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Weyman Bennett attack at ESF - the plot thickens

TGN | 24.10.2004 19:04

This was sent to the ESF e-list. I cannot vouch for its authenticity but if what this person is saying is true it certainly sheds a very different light on things. Is anybody eles aware of this announcement being made in the Unison hall?

"I was told yesterday by an informant, who attended the ESF as an unaffiliated Londoner, that the assault on Weyman Bennett, and the theft of his wallet and mobile phone, happened separately and shortly before the arrival of the Wombles to deliver their statement on Ken Livingstone and the ESF London organising process.

At the time it occurred, the attack was reported to the seminar that my informant was attending, in the Unison Panorama Hall, Alexandra Palace, as having been carried out by members of the British Movement, a neo-Nazi outfit particularly active in Britain during the 1980s, who had presumably infiltrated the event by abiding by the impeccable commercial principles of the GLA and wearing red wristbands.

Very soon afterwards, participants at the same seminar were told of the arrival of the Wombles and the police in their wake. Later, the Wombles left and it was reported that the police were arresting them.

There are two central questions raised by this account, if true:

(1) What steps, if any, were taken to detain the attackers of Weyman Bennett?

(2) If the attack took place before the arrival of the Wombles, they must be
exonerated completely from any part in a racist attack.

I am anxious to hear from further witnesses without an axe to grind in this matter, particularly anyone who attended the seminar in the Unison Panorama Hall between 6.00pm and 7.00pm, so as to corroborate other details of my informant's account.

Please disseminate this appeal for further information as widely as possible and send any replies to me rather than to the lists in the first instance.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this urgent matter.

Frank (Unison)"



Hide the following 6 comments

Oh dear...

24.10.2004 21:05

This is nothing more than the SWP trying to stop the fallout of a very bad slur on activists taking to the stage.


Why Re-Open the Case? Guilt has been proven

24.10.2004 21:48

The phrase 'unaffiliated Londoner' sets the bolux bells a tinkling, doesn't it.

Hey Sherlock, the political crime has been solved - read the Guardian letter's page.


guardian letter

25.10.2004 09:48

H, can you fill me in on what the letter said?

i was in the next room playing with my translator headphones so missed what happened. I just saw the 'storming' video ( and it seemed to be a fairly civilised and coherent action. Good points to make which didn't seem to have been included in the esf prog of events

mail e-mail:

Boat + Missed

25.10.2004 11:32

I cannot believe peoople are STILL posting bollocks aqbout this. Do you post without checking your facts. This as been cleared upo on Indymedia ages ago. If you have the intelligence to check the Indymedia Newsblast or use the search you will see the whole fuxcking story/responses. Or use the SEARCH tool on Indymedia. Or watch the film of the storming etc etc etc. also on Indymedia.

Dodgy professional/mainstream politicians trying to hi-jack the so-called movement/anticapitalism time and time again. Bloated overpaid union hierarchy and the usual leeching bourgious prats from the Trot/Labour/GLA alliance.


Thick people everywhere
mail e-mail:

Open Your Ears

25.10.2004 12:08

I know Frank well and he never joined the SWP, much to their chagrin. More like one of those people who went out of fashion in 1917, not to mention 1936.

I'm quite sure he is willing to publish his TU credentials online, if it will aid resolving a disturbing issue. He's interested in evidence, not weather reports.

Joe Hillstrom

Is this the SWP developing a sense of humour

26.10.2004 10:01

Whoever, its painful and embarrassing.

Look, the facts are known about the behaviour of SWP comrades such as Bennet, and their lies. You cant change them. Move on and do better.
