God Saved Bush. What about Blair?
Woodee Allen | 08.11.2004 08:45 | Liverpool | London
Yea it is a tragedy that Bush is in office again. But what about Tony Blair. Is England going to get rid of that Yuppie Hitler?
God Saved Bush. What about Blair?
Yea it is a tragedy that Bush is in office again. But what about Tony Blair. Is England going to get rid of that Yuppie Hitler, or are they going to elect him because he has an elevated diction, and looks good as he worms his country into Indian County (Sunni Triangle). God Save the King. If England could pull its head out of its Labor loving neo liberal ass, and vote for the Social Dems( I think that is what they are called), maybe then the UK troops can be pulled from Iraq again like they did way back when they first colonized that part of the world. Fuck England and its pasty fucking neo-libs if they can not get rid of Blair. Bush is a sub-educated Texas twit, but Blair is his Gimp Boy that gets pulled out of the trunk when ever needed. Just goes to show that education and intelligence does not equate decency and sanity .
And another thing, the Bush clan is originally from England. He was on the Nina or Pinta or the Santa Butt-Fucking Maria. The Original Bushes: a bunch of god grubbing genocidal cunts are related to your sallow assed queen. As is John “I love Israel” fucking Kerry. Kerry is smart like Blair, and he might of put democracy’s face on this Neo-conservative/liberal Blitzkrieg, but thank god Kerry was not interested in even fighting for the American anti-war Left (Moore, Zinn) he did not represent. That would of been awkward! Bush is the front man for the Anglo Saxon race, and there is none better to represent your civilization. Australia re-elected their war leader, America re-elected their war-leader, will England, the cunt that spawned botht thease cuounties do the same?
As disappointed as England is that Bush is in the saddle again, just think what the Iraqis are going to think if Blair-the King of Charm-talks his war back into Downing Street.
Fuck Shakespear.
Yea it is a tragedy that Bush is in office again. But what about Tony Blair. Is England going to get rid of that Yuppie Hitler, or are they going to elect him because he has an elevated diction, and looks good as he worms his country into Indian County (Sunni Triangle). God Save the King. If England could pull its head out of its Labor loving neo liberal ass, and vote for the Social Dems( I think that is what they are called), maybe then the UK troops can be pulled from Iraq again like they did way back when they first colonized that part of the world. Fuck England and its pasty fucking neo-libs if they can not get rid of Blair. Bush is a sub-educated Texas twit, but Blair is his Gimp Boy that gets pulled out of the trunk when ever needed. Just goes to show that education and intelligence does not equate decency and sanity .
And another thing, the Bush clan is originally from England. He was on the Nina or Pinta or the Santa Butt-Fucking Maria. The Original Bushes: a bunch of god grubbing genocidal cunts are related to your sallow assed queen. As is John “I love Israel” fucking Kerry. Kerry is smart like Blair, and he might of put democracy’s face on this Neo-conservative/liberal Blitzkrieg, but thank god Kerry was not interested in even fighting for the American anti-war Left (Moore, Zinn) he did not represent. That would of been awkward! Bush is the front man for the Anglo Saxon race, and there is none better to represent your civilization. Australia re-elected their war leader, America re-elected their war-leader, will England, the cunt that spawned botht thease cuounties do the same?
As disappointed as England is that Bush is in the saddle again, just think what the Iraqis are going to think if Blair-the King of Charm-talks his war back into Downing Street.
Fuck Shakespear.
Woodee Allen