africa week at the rampART
RAMPart | 04.11.2004 14:17 | Anti-racism | Ecology | Health | London
africa week
at the rampART creative centre, 9.-13.11.'04
-films, exhibitions, talk, discussion, food, music-
at the rampART creative centre, 9.-13.11.'04
-films, exhibitions, talk, discussion, food, music-
the idea of this africa event is to deepen our understanding of africa:
people, politics and culture and move beyond the simple perceptions of war, famine and poverty, while retaining the importance of these issues.
the five days will be themed:
tuesday, 9.11.04
the long way from slavery, colonialism and apartheid to the african liberation. featuring 'cry freedom' and 'amala'
wednesday, 10.11.04
the impact of tourism on african life; aids, psyche and getting back to the origins. talk of survival international. african free comunity cinema.
thursday, 11.11.04
all-womens day: global women strike/women in colour, women fighting for their rights, their living and their kids. african music dj session.
friday, 12.11.04
halt to the destruction of africa: gm, shell, wto, wssd and other corporations. defending the continent. talk by rising tide. african drum session.
saturday, 13.11.04
war in africa: behind the lies of corporate media. talk by alisc/peace/peace & progress not war. aid and human rights. african jam session and concert.
for full details see
people, politics and culture and move beyond the simple perceptions of war, famine and poverty, while retaining the importance of these issues.
the five days will be themed:
tuesday, 9.11.04
the long way from slavery, colonialism and apartheid to the african liberation. featuring 'cry freedom' and 'amala'
wednesday, 10.11.04
the impact of tourism on african life; aids, psyche and getting back to the origins. talk of survival international. african free comunity cinema.
thursday, 11.11.04
all-womens day: global women strike/women in colour, women fighting for their rights, their living and their kids. african music dj session.
friday, 12.11.04
halt to the destruction of africa: gm, shell, wto, wssd and other corporations. defending the continent. talk by rising tide. african drum session.
saturday, 13.11.04
war in africa: behind the lies of corporate media. talk by alisc/peace/peace & progress not war. aid and human rights. african jam session and concert.
for full details see