Kent Green Party-backs gay demo against KCC.
pirate | 04.11.2004 17:51 | Social Struggles | World
See also

(The above are leading the campaign)
From: Dr Hazel Dawe, Campaigns Officer, KENT GREEN PARTY
Kent Green Party -4th November 2004 - 01233 645167/07747 014487 - 10
Hillbrow Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 4QH
Kent Green Party will be supporting a demonstration outside County Hall in
Maidstone in protest at Kent County Council's anti-gay education policy, at
1pm on Saturday 13th November. When the Government removed previous
legislation preventing education about homosexuality in schools (1), Kent
County Council retained a policy preventing school students from learning
about homosexuality. Dialogue between campaigning groups and the County
Council has not resulted in a change of policy. Dr Hazel Dawe, who will be
speaking at the demonstration, comments:
"Prevention of the promotion of homosexuality is still included in Kent's
education policy. Being gay is a normal feature of our society and this
needs to be recognised in our education system. The existing policy is open
to accusations of encouraging homophobic bullying and stigmatising gay
issues within the class-room. As well as effectively promoting crime, the
existing policy is an abuse of human rights. We agree with the Queer Youth
Alliance is claiming that the policy is in direct contravention of Article
17 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which states
"children and young people have the right to information and material from
a diversity of national and international sources, especially those aimed
at the promotion of his or her social, spiritual and moral well-being and
physical and mental health". "We urge people to support this demonstration
and the petition to persuade the County Council to remove its anti-gay
policy."(2) ENDS c248 words
FURTHER INFORMATION: Dr Hazel Dawe, Campaigns Officer, Kent Green Party, on
01233 645167 or 07747 014487. Contact address as above. NB. The day will
include guest speakers, a march, street theatre and petitioning of local
people. Speakers will include Gay Teachers from Schools Out and teaching
1. 18th November 2003, Section 122 of the Local Government Act.
2. To: Kent County Council.
We, the undersigned call on all current (and future) members of the above
to facilitate the ending of homophobic attitudes in Kent by:
1) Removing the remnant of the anti gay Section 28 from Kent County
Council's education policy
2) Promoting the acceptability of homosexuality as a valid lifestyle in
order to combat homophobic attitudes and bullying in:
a) All Kent schools.
b) All of K C C's services and its suppliers.
c) All sections of the community in Kent.
3)Promoting and assisting the establishment of gay run venues, businesses,
services and gay pride events across Kent. Also bysupporting measures at
national level to further establish LGBT equality in the UK .
4) Taking clear and public action against any future homophobic comments
from council members or staff.
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