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Screening: New Ruffcuts CDROM

MrDemeanour | 29.10.2004 16:52 | Oxford

Here's the flier/poster for the forthcoming Indymedia/Undercurrents presentation, on 7th November at the Asian Cultural Centre in Manzil Way. Should be good!

It hasn't been printed yet (as far as I know); I have a strong belief that it will be done sometime on Monday. If anyone wants to help with flyposting or distributing fliers, get in touch via



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PDF= proprietry software= shit pffffff

30.10.2004 18:12

PDF= proprietry software= shit
jesus pdf's again cant anyone put up plain txt documents or jpgs
pdf's u cant do anything with them, cant copy + paste cant resize them....
heres a download link to a free pdf creator
and heres one to make pdf's into html so then u should be able to copy from them from here

u know it only takes a few mins looking and you can find most free software/open source stuff
sorry mate not having a go at you personally as ther are loads of people who put up pdf's


re: PDF= proprietry software= shit pffffff

02.11.2004 13:07

uuh, you CAN copy and paste both text and pictures from a PDF using the free viewer from adobe.


PDF is no longer proprietary

02.11.2004 13:20

Adobe opened it up. Even Stallman thinks PDF is OK now:

You can create them using 100% Free software too, including OpenOffice and PDFcreator:

And here are Free (GPL) viewers for opening them:

It is a pain when you can't edit it, but it isn't proprietary.

an IMCista

Not proprietary

02.11.2004 17:06

The PDF was created using open-source PDF libraries, and some rather flakey script that I lashed together to make a web-app. The app runs on Tomcat and Linux. I hate PDF because the files are bloated; but print-shops seem to like it - the point of PDF is that the rendition is completely predictable, unlike HTML. And the flier was made to be printed (duh).

I can make a version of the flier in HTML - but I can't get it rendered on the newswire so it looks anything like the real thing. I'd have to put it somewhere else, and post a link. So a PDF file seems the easiest thing.


open sources a "hope" for a sulution

03.11.2004 20:15

the hardcore open softwer movemets reiguse leanings can be quite offputing some times (: the was a spate of installes of openoffice arouncst the acravist groups in oxford a while back... now almost non are still on the mashions - the resean - a lack of support and lack of interoprebalyerty with the "wider" world. When open sources projects are both combatibal and transparent in use then popul will start to use them. at the moment it is a thin vinear of an alternative. Come on guys make it real! support and interoperbilerty are the keys... stop bringing out endless FTP clints and sucurety applications and make the basics both easey to use amd most importently compatebal.

hamish campbell