminal gangsters.

One of the Blackwatch dead was a Fijian, apparently 2000 fijians are fighting with the brits in Iraq. So, as ever, the british army sweeps up its recruits from among the global poor, scots, irish, indian and working class english. If someone out there gives a fuck about these thugs getting killed in Iraq perhaps you should take it up with your masters in downing street. havent seen much of that in britian either. too busy blaming uncle sam.

brits out

Your date is inacurate

16.03.2005 04:37

The Black Watch was founded in 1715 not 1729.

Piper with the Black Watch RHR of Canada