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Cesar released on bail - campaign continues

International Committee for the Release of Cesar Zelada | 28.10.2004 16:11 | Venezuela

On Monday, October 11th, at 8.30 pm Cesar Zelada was released on bail from the San Pedro Penal, La Paz, Bolivia, where he had been arrested by the Bolivian authorities for nearly a month. The campaign for his unconditional release and for the freedom of other political prisoners at the San Pedro Penal continues.

The campaign continues for his unconditional release

Cesar is a student leader, organiser of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign in Perú and a member of the Left Socialist Force organisation in that country. He was arrested on September 14th in La Paz where he was as a part of a solidarity delegation to participate in a meeting of the Youth wing of the COB (Bolivian Workers’ Union) and in solidarity with the struggle of the Oruro University students.

César was accused by the authorities of carrying a dynamite stick, of being suspicious since he was in the upper class district of La Florida without a justified reason, and of having entered the country for dubious reasons and of not having a fixed residence. All these allegations have been proven to be without any grounds. The chemical tests conducted on César’s bag were negative (meaning he was NOT carrying explosives). César has proven that he was in La Florida visiting his friend Javier Orellana (a member of the COB Youth). Regarding the reasons for his trip he has proven that he had been invited by the COB National Executive Cte and that he had met with COB national leader Jaime Solares on September 10th (see COB invitation letter: carta de la COB Furthermore he has proven that he was staying at the Pullman Hotel. For all these reasons we demand the dropping of all charges against Cesar Zelada, and his unconditional release, since his is clearly a case of political repression.

While in jail César wrote a letter to Hugo Chávez in which he details the circumstances of his arrest (see: carta a Hugo Chávez and a letter of thanks to all those who participated in the campaign for his release (see: carta de agradecimiento These are only available in Spanish at the moment. It is clear that his release on bail was only the result of the extraordinary international solidarity campaign that we launched and that was mentioned by his lawyer. The campaign had also an impact in the media and was reported by one of Bolivia’s main newspapers La Razon (see: and

We make an appeal to continue the campaign to put pressure on the Bolivian authorities. Sign the model resolution (in Spanish: Resolución de protesta demanding the unconditional release of César and the release of the other political prisioners at San Pedro Penal. You can also write directly to the Bolivian authorities:

Presidencia de la República (Carlos Mesa):

Ministerio de Gobierno, Dr Saúl Lara Torrico:

El Viceinisterio del Interior de Bolivia:

With copies to:

And contact your local Bolivian embassies demanding the same:

It is also important to contribute financially to the expenses of the campaign (bail, transport, legal expenses, etc). Please consider making a donation:

International Committee for the Release of Cesar Zelada

International Committee for the Release of Cesar Zelada
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