Election stolen again: We offer our apologies and embarrassment to the world
Helen & Harry Highwater | 03.11.2004 15:37 | Analysis | Repression | London | World
America is screwed: Election stolen again
Virtually every act of the Cheney-Bush administration has been disastrous, and every word of the Cheney-Bush campaign was a lie or a distortion. But the Democrats ran a pull-string mannequin who made even the "Anyone But Bush" vote waver.
We offer our apologies and embarrassment to the world.
But ... The nationwide consensus that election problems were scattered, that glitches were few, far between, and quickly resolved, is total bull.
Everything was in place for fictitious election results, and that seems to be what has happened.
In most states, the returns were pretty much as predicted by the last polls. Florida seems the odd exception -- the last polls were for Kerry, 49-44%, but the returns are running 52-47 Bush.
So in just one day -- and in just one state -- Bush went from five points down to five points ahead.
Hell of a last-minute swing, eh? Smells like another Diebold victory to us.
Helen & Harry Highwater
posted Wednesday, 3 November 2004
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