know your vampires- a letter to the 'opposition'
DAJ | 28.10.2004 00:50
know your vampires- a letter to the 'opposition'
Patience to you.
If you be true, and maybe you are, I would suggest that 'patience' is sunlight to vampires- if you find your medium unsuccessful, remember that patience is good, then you will find a medium better suited (A.K.A. the problem might be bigger than what the 'rule of law' can handle- I would refer to the first line of the 'Charter' where it notes the 'sumpremacy of God', essentially making it illegal to pretend to think that there is no such thing as 'truth'... maybe the queen isn't nice and maybe the entire effect that pride has is leaving the world... like I said- patience is good).
I know this sounds 'hippy wishy washy', but I would hope you can break through preconception and consider this with due respect- it is seriously genuine.
in the bypassing of pride's defences,
this ego of David
Patience to you.
If you be true, and maybe you are, I would suggest that 'patience' is sunlight to vampires- if you find your medium unsuccessful, remember that patience is good, then you will find a medium better suited (A.K.A. the problem might be bigger than what the 'rule of law' can handle- I would refer to the first line of the 'Charter' where it notes the 'sumpremacy of God', essentially making it illegal to pretend to think that there is no such thing as 'truth'... maybe the queen isn't nice and maybe the entire effect that pride has is leaving the world... like I said- patience is good).
I know this sounds 'hippy wishy washy', but I would hope you can break through preconception and consider this with due respect- it is seriously genuine.
in the bypassing of pride's defences,
this ego of David

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