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lifeline for the homeless cut

turin24 | 02.11.2004 12:56 | Social Struggles

soup kitchens in manchester threated with closure due to the council say there is no need for them because there is only 9 homeless people in the whole of the city

has anybody heard of a gathering, meeting or protest in relation to the council plans to close soup kitchens in manchester. is there a place to find more information?

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Only 9 People?

02.11.2004 15:57

2 Questions.

1) Is 9 people enough to justify a publicly funded soup kitchen?

2) Is it really actually true that there are only 9 homeless people in MANCHESTER???????


It is the same in London too!

02.11.2004 16:12

It is the same in London too with the new governments rough sleeper unit and its co-operating charities Thames Reach and Bondway claiming the redeculus asertion that central London's soup runs and handouts are encouraging people to give up their accomadation go and live on the streets. London's street homeless counts are also very inaccurate aswell as they only count people sleeping in central and inner London doorways, which they claim is 265, people sleeping in parks, cememtries, derelict buildings and in outer London are not counted. London also covers some 640 square miles so accurate rough sleeper counts are impossible. Because of a crakdown on aggressive begging in central London many rough sleepers have left central London for the suburbs where they are not counted.



03.11.2004 17:28

as far as i'm aware, soup kitchens are largely or entirely run by charities of one form or another and don't get funding from the city council. this is part of the drive to clean up manchester and make it a lovely place for all the yuppies in the expensive flats to get pissed, get into fights and be sick on the streets. but thats ok, cause they're rich.

i'm looking forward to the day they clean them out of the city centre..

cleaning lady

forgot to answer the original question

03.11.2004 17:32

no, i've not heard of anything. various charities do soup kitchen runs. might be a good idea to get in touch with them and see what resistance they're putting up? and maybe then manchester people could meet up and have a bit of a think?

cleaning lady
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25.11.2004 09:49


You should check out
We have been doing Soup Runs for the past 40 years and have been asked many times to stoop handing out food or cloth.

We are still doing it.
