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Manchester Uni students protest against tree trashing and multi-storey carpark

Teresa Green | 28.10.2004 10:20 | Ecology | Free Spaces

Students protest against the university’s most ironic development ever –
destroying the largest remaining green space on campus to build an
Environment and Development building…..

Yesterday lunch time around thirty students held a protest on at the largest
area of green space left in the university.
AS well as Indymedia, there was interest from corporate media too – the
Metro and Manchester Evening News.

The University was going to hold a “consultation” about the building this
afternoon. (by “consultation” they mean asking people what they want the
building to look like, not whether they want a building or where they want
it etc.)
However this was moved to next week when the University heard that there
was going to be a protest.
The “consultation” will now be held on Wednesday 3rd November at 9.30am in
the architecture and Planning building. Students think this was
deliberately chosen since it is reading week and there are likely to be
few students around to go and object to the plans.


Teresa Green
- e-mail: oneworld (at)
