US Government Blocking Outgoing International Emails? Please forward to
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone | 09.11.2004 22:04 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles | London | Oxford
I would wager that many emails sent from the USA are never received by the intended recipient. Please forward the link to this article to Muslim Aid and Cat Stevens, or Yusuf Islam. Recently the musician Cat Stevens, now known as Yusuf Islam, and founder of the organization Muslim Aid, was denied entry into the United States. They held him for 36 hours. The US government has factions that kill people with their own weapons. How? They render them unconscious by various means. I suspect that Yusef,
or Cat Stevens, was knocked unconscious and interrogated while in a semi-conscious state.
It appears that a group has overtaken America and they are violating all laws, from Los Angeles to Lower Alabama. They are manipulating the intensity of the war in Iraq to distract from their atrocities against Americans in America. On the Love Line 3 Page of Comedy and Science, I believe I have discovered how some factions of criminals render people into a semi-conscious or unconscious state using existing wiring in floor security systems. The section is delineated by PRPRPR on the top and bottm. It is similar to a stun gun but likely more advanced. Please forward this to Muslim Aid and Cat Stevens. Here is the email sent to him.
To Yusuf and the Muslim Aid organization
I was thinking of the horrors I have endured with forced injections, interrogations that were leading and abusive, and the cover up of the atrocities I endured. Yusuf should be aware that the sinister nature of the US government has factions that are without any conscience.
Because of his 36 hour detention, in my opinion something else happened during that period. I would say that the probability was very high, over 90%.
I actually believe that there is a faction or factions of the USA governments who possess certain abilities or machines that dazzle the imagination. Those factions do not care for anyone except their own inner clan(s), as I have witnessed. They are masters of cover-ups and silencings, just like the old Italian mafia.
It is in my belief that not only do they have the usual electronic devices, but there are other methods and devices of making you unconscious or without recollection of their interrogations or abuses.
One thing that concerns me, at least while I was being held and abused by federal factions on the West Coast of the USA, and even afterward when they had the keys to my home, is that they can and do perform procedures of one type or another.
Chemicals can be put into the mouth, or seed cells for cancer, or other type of illnesses of a time delay nature with no provable links to their exposure. Inhalation of some chemicals or cells could even go to the lung or the stomach. Although there is nothing that Yusuf can do now, it is something that the world should be aware.
I would also like to warn Yusuf that an old friend of mine who was a cartoonist for Arab News in Saudi Arabia left Saudi Arabia for fear of their doctors there. Kahil went to the UK for surgery. He died there in the UK while in surgery.
I actually believe that there may even be factions within some groups of people who are in a sense separate from the group entirely, in particular, I am considering cold-hearted factions such as what some of the Nazis were in Germany, and in a more modern context, in the way some Israelis treat Arabs and others. After all, historically, the Arabs and Jews are blood brothers, whether they like it or not. The world is full of deception and I am simply warning Yusuf because I empathize with what he went through in 36 hours of detention.
Why would they detain him that long? That which can not be seen or heard or remembered is the greatest weapon of all. I have even considered the fact of planting or surgically inserted organisms or symbiotic life that performs a function. I know it sounds far fetched, but science is actually much further ahead than what we are shown.
It is my hope that the war between America and Iraq will end peacefully and that Iraq will not be a puppet state of the factions in power in the USA. From an auditors perspective, it is better to have checks and balances that are separate. It is also good to have another country to flee to in case the one you are in is overtaken by people or things who act with callous disregard towards life.
When I look at the problems of the USA and the concentration of wealth in some factions, some things become apparent, but the details are often hidden or too complex to fathom on the surface. It is my belief that criminal elements on the USA's West Coast has created a chain of money laundering and drug smuggling that involves the federal government.
When I look at D.C., I get the haunting suspicion that in the Treasury, a huge rip off has been orchestrarted with some faction(s) of several populations here due to the high abundance of billionaires claiming various historical roots, although I doubt there legitimacy in many cases. Like I said, on the surface of things, things are very deceptive and to rush to conclusion and hammer the Hell of all with those attributes is naive and dangerous.
For example, when the Secret Service came to my home to harass me for trying to attend a government meeting in my native city, Mobile Alabama USA, a blonde man was at the door. He did all of the talking. Behind him was a dark haired man who never looked up at me and was writing in his note pad, or appeared to be writing. Why was that? Never believe the surface factor in today's world. Sometimes you can tell by intuition, sort of like knowing a fellow relative among a group of strangers from a foreign place, or even an enemy you know that keeps coming around in your life despite your disdain for him or her or it or they.
I truly hope they did not do anything to Yusuf that could make him acquire cancer or some other malady, or even do things to him that he was unaware such as an interrogation under drugs in which he can not remember details. I feel very sick after three years of abuse, placing my life in danger, and I suspect some sorts of medical procedures I do not recall in detail, including finding unusual cuts in my mouth and teeth that are suspect according to dentists and oral surgeons.
My best wishes to Yusuf and his family. I would like to meet with your organization if I go to Europe soon, and it would be a greater pleasure to meet Yusuf.
Kurt Austin Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone and a dozen other aliases.
At my website at Mobile Audit Club I have outlined many of theses scenarios. The probability of accuracy varies with each vignette in the Quatrains pages and Love Line Pages. Let us hope and pray for a fair world without being bridled by those who will lead us to eternal subjugation into a caste structure and forever confined to this planet. I also hope that a technological war does not ensue that puts us in dire straits for an eternity.
It is a wild wild world.
I admire the charitable work the Muslim Aid is doing around the world. We all know that the USA is controlled by people who do not care about Muslims or the poor and common in America.
I was a bank examiner for the US federal government and uncovered murder labeled suicide by the federal police organizations of the USA. I also believe I have discovered a network of criminals within the USA federal government. There are probably many, but the National Treasury Employees Union has its hands across the federal government, and they are involved in everything from laundering skimmed casino funds to importing hard drugs, and murder of innocent people.
Their website is listed at the link below. They came to power when President Richard Nixon was impeached in 1973. They were operating on a smaller scale since the 1930's. I believe much of the problems we are facing today in the world and America are because of criminals in various groups and some of the so-called religious types who are criminals in the Treasury Department and in the American media.
I was attacked after blowing the whistle on murder and corruption at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, my last employer. I survived the assassination attempt. Then I reported it and no one responded, not even the federal government. I also uncovered a Sheriff who was stealing food funds from inmates in Mobile Alabama, a Sheriff Jack Tillman. Nothing was done to him, but he set me up with the assistance of the federal government to be arrested by the federal government when I fled for my life and the safety of my family and had a legal firearm in my possession. They expect us to lay down and die under their Hell, and I say f--- them.
I endured forced injections, physical abuse, loss of property, incarceration and a forced felony plea under a million dollar bail and extreme duress for owning a legal gun. They will not let me have a trial by jury at the Los Angeles Superior Court, even after they forced a felony plea with the high bail, forced injections, and a drug known to be unpredictable in its effects.
I was in Los Angeles, California when I was arrested. I have been made very sick by the government, and I am not sure that they did not do more to me while I was in their custody, as they gave me forced injections of some drug and then given I was given a drug that made me physically ill. I was forced to live in exile in 2003 and part of 2004 and survived a second attempt on my life in 2004 but I was poisoned in my apartment in exile by a spray truck that came by my window. A doctor has determined I have lost part of my vision and he claimed it was a stroke. I had that checked but it was not a stroke according to another examination. But I think it was just the poison.
A doctor found a cut in my mouth that was unexplainable. It was along a suture line in the mouth that is a natural line but they extended the cut to the roof of my mouth. I am not sure what happened but the cut became infected. I believe it was done as a procedure I did not know of in the USA military in the early 80's or it was done at the Veterans Administration hospital in Los Angeles in the 2001.
The US governments are forcing injections also in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada under a provision of their chapter 36 law. They do not abide by the Geneva Convention with Americans. I hope they are complying with the Geneva Convention with the Iraqi prisoners of war. Their drugs and methods are of the most devious sort and they harass family members also, as the federal Secret Service harassed my wife at her work when I tried to speak at my city council meeting in Mobile Alabama. The city council and mayor there have voted me out of the meetings behind closed doors. I pray that they are dealt with in an expediently. Here is the city council
Here is the mayor, who claims to be a USA veteran but I think he has lied.
I and thousands of others are not allowed to speak in front of the cameras at the meetings of the city council or to vote in Mobile and Alabama and other cities and states. We are beaten by their police at the gate and arrested and have money robbed from us by their judges who are in effect hardened criminals. The war in Iraq would not have started if we were allowed to vote and I truly am saddened by the unnecessary carnage.
I am sending this email for several reasons. First, if I can be of assistance in the USA, let me know, as I want to help whomever I can who has suffered abuses. Second, I have a degree in film production and I would like to make a film showing the horrors and injustice not only inflicted upon the muslim people, but also the people of America who do not have lots of money or strong connections to the power structure, whomever or whatever they truly are.
Here is the website I erected detaling the horror of the assassination attempt upon myself, and abuses of other Americans in the USA, including forced medical experiments on US veterans at the Los Angeles Veterans Administration.
The Assassination Attempt Details Page details the attempt on my life. The Home Page II page illustrates the abuse of myself and others in my native city of Mobile Alabama.
To make a video for broadcast, the airtime costs are roughly $1,500 for a one month run with the showing at least once a week. If you are interested in letting me bring the true nature of American government to the people of the city of Mobilie or even further, let me know. I can make the video, send you a copy, and have you determine if you are still interested in helping me fund the video broadcast. I can also add any clips that you may have that will help highlight the abuses that people here are not aware or to make pleas for funds. Most people of this area are uneducated. They are force fed media by the elitist and biased and controlled media of America. Voices of dissent are silenced, even illegally.
The US governments do not abide by their laws and abuse us at their will. They are truly terrorists. They sometimes throw people crumbs after destroying them, so that they will stay in line and out of the way. I also believe they are making dissenters sick, and I would not rule out surgical implants or chemicals. I say enough is enough. I am ready to make alliances with all groups who fight for freedom around the world. My skills are not of a military nature, but of a news and journalist and entertainer and public relations and auditing and investigations.
If you are interested in helping me, so that I can help the cause of the muslim people not only in the Arab world, but the USA, let me know. The line has been drawn in the sand. They drew first blood from me and my people. Enough is enough. I hope to hear from you and will assist any of your people that I can.
I would like to do some work Yusuf Islam some time. If you have contact with him, please mention my name and website and email address, which is the webmaster at the Mobile Audit Club site. My phone lines are likely tapped by the federal government. I am not even sure if they have planted any listening devices or tracking devices in my body. I believe they have placed a tracking device in my vehicle. People like myself live with abuse and terror in the USA. Best of luck in gaining peace and prosperity for the people of the world.
I am sorry that Yusuf was denied entry into the USA.
I hope to hear back from you and I hope we can find peace and prosperity together, not for one select group of people who want to bridle the world like their slave and beast of burden.
If Yusuf Islam would like assistance with any projects or if Muslim Aid would like assistance, I would like to help if at all possible. I will be in Europe soon and would like to see your headquarters and meet your staff and Yusuf Islam. I am also a musician of sorts and enjoy writing comedy skits with hard hitting subjects and I would like to put them on film. I have multiple degrees and talents including 4 year degrees in Mass Communications, Business and Accounting, and I have talents or knowledge of the sciences and I have programming skills. Despite my constant sickness, likely due to their inflicted stress or medical procedures, I am driven to better the world for people of my kind.
I love to travel and I am not afraid of controversy.
One sided diplomacy will leave us all extinct or wishing we were all dead. Let us intervene. Contact me with any ideas you may have or if you can assist with the cost of the video broadcast.
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone,
Mobile Audit Club, a non profit and loose knit collections of Americans under the boot of tyranny and the propaganda of a mass media that approves of the horrible assassinations of the people of the Arab world and disregards abuses by the American power structure of those true Americans who long for a peaceful world of equality. Lastu Ghaniyaan, I am of the poor
P.S. I sincerely hope that the USA government agents did not knock Yusuf Islam unconscious and do anything to him while he was in custody. I endured sheer hell including injections, physical abuse, and interrogations for simply blowing the whistle on government corruption. I have not felt well since the incident occurred in 2001. Some very strange things have occurred including harassment of my wife at her work by Secret Service, who are Treasury Department employees, and I was forced to travel across country to see my wife when I was forced to live in exile from her. I was attacked the second time in March of 2004. As I mentioned, a suture line in my mouth was discovered by a doctor after it became infected and he said it was definitely a cut, in addition to a back molar that a dentist said looks like electronics. My best to Yusuf and I hope he releases some more music. I would be glad to work with him on any project. I have some music on the Home Grown Music page at the Mobile Audit Club website.
Also be aware that a small microprocessor chip, surgically implantable, with numerous applications is now on the market.
Muslim Aid Home Page
Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam Home Page
It appears that a group has overtaken America and they are violating all laws, from Los Angeles to Lower Alabama. They are manipulating the intensity of the war in Iraq to distract from their atrocities against Americans in America. On the Love Line 3 Page of Comedy and Science, I believe I have discovered how some factions of criminals render people into a semi-conscious or unconscious state using existing wiring in floor security systems. The section is delineated by PRPRPR on the top and bottm. It is similar to a stun gun but likely more advanced. Please forward this to Muslim Aid and Cat Stevens. Here is the email sent to him.
To Yusuf and the Muslim Aid organization
I was thinking of the horrors I have endured with forced injections, interrogations that were leading and abusive, and the cover up of the atrocities I endured. Yusuf should be aware that the sinister nature of the US government has factions that are without any conscience.
Because of his 36 hour detention, in my opinion something else happened during that period. I would say that the probability was very high, over 90%.
I actually believe that there is a faction or factions of the USA governments who possess certain abilities or machines that dazzle the imagination. Those factions do not care for anyone except their own inner clan(s), as I have witnessed. They are masters of cover-ups and silencings, just like the old Italian mafia.
It is in my belief that not only do they have the usual electronic devices, but there are other methods and devices of making you unconscious or without recollection of their interrogations or abuses.
One thing that concerns me, at least while I was being held and abused by federal factions on the West Coast of the USA, and even afterward when they had the keys to my home, is that they can and do perform procedures of one type or another.
Chemicals can be put into the mouth, or seed cells for cancer, or other type of illnesses of a time delay nature with no provable links to their exposure. Inhalation of some chemicals or cells could even go to the lung or the stomach. Although there is nothing that Yusuf can do now, it is something that the world should be aware.
I would also like to warn Yusuf that an old friend of mine who was a cartoonist for Arab News in Saudi Arabia left Saudi Arabia for fear of their doctors there. Kahil went to the UK for surgery. He died there in the UK while in surgery.
I actually believe that there may even be factions within some groups of people who are in a sense separate from the group entirely, in particular, I am considering cold-hearted factions such as what some of the Nazis were in Germany, and in a more modern context, in the way some Israelis treat Arabs and others. After all, historically, the Arabs and Jews are blood brothers, whether they like it or not. The world is full of deception and I am simply warning Yusuf because I empathize with what he went through in 36 hours of detention.
Why would they detain him that long? That which can not be seen or heard or remembered is the greatest weapon of all. I have even considered the fact of planting or surgically inserted organisms or symbiotic life that performs a function. I know it sounds far fetched, but science is actually much further ahead than what we are shown.
It is my hope that the war between America and Iraq will end peacefully and that Iraq will not be a puppet state of the factions in power in the USA. From an auditors perspective, it is better to have checks and balances that are separate. It is also good to have another country to flee to in case the one you are in is overtaken by people or things who act with callous disregard towards life.
When I look at the problems of the USA and the concentration of wealth in some factions, some things become apparent, but the details are often hidden or too complex to fathom on the surface. It is my belief that criminal elements on the USA's West Coast has created a chain of money laundering and drug smuggling that involves the federal government.
When I look at D.C., I get the haunting suspicion that in the Treasury, a huge rip off has been orchestrarted with some faction(s) of several populations here due to the high abundance of billionaires claiming various historical roots, although I doubt there legitimacy in many cases. Like I said, on the surface of things, things are very deceptive and to rush to conclusion and hammer the Hell of all with those attributes is naive and dangerous.
For example, when the Secret Service came to my home to harass me for trying to attend a government meeting in my native city, Mobile Alabama USA, a blonde man was at the door. He did all of the talking. Behind him was a dark haired man who never looked up at me and was writing in his note pad, or appeared to be writing. Why was that? Never believe the surface factor in today's world. Sometimes you can tell by intuition, sort of like knowing a fellow relative among a group of strangers from a foreign place, or even an enemy you know that keeps coming around in your life despite your disdain for him or her or it or they.
I truly hope they did not do anything to Yusuf that could make him acquire cancer or some other malady, or even do things to him that he was unaware such as an interrogation under drugs in which he can not remember details. I feel very sick after three years of abuse, placing my life in danger, and I suspect some sorts of medical procedures I do not recall in detail, including finding unusual cuts in my mouth and teeth that are suspect according to dentists and oral surgeons.
My best wishes to Yusuf and his family. I would like to meet with your organization if I go to Europe soon, and it would be a greater pleasure to meet Yusuf.
Kurt Austin Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone and a dozen other aliases.
At my website at Mobile Audit Club I have outlined many of theses scenarios. The probability of accuracy varies with each vignette in the Quatrains pages and Love Line Pages. Let us hope and pray for a fair world without being bridled by those who will lead us to eternal subjugation into a caste structure and forever confined to this planet. I also hope that a technological war does not ensue that puts us in dire straits for an eternity.
It is a wild wild world.
I admire the charitable work the Muslim Aid is doing around the world. We all know that the USA is controlled by people who do not care about Muslims or the poor and common in America.
I was a bank examiner for the US federal government and uncovered murder labeled suicide by the federal police organizations of the USA. I also believe I have discovered a network of criminals within the USA federal government. There are probably many, but the National Treasury Employees Union has its hands across the federal government, and they are involved in everything from laundering skimmed casino funds to importing hard drugs, and murder of innocent people.
Their website is listed at the link below. They came to power when President Richard Nixon was impeached in 1973. They were operating on a smaller scale since the 1930's. I believe much of the problems we are facing today in the world and America are because of criminals in various groups and some of the so-called religious types who are criminals in the Treasury Department and in the American media.

I was attacked after blowing the whistle on murder and corruption at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, my last employer. I survived the assassination attempt. Then I reported it and no one responded, not even the federal government. I also uncovered a Sheriff who was stealing food funds from inmates in Mobile Alabama, a Sheriff Jack Tillman. Nothing was done to him, but he set me up with the assistance of the federal government to be arrested by the federal government when I fled for my life and the safety of my family and had a legal firearm in my possession. They expect us to lay down and die under their Hell, and I say f--- them.
I endured forced injections, physical abuse, loss of property, incarceration and a forced felony plea under a million dollar bail and extreme duress for owning a legal gun. They will not let me have a trial by jury at the Los Angeles Superior Court, even after they forced a felony plea with the high bail, forced injections, and a drug known to be unpredictable in its effects.
I was in Los Angeles, California when I was arrested. I have been made very sick by the government, and I am not sure that they did not do more to me while I was in their custody, as they gave me forced injections of some drug and then given I was given a drug that made me physically ill. I was forced to live in exile in 2003 and part of 2004 and survived a second attempt on my life in 2004 but I was poisoned in my apartment in exile by a spray truck that came by my window. A doctor has determined I have lost part of my vision and he claimed it was a stroke. I had that checked but it was not a stroke according to another examination. But I think it was just the poison.
A doctor found a cut in my mouth that was unexplainable. It was along a suture line in the mouth that is a natural line but they extended the cut to the roof of my mouth. I am not sure what happened but the cut became infected. I believe it was done as a procedure I did not know of in the USA military in the early 80's or it was done at the Veterans Administration hospital in Los Angeles in the 2001.
The US governments are forcing injections also in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada under a provision of their chapter 36 law. They do not abide by the Geneva Convention with Americans. I hope they are complying with the Geneva Convention with the Iraqi prisoners of war. Their drugs and methods are of the most devious sort and they harass family members also, as the federal Secret Service harassed my wife at her work when I tried to speak at my city council meeting in Mobile Alabama. The city council and mayor there have voted me out of the meetings behind closed doors. I pray that they are dealt with in an expediently. Here is the city council

Here is the mayor, who claims to be a USA veteran but I think he has lied.

I and thousands of others are not allowed to speak in front of the cameras at the meetings of the city council or to vote in Mobile and Alabama and other cities and states. We are beaten by their police at the gate and arrested and have money robbed from us by their judges who are in effect hardened criminals. The war in Iraq would not have started if we were allowed to vote and I truly am saddened by the unnecessary carnage.
I am sending this email for several reasons. First, if I can be of assistance in the USA, let me know, as I want to help whomever I can who has suffered abuses. Second, I have a degree in film production and I would like to make a film showing the horrors and injustice not only inflicted upon the muslim people, but also the people of America who do not have lots of money or strong connections to the power structure, whomever or whatever they truly are.
Here is the website I erected detaling the horror of the assassination attempt upon myself, and abuses of other Americans in the USA, including forced medical experiments on US veterans at the Los Angeles Veterans Administration.
The Assassination Attempt Details Page details the attempt on my life. The Home Page II page illustrates the abuse of myself and others in my native city of Mobile Alabama.

To make a video for broadcast, the airtime costs are roughly $1,500 for a one month run with the showing at least once a week. If you are interested in letting me bring the true nature of American government to the people of the city of Mobilie or even further, let me know. I can make the video, send you a copy, and have you determine if you are still interested in helping me fund the video broadcast. I can also add any clips that you may have that will help highlight the abuses that people here are not aware or to make pleas for funds. Most people of this area are uneducated. They are force fed media by the elitist and biased and controlled media of America. Voices of dissent are silenced, even illegally.
The US governments do not abide by their laws and abuse us at their will. They are truly terrorists. They sometimes throw people crumbs after destroying them, so that they will stay in line and out of the way. I also believe they are making dissenters sick, and I would not rule out surgical implants or chemicals. I say enough is enough. I am ready to make alliances with all groups who fight for freedom around the world. My skills are not of a military nature, but of a news and journalist and entertainer and public relations and auditing and investigations.
If you are interested in helping me, so that I can help the cause of the muslim people not only in the Arab world, but the USA, let me know. The line has been drawn in the sand. They drew first blood from me and my people. Enough is enough. I hope to hear from you and will assist any of your people that I can.

I would like to do some work Yusuf Islam some time. If you have contact with him, please mention my name and website and email address, which is the webmaster at the Mobile Audit Club site. My phone lines are likely tapped by the federal government. I am not even sure if they have planted any listening devices or tracking devices in my body. I believe they have placed a tracking device in my vehicle. People like myself live with abuse and terror in the USA. Best of luck in gaining peace and prosperity for the people of the world.
I am sorry that Yusuf was denied entry into the USA.
I hope to hear back from you and I hope we can find peace and prosperity together, not for one select group of people who want to bridle the world like their slave and beast of burden.
If Yusuf Islam would like assistance with any projects or if Muslim Aid would like assistance, I would like to help if at all possible. I will be in Europe soon and would like to see your headquarters and meet your staff and Yusuf Islam. I am also a musician of sorts and enjoy writing comedy skits with hard hitting subjects and I would like to put them on film. I have multiple degrees and talents including 4 year degrees in Mass Communications, Business and Accounting, and I have talents or knowledge of the sciences and I have programming skills. Despite my constant sickness, likely due to their inflicted stress or medical procedures, I am driven to better the world for people of my kind.
I love to travel and I am not afraid of controversy.
One sided diplomacy will leave us all extinct or wishing we were all dead. Let us intervene. Contact me with any ideas you may have or if you can assist with the cost of the video broadcast.
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone,
Mobile Audit Club, a non profit and loose knit collections of Americans under the boot of tyranny and the propaganda of a mass media that approves of the horrible assassinations of the people of the Arab world and disregards abuses by the American power structure of those true Americans who long for a peaceful world of equality. Lastu Ghaniyaan, I am of the poor
P.S. I sincerely hope that the USA government agents did not knock Yusuf Islam unconscious and do anything to him while he was in custody. I endured sheer hell including injections, physical abuse, and interrogations for simply blowing the whistle on government corruption. I have not felt well since the incident occurred in 2001. Some very strange things have occurred including harassment of my wife at her work by Secret Service, who are Treasury Department employees, and I was forced to travel across country to see my wife when I was forced to live in exile from her. I was attacked the second time in March of 2004. As I mentioned, a suture line in my mouth was discovered by a doctor after it became infected and he said it was definitely a cut, in addition to a back molar that a dentist said looks like electronics. My best to Yusuf and I hope he releases some more music. I would be glad to work with him on any project. I have some music on the Home Grown Music page at the Mobile Audit Club website.

Also be aware that a small microprocessor chip, surgically implantable, with numerous applications is now on the market.
Muslim Aid Home Page

Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam Home Page

Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone