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Update on repression in Italy

ABC | 27.10.2004 16:38

News on the "Cervantes" Prisoners: anarchists arrested after houseraids and, according to the Italian State at least, responsible for several bombings:

About 3 months passed from the day in which our comrades Sergio, Simone, David and Marco were arested. In this period 3 of them have carried on different (for length) hunger-strikes, that brought David to the hospital and Sergio to lose 13 kilograms. Sergio and Simone have been transferred from the jail of Rome to these of Palmi and Carinola respectively. In the jail of Palmi Sergio didn’t obtain vegan food for some days, while in the jail of Poggioreale Marco is forced to bear a very heavy situation. After threats of the warders he had undergone in the cellars of the prison, he has just spent one week of punishment in one of the “special” cells of the prison. The hole is furnished only with a bed, a lavatory and a washbasin, and who is shut inside it can’t bring anything (not even covers) with him/her and he/she can smoke only the cigarettes rarely passed by the warders. Marco talked of this punishment as the worst experience of his life saying to have been witness of brutal beatings and horrible scenes. Marco was put in punishment after a protest breaked out in the section where he’s detained. He was asked by a new warder if he is an anarchist. After the natural positive answer of Marco, the vile servant decided to punish him. Marco needs to listen the closeness of as many comrades as it is possibile because, more than the others, he’s bearing a very hard situation made up of threats and psychological violence.As regards the comrades arrested in Pisa, the period of cautelative measures is end for three of them, so now Leo, Betta and Gioacchino are free. Now Alessio is kept in the same jail in which David is detained, that of Turin, William in that of Pisa, while Gioacchino, Costantino, Leo, Betta and Beppe are forced at house arrests, from which Francesco escaped after few days.The comrades arrested in Sardinia are still at house arrests, after the request of the prosecutor to put them back in prison.

The addresses of the comrades are:

David Santini / Alessio Perondi, c.c. le Vallette, via pianezza, 300, 10151 Torino, Italy

Sergio Maria Stefani,c.c. di Palmi, via trodio, 8, 89015 Palmi (RC), Italy

Marco Ferruzzi, c.c. Poggioreale, via nuova poggioreale, 170, sezione Venezia ,80143 Napoli, Italy

William frediani, c.c. don Bosco ,via don Bosco, 43, 56100 Pisa, Italy

Simone del Moro, via provinciale san Biagio, 81030 Carinola (CE), Italy

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