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Pathway Workshop threatened with closure

jgp | 28.10.2004 13:54 | Oxford

Local employee (Blackbird Leys, Oxford), Pathway Workshop, a charity which employs people with a range of disabilities and uses environmental friendly methods to produce garden and wildlife products, is threatened with closure.

The Pathway Workshop is a small charity, providing training and fully paid employment for 19 people with a range of disabilities from 18 to 75 years old, or for those who are, in some way, disadvantaged in the workplace. The workers produce wooden garden and wildlife products all from reclaimed timber, which would otherwise have gone to land fill or burnt. In the past twelve months Pathway have recycled over 260 ton of timber, this has increased by over 40% in the previous year. All off cuts produced from the waste timber are utilised in the bagging up of firewood, for which they have a contract with a local distributor to produce 50,000 bags this coming year. Any sawdust or chippings generated go to a local stable.

Over the years Pathway has helped many people, with a full range of physical disabilities and those with learning impairment. Some of Pathway's best trainees suffer long-term mental health problems and productive activity, within a sympathetic environment, can help them to value themselves as individuals. Pathway empowers individuals by supporting them as they gain self- confidence, so that they are ready to achieve their maximum potential as a member of the workforce. They are not living on the fringes of society and going to day care centres they come to Pathway to do a job.

Pathway now find themselveselves in desperate need of funding to secure the immediate future, at least until the end of March 2005 when further government funding will become available in April. They are currently seeking donations and sponsorship to assist in raising £30,000, which is needed to secure the immediate future workshop. The ideal would be to secure funding for a least one year of £60,000, this would enable Pathway to immediately secure the workshop and enable them to plan for the future.

Pathway would appreciate any contribution you can make. Anything raised over and above the initial cost, would go towards employing more people with disabilities within the workshop. This project will help meet the needs of the most disadvantaged people and in doing so help tackle severe, long-term and multiple needs and improve the quality of life in the Blackbird Leys community.

Should you require any further information about Pathway contact 01865 714 111 or see the website:

If you would like to make a donation you can send a cheque to: Pathway Workshop, Dunnock Way, Blackbird Leys, Oxford OX4 7EX.

Please also contact your MP or councillor and raise the issue with her/him. MP's contact details can be found on:

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28.10.2004 23:07

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Matt S