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Boycott Rackspace

Lancaster IMC | 28.10.2004 16:44 | FBI Server Seizure

Rackspace is a corporate profit player, located in Texas, which happily handed over Indymedia's servers to, presumably, the FBI. Such a company is untrustworthy and it is our responsbility to let as many people as possible know that Rackspace is on the other team: if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the pollution!


On Rackspace's website you can find this paragraph:

"As the fastest growing managed hosting specialist in the world, Rackspace is recognized time and again for excellence in service and innovation. These awards and recognition clearly demonstrate Rackspace's commitment to going beyond our customers' expectations when delivering customized hosting solutions."

And it is certainly true that Rackspace went well beyond Indymedia's expectations when they handed over the hard disks of the Ahimsa server.

As Rackspace has chosen to declare its allegiance with the secret services of the world, rather than with freedom of speech, information and assembly in cyberspace it is only natural that a campaign to boycott Rackspace has started:

So let us get on the case and help defame Rackspace. If you use their services: change; if your work place does: encourage them to change. Blog away, post your dissatisfaction whereever you can. It is possible to ask Rackspace questions by writing to Annalie Drusch on in case you want to get any background information.

Further details can be found here:

and here:

Lancaster IMC


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Don't bite the hand that feeds you YET

29.10.2004 14:28

Er... wouldn't it be an even better idea to move all the indymedia sites off rackspace hosting BEFORE you start slagging them off like there's no tomorrow? Indymedia will look unbelievably stupid if rackspace decide they don't want a load of bolshy customers badmouthing them in front of the world and therefore chuck us off their connection without warning. Why can't activists ever think things all the way through before they open their mouths or act?

hand biter

What they want the world to know about them

29.10.2004 17:49

Are these people we want to do business with? Do we need to have any second thought whether or not we could morally defend take legal action agianst them?

Don't think so:

Rackspace Reports Rapid Growth and
Continues Climb to $100 Million Mark

Penetration of Enterprise Market Fuels Growth and Enables Market Share Gain

SAN ANTONIO — Sept 30, 2004 — Rackspace Managed Hosting today announced that in the first half of 2004, the company’s revenue grew 55 percent, compared to the first half of 2003. Industry analysts predict that the hosting industry will grow an average of 15 percent in 2004 signaling significant market share gains for Rackspace over the course of the year. At the close of the second quarter 2004, Rackspace was at an annualized revenue run rate of $88 million and is rapidly approaching the $100 million mark. In addition, Rackspace realized strong profit growth with net income surpassing last year’s total in the first six months of 2004.

"Rackspace’s momentum continues to build with record sales growth and a full pipeline that will enable us to expand our reach into the enterprise market," said Lanham Napier, president of Rackspace Managed Hosting. "Our number one priority continues to be building a world-class service company that fulfills our Fanatical Support™ promise to our customers."

The company’s growth was driven by added enterprise business, from both new and existing customers. Rackspace’s average customer revenue has grown nearly 30 percent in the first half of 2004 and additions to the client list include notable customers such as EMI Records, Miller Brewing, National Geographic and Best Buy.
In order to support the company’s growth, Rackspace expanded its employee base by nearly 20 percent in the first half of 2004 to a count of 440, with plans to fill 50 more positions by year end.

About Rackspace Managed Hosting
Rackspace Managed Hosting™ is the fastest-growing managed hosting provider for customers of all sizes – from start-ups to enterprise customers. Founded in 1998, Rackspace has built a world-class service organization based on its philosophy of Fanatical Support™. The company offers a wide range of managed services for enterprise hosting platforms and currently hosts 15 percent of the Fortune 100 Companies. For more information, visit, or call

surprised imc-ista

Bite it!

29.10.2004 21:53

Always bite the hand that feeds you otherwise it will just end up pulling your strings!
