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Aldermaston 'Spook the Base' weekend, 30-31 October

posted by eileen | 26.10.2004 09:54 | Anti-militarism | Oxford


INVITATION .. to "Spook the Base!"

On 30-31 October, Block the Builders ( will hold a training and familiarisation camp on land outside the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire.

Block the Builders is a new campaign which aims to nonviolently prevent the building of a new laser facility at AWE Aldermaston, the first stage of a series of proposed developments which would enable AWE Aldermaston to build the next generation of nuclear weapons. If and when construction starts on site, we plan to block the builders through a nonviolent blockade of the site. We don’t think this will happen until 2005, but we need to start planning now.
The BtB training camp is part of an ongoing campaign of resistance to new developments at Britain's WMD factories, developments which campaigners fear may herald a new era of British nuclear weapon production (see for more info). One aspect of the BtB campaign is a pledge (see ) and all pledgers are invited to participate in the camp. However, anyone who is not a pledger - but is interested in the BtB pledge idea - is also very welcome to come along.

The camp will be held at Bluebell wood on the A340 between Tadley and Aldermaston village. For details of how to get there see
For a map detailing the location of the camp, use this link

Here are some details about the programme
- until noon - camp setup
- noon, camp "starts", informal discussions, lunch, etc
- 2-3pm workshop, background info
- 3.30 - 5pm workshop, affinity group organising
- 5.30 - 7pm NVDA films or workshop/info-share on Lockheed Martin
- 7.30 FOOD, then general social/discussions etc
- later ... spooky goings on.....
- until 10.30am breakfast
- 11am-1.30pm workshop, practical blockading
- 2pm lunch
- 3pm pack up/tour the base etc
1. Can I bring my child/dog/iguana etc YES - so long as you are 100% responsible for them

2. What time does it start/stop (see above) 3. Can I get a lift to/from the station Yes - if you arrange wit us in advance - call 07969 739 812 or email up to noon on Friday 29th

4. So, what station is it?? Try Mortimer or Aldermaston

5. What should I bring WARM clothes (eg thermals, gloves, hats, etc). It may be nice in the day but will probably be cold at night. Sleeping bag, tent, money/food, enthusiasm, humour, etc

6. Can men come YES - this is a mixed camp. All genders welcome

(The above is a slightly edited version from the BtB website.For lots more background and info, including a map, see

posted by eileen
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31.10.2004 20:15

Saturday training camp was most enjoyable.So thanks to all the lovely people who turned out on a cold miserable morning which turned out to be a wonderfull warm autumn afternoon.
More participants needed.Come on people where are you get in touch,do your bit.
in peace Russ.

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