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Virgin Trains Crap ?

Yes they are! | 28.10.2004 14:30

Why can't we renationalise the railways or sue Virgin et al for theft?

I believe we have....

Higher priced tickets.
Harder to book.
Crap useless web sites.
Unhelpful or just plain thick staff.
Almost impossible to get discounts - ie. the 14 day saver. Plenty of lies here - cna't book your ticket due to works etc etc!
Class warfare on trains i.e. Outdated business and cattle classes.
Overpriced shit food and drink on trains.


Let's shoot that greedy fucking hippy into outer space and hope he never comes back.
Renationalise the rail and sack ( or execute ) the fat cats and all the jobsworth scum.
Then let's have free travel.
Let's go and sort out those bastards from Jarvis and Balfour Beatty with a large guillotine. Hurrah.
Case solved.

Yes they are!