They don't deserve any LESS than our contempt after all, so, let's keep reminding them of what their paymasters in Whitehall and The (so-called) Commons are doing.
Let's keep reminding them EVERY DAY that they're working for international crooks and mass murderers, that their paymasters think NOTHING of slaughtering hundreds of people a day in the name of oil and empire.
You live in Britain, with a viable third party, the Lib Dems. Why is it that nobody is planning on voting Bliar out next time? He's just arrogantly assuming that he's going to win, since people blindly vote for the Labour Party no matter how much the party disrespect the electorate and ignore their wishes, taking reelection for granted. Even the Tories would be better, whatever the mindless ranting about "We can't EVER have the Tories in again."
The Tories have never been as bad as Bliar, at least within living memory, even if many decades ago they were scum. Thatcher gets a bad rap, as she should, but she was nothing compared with this administration, in particular since she didn't hold absolute power the way Bliar will until you vote him out. He's not going to resign, as Thatcher did, since unlike Thatcher he has no sense, of patriotism or the public good. He's in this entirely for himself, and has nothing but contempt for Britain and the British people. The arrogance of Thatcher's "There is no alternative" is quaint now.
Last I looked, Bliar's approval rating was already down to 35%. Why is it even this high? I can only assume that it's because people are wusses about ditching the Labour Party, even if it's only for long enough to teach them a lesson. Michael Howard's an arsehole, and Charles Kennedy is a wuss, but niether of them is worse than Bliar. Make your choice, arsehole or wuss! Both are better than a traitor like Phony Tony Bliar who hands British sovereignty over to a violent, ignorant, drunken, redneck, religious fanatic from Texas. If you're liberal, vote for the Lib Dems (I'm proud to be a wimp! :-)), and if you're conservative, vote for the Tories. Shut the Labour Party out. They've screwed over all of you. They've screwed over liberals with top-up fees, cuts to social services, the destruction of the rail system, construction of unnecessary highways and airports, the curtailing of civil liberties (particularly their allowing Indymedia's servers to be seized without a writ or any form of oversight, and their imprisonment of people at Belmarsh Prison without trial or charge), the destruction of the NHS, and the Iraq War, and they've screwed over conservatives with the foxhunting ban, their failure to catch molestors, their failure to control crime generally, top-up fees (something almost everybody disagrees with), inflated council taxes, massive corruption in the use of public funds generally, their failure to deport or arrest terror suspects like "The Hook" (at least until they brought him up on U.S. charges), their failure to secure rebuilding contracts for British companies in Iraq, and their refusal to assert British control of British forces in Iraq, allowing George Cunt to use the Black Watch as cannon fodder.
If Labour are practically shut out of the next election, whoever wins instead, it will be a great day for British democracy. If you deliver Labour a crushing defeat, particularly from the left, the Party will be forced to do better, if merely for their own survival. I would highly recommend, however, that you defeat them twice in a row, just to make the point stick, as initially they'll still be too arrogant to change, and will lie to get in again like they did in 1997. Make Bliar into the British Anzar! Fortunately, you have a lot more say in these things than Americans do.
Forget voting for this double-crossing gang of little crooks - let's have a second gunpower plot and wipe them out so we can all start afresh.
Of course, there are many dumb saps out there who still believe everything they read in the Corporate Papers, see on the Corporate TV, and still think that politicians can be trusted to do our bidding.
They never have been interested in doing this, and they never will be.
You wanna change the world?
You've gotta damn well get off your arses and change it yourself, because the politicians are only interested in their pension plans.
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Unamerican Graffiti!
08.11.2004 12:21
Respect for doing that!
They don't deserve any LESS than our contempt after all, so, let's keep reminding them of what their paymasters in Whitehall and The (so-called) Commons are doing.
Let's keep reminding them EVERY DAY that they're working for international crooks and mass murderers, that their paymasters think NOTHING of slaughtering hundreds of people a day in the name of oil and empire.
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Blud N Fyah
Vote them out!
09.11.2004 15:22
The Tories have never been as bad as Bliar, at least within living memory, even if many decades ago they were scum. Thatcher gets a bad rap, as she should, but she was nothing compared with this administration, in particular since she didn't hold absolute power the way Bliar will until you vote him out. He's not going to resign, as Thatcher did, since unlike Thatcher he has no sense, of patriotism or the public good. He's in this entirely for himself, and has nothing but contempt for Britain and the British people. The arrogance of Thatcher's "There is no alternative" is quaint now.
Last I looked, Bliar's approval rating was already down to 35%. Why is it even this high? I can only assume that it's because people are wusses about ditching the Labour Party, even if it's only for long enough to teach them a lesson. Michael Howard's an arsehole, and Charles Kennedy is a wuss, but niether of them is worse than Bliar. Make your choice, arsehole or wuss! Both are better than a traitor like Phony Tony Bliar who hands British sovereignty over to a violent, ignorant, drunken, redneck, religious fanatic from Texas. If you're liberal, vote for the Lib Dems (I'm proud to be a wimp! :-)), and if you're conservative, vote for the Tories. Shut the Labour Party out. They've screwed over all of you. They've screwed over liberals with top-up fees, cuts to social services, the destruction of the rail system, construction of unnecessary highways and airports, the curtailing of civil liberties (particularly their allowing Indymedia's servers to be seized without a writ or any form of oversight, and their imprisonment of people at Belmarsh Prison without trial or charge), the destruction of the NHS, and the Iraq War, and they've screwed over conservatives with the foxhunting ban, their failure to catch molestors, their failure to control crime generally, top-up fees (something almost everybody disagrees with), inflated council taxes, massive corruption in the use of public funds generally, their failure to deport or arrest terror suspects like "The Hook" (at least until they brought him up on U.S. charges), their failure to secure rebuilding contracts for British companies in Iraq, and their refusal to assert British control of British forces in Iraq, allowing George Cunt to use the Black Watch as cannon fodder.
If Labour are practically shut out of the next election, whoever wins instead, it will be a great day for British democracy. If you deliver Labour a crushing defeat, particularly from the left, the Party will be forced to do better, if merely for their own survival. I would highly recommend, however, that you defeat them twice in a row, just to make the point stick, as initially they'll still be too arrogant to change, and will lie to get in again like they did in 1997. Make Bliar into the British Anzar! Fortunately, you have a lot more say in these things than Americans do.
Blue Zappa
09.11.2004 23:14
Forget voting for this double-crossing gang of little crooks - let's have a second gunpower plot and wipe them out so we can all start afresh.
Of course, there are many dumb saps out there who still believe everything they read in the Corporate Papers, see on the Corporate TV, and still think that politicians can be trusted to do our bidding.
They never have been interested in doing this, and they never will be.
You wanna change the world?
You've gotta damn well get off your arses and change it yourself, because the politicians are only interested in their pension plans.
Blud N Fyah