Stop Attacks on Iraq's cities - Events
pr | 03.11.2004 10:41 | London
The US has started - and is planning to widen - a campaign of assaults of Iraq's cities which may cause more civilian casulties than the invasion. An attack on Fallujha is imminent. Here are some events and contigency plans, in London and Manchester.
Please add any other events you know of to this post !
1. Action this comming sunday (7th of November 2004)
2. Events when 'the massive attack' starts
(London and Manchester)
3. Prepare for action : NVDA training
4. Leaflet
1. Action this comming sunday (7th of November 2004)
Emergency Action, 2PM, Sunday 7th of November
Parliament Square, London
Bring white flowers and come and protest in your own
Called by an ad hock collection of anti
war activists, old and new. Tel 07818651124
2. Events when 'the massvie attack' starts
The attacks are happening, and escalating daily, now. However,
it is expected that there will be a massive assault that will
stand out. When that happens (or the next day, depending on
London Events:
- Stop The War Vigil, 5pm-7pm, opposite Downing Street
Called for by Stop The War Coalition
- NVDA, meet at 7pm at the statue of Edith Cavell (opposite the
entrance of the National Portrait Gallery, north-east of
Trafalgar Square).Called by an ad hoc collection of activists.
Manchester event:
5-7pm, Picadilly Garden, City Center
3. Prepare for Action : NVDA training
Sunday 14th of November, London
Nonviolent Directl Action Training Workshop,
11am-4pm, 7a Rampart Street, E1
Equip Yourself with the skills you need to take part in
- and organise - civil disobedience and direct action.
Includes legal briefing. Workshop by Seeds For Change.
Contact : 0845 458 2564
4. Leaflet
Attached is (should be!) a leaflet covering all of the above, if you feel
like distributing a few.
1. Action this comming sunday (7th of November 2004)
2. Events when 'the massive attack' starts
(London and Manchester)
3. Prepare for action : NVDA training
4. Leaflet
1. Action this comming sunday (7th of November 2004)
Emergency Action, 2PM, Sunday 7th of November
Parliament Square, London
Bring white flowers and come and protest in your own
Called by an ad hock collection of anti
war activists, old and new. Tel 07818651124

2. Events when 'the massvie attack' starts
The attacks are happening, and escalating daily, now. However,
it is expected that there will be a massive assault that will
stand out. When that happens (or the next day, depending on
London Events:
- Stop The War Vigil, 5pm-7pm, opposite Downing Street
Called for by Stop The War Coalition
- NVDA, meet at 7pm at the statue of Edith Cavell (opposite the
entrance of the National Portrait Gallery, north-east of
Trafalgar Square).Called by an ad hoc collection of activists.
Manchester event:
5-7pm, Picadilly Garden, City Center
3. Prepare for Action : NVDA training
Sunday 14th of November, London
Nonviolent Directl Action Training Workshop,
11am-4pm, 7a Rampart Street, E1
Equip Yourself with the skills you need to take part in
- and organise - civil disobedience and direct action.
Includes legal briefing. Workshop by Seeds For Change.
Contact : 0845 458 2564
4. Leaflet
Attached is (should be!) a leaflet covering all of the above, if you feel
like distributing a few.